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Posts posted by JoeWho

  1. A lot of people just don't appreciate what they have until they loose it. Then once they loose it or think they are about to loose it, they have an awakening and suddenly realize they have been neglecting their s/o and will do almost anything to get them back or keep them if its not too late.



    This happens with both men and women although it seems far more common for the man to neglect his s/o

  2. Have you tried any of the on-line dating sites? Lots of people talk positively about them today.


    As for the loneliness well I just try to think about all the things that I can do because I am single. Like going skiing on Saturday and fishing on Sunday. Certainly could not do that if I were in a relationship.

  3. Definitely do not tell him that you have been faking it for 9 years. Maybe you could try just masturbating while he is next to you just so you can orgasm with him there. Then once you are comfortable with that, things could progress toward him.

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  4. Maybe you are right but, like I say, I have met so many men who have girlfriends who are also capable of getting other women, and they have no shame in doing so. When I ask them why they do it they say that they 'cant help it'.


    I have yet to meet a single solitary female who does/says the same.




    I have always been quite capable of attracting girls and I never had a problem with "cant help it" That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard in my life!


    I To be honest when I read forums such as this one I cant help but think they are a bit of a twilght zone and not in touch with reality, because most of the men I know are cheating swines whilst the girls are loyal and devoted so I do have a problem with my friend's somewhat sexist and hypocritical views that women cannot be trusted!




    Most of the guys I know who are in relationships are very loyal. In fact I havent know too many guys who were chronic cheaters. Its not gender based, its character based!!

  6. Boy did you open up a can of worms here. lol


    I dont think you can say that men or women are more or less likely to cheat. It is really a decision that each person has to make whether they cheat or not.


    As to the whole thing about having as many partners as possible, as a guy I do feel that pressure from other guys to sleep with as many girls as I can especially after getting out of a long term relationship. Of course I don't do that but if I did I would be viewed as "the man or a pimp" or whatever its called these days. Crazy and stupid???


    A woman on the other hand is often seen in a negative light if she does the same exact thing. I think it is a bunch of BS, but the double standard is unfortunately still there today.


    I don't really care what a girl does before me, I wouldn't judge her on how many partners she had or didn't have.

  7. Lots of girls think that is hot, just like all guys think its hot when two girls kiss. I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill here. Just let it go. I am sure you have some fantasies that she wouldn't exactly get all excited about also.

  8. elaborate please!

    u mean to say if I keep thinking that i WILL give him another chance, i will not be over him? So i need to believe that this is OVER for GOOD and move on and just totally let go! Which i think i am doing, but i guess somewhere in there, i have a small ounce of hope

    boy, this is harder than I thought...


    You got it right there!! It just takes time for that hope to totally fade away. Soon you'll reach the point where if he wanted to come back, you will say no way.

  9. Sorry to hear about your situation. It sucks, I know that all too well. It sounds like she is very passive aggressive which is tough to deal with. My ex was the same way, letting things go so long until it became a huge deal. My advice to you is to just give her her space and in addition to that don't contact her at all. Adopt the attitude that if she doesn't want to be with you then that is her problem and she will regret it. Whatever you do don't beg and cry for her to come back ( the worst thing you could ever do). Maybe she will want you back and maybe she wont, but now you move on as if she will never come back. Doing that is the best thing for you because you will be moving on and many of us have had the unfortunate experience of the good old ex come sniffing around once they see or hear that we have moved on.


    As for thinking there is no one else, don't be so sure. People are masterful at hiding affairs sometimes. If things don't exactly add up with her reasoning for wanting a break up then don't discount the fact that there may very well be someone else. A lot of times people are afraid to find out their s/o is cheating or ignore the signs. Don't be afraid!!



    Best of luck to you

  10. She seems like she is very confused and probably hung up on her ex. Put some distance between her and yourself and look for another girl for now. Maybe in a few months she would be ready to date you, but for now you are in the land of friends with benefits, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I think you are looking for more than that.

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