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Posts posted by sandyv

  1. Jordan5571 Well just maybe when she's sober she will make a little more sense... I guess maybe its possible she isn't exactly sure how to word things to you, especially being drunk...... But honestly I have trouble myself (something to do with pride I suppose) saying how I honestly feel (even when loaded). I suppose time might give her some idea as to how she honestly feels and how to put it to you if that is the case.


    I haven't heard from my ex, but I'm getting messages through mutual friends that Jack (ex) has broken up with his ex (the mother of his 3 little kids) and misses me and is "very lost". Well I hope he stays that way. I know how forgiving I am, and I do miss him... but how could I ever forget what he did? But i'm not strong enough right now to even think about that. He also gets very emotional when he's been drinking.. and smoking (he's like a white Bob Marley) as far as that goes..... lol, so thats probably when he misses me as well, and probably not the way I'd want him to.




  2. Hey Jordan5571. You are doing very well. Its got to be a good feeling to at least get the apology from her..... you know for sure that she is missing you..... awww.... sounds like maybe she wants more but is afraid to say so..... I tend to be like that myself, don't wanna look vulnerable. Your posts are always inspiring, and you are definitely on the right track. Me I'm still not great... but I'm working on it. ;(



  3. My ex went back to his ex from 3 years ago, after swearing he "didn't love her the way a man should love a woman" and claimed he would never hurt me like that, he did, I forgave him, f...k he does it yet again, he didn't even have the integrity to tell me the 2nd time he was at it again...... yeah I feel like I got hit by a Mac truck, and got tossed into the curb like roadkill, I do feel your pain... but slowly, things will improve, for you and me and all of us

  4. Aww, been there sweetie, just got away 3 weeks ago, never mind we gotta go.... move on that is....... Look how dumb I was, the guy cheated on me.. I forgave him, just to have him do it again 3 weeks later.. no stay away at all costs, take care of you, she doesn't deserve you, believe me!!!!!

  5. I can totally relate, before my last relationship, which ended about 3 weeks ago, I was alone for 2 years, for exactly the same reason as yourself, tired of the drama, better to be alone, no big highs, but no heartbreaking lows either (safer that way), now I'm feeling the same way, don't wanna go there anymore, it seems I can't win, so might as well move on.... alone rather than to keep putting all my cash into a never winning slot machine... but rather in regards to my ex - * * * * MACHINE.... sorry just venting, he really destroyed me........

  6. Yeah i put on a brave face, but still I'm hurting still....... Thoughts of "why did he do this to me" are always going through my head. I'm nowhere near forgetting him... and I know soo many people who are mutual friends, so its near impossible not to hear about his life although I don't really want to.


    Better not to see him at all I know, but I won't give up my favorite places or friends at this point. But since I haven't been speaking to him I suppose thats ok and I'm still sorta moving on I guess.

  7. Good for you, I did have bad gut feelings before getting back with ex bf, and I should have taken heed of them.


    I'm still stuck.... and still running into the ex all the time. He seems to be showing up at the same places I do, its making me crazy,... but before I would just leave, (in a hurry) but now I've gotten good at ignoring him and carrying on conversations with others. Sometimes he does the staring routine..... thats how we got back together last time... he just sauntered over and said "Can We Talk". Next time it'll be "NO" if it happens!!!

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