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Posts posted by california_love2006

  1. You need to stop jacking off of porn completely, a 100% stop. Only then you will be able to figure out whether you find your wife attractive or not. The porn may be eating away at your already low sex drive.


    Besides its not fair to your wife. If you were having equal amount of sex with her as much as you have with yourself, that would be okay, but ignoring wifey while jerking off to porn is just total wrong.


    So put away those tapes/stop watching those websites and start working on your relationship with your wife.


    If you figure out that you are not attracted to her anymore, you need to let her know that. Otherwise you are wasting not only your, but her time.



    i agree. I feel porn is OK once in a while, but i think you should take a break from it. thats my opinion anyways.

  2. today, my family has had another loss, my cousin who was only 4 months old died from many complications (her due date was Jan. 07).

    In my life, i've lost a total of 5 baby cousins, and a special aunt and uncle who were very young. i lost a great grandmother. I've lost a few cats which was also very sad. I'm thinking this is why i have so much emotional problems, hard for me to explain but i feel a lot of guilt, a lot of "what do i do to deserve to live".


    I'm also very worried that i might lose someone even closer, like my mom, grandparents, my boyfriend, my two pet birds, anyone close to me. I think about this a lot and it makes me so sad. Sometimes if someone leaves just to go to the store, i feel scared they may not come back. I go to school in the morning and sometimes worry i won't see my mom again. I try to spend as much time with my grandparents as i can, and i try to make time for all the special people in my life as much as i can. My boyfriend can sit down and watch football game after football game, i love football but i can't watch it as i feel like i should be devoting my sunday to someone i love. If i spend more than a day away from my mom, i get very sad. This summer i went on a week long road trip with my grandparents and boyfriend and missed my mom and birds so much, i cried much of the time.


    After my last cousin dying (two cousins dying in this year) i'm finding it hard to pull myself together. i didnt' attend her funeral, i just couldn't handle another one. I'm still very upset and wondering, if my behavior is somewhat normal of someone who has lost many people whom they were close to.

  3. Buy him (you) a Christmas Present... the book... link removed by HarperCollins


    He actually thought you didn't want to have an orgasm???? And the point of making love would be???? As a previous poster said bring him to the brink.. just ONE TIME... and back off.


    And how in the heck do you take that as a compiment??? or be less HOT in bed??? That I didn't understand. I've heard that advice before given to me. And I thought.... pppffffssssttt. yeah right!!!


    haha, i should buy that, good idea, thanks I would say thats a compliment maybe once or twice (on a very different occasion lol, say new lingere or whatever) but its just an insult to me when he doesn't even try to give me something in return. Giving me the old "i'm too tired" thing. Well, i'm anemic and have a few health problems, and he is healthy as can be so i expect more from him.

  4. i definitely have thought of that, mythical suicide lol.

    As for oral, i dont care for it because its just a waste of time on my part. I dont really get anything from it, i dont know if its cause he doesn't know what he's doing or i just dont like it lol. It only takes me less than 5 min. to get off on top of him during sex, i dont see why he can't spare the time.

  5. ok, this is the third time this is happened and i'm really getting frustrated lol. My fiance and i were having sex and he finishes before me. He doesn't even give me the chance to have an orgasm anymore. We have never had this problem before so i dont know what the deal is, and the thing is, i try to get him to have sex again, he either is too tired or can't get it up again. I fully understand but dang, i'm just getting so frustrated that today i ended up getting mad at him lol. I feel stupid for doing so but i can't help my feelings. Ugh basically i just feel mad at him right now, any advice for me?

  6. well, one lesson i learned is dont go by weight. You can have a bigger bone mass, or lots of muscle mass and be considered "overweight" to charts like those, but in reality you are NOT at an unhealthy weight, its just your body. Do you have a treadmill? I walk on one everyday for at least 30 minutes (i can't do much as my ankles are bad, but 30 minutes walking at a fast pace can burn many calories) and it makes me feel better, and i'm getting more fit. I'm not losing any weight (i have a large bone mass), but i'm losing fat, i can tell because i'm fitting into pants that i thought i couldn't fit in anymore. And of course, try not to eat a lot of junk food, like everyone else has said. Dont go on a treadmill and then go to mcdonalds lol.

  7. i really dont agree, that you are cheating. I know what you mean about that, and i too would never ever ever cheat. I've come to find out that maybe our significant other's are lacking something, its hard to explain. but you did mention this person likes to go out to movies, while your wife doesnt. maybe this woman gives you something your wife doesnt. yeah, i really dont know how to put this in words, but really all you can do is let it pass. My problem, was that my boyfriend wasn't giving me enough attention at first, even though i love him deeply and vice versa, whenever a guy gave me more attention, i fell for him. Not in love, but wishing i could get this type of behavior from my boyfriend as well. I'm sorry i cant explain it better, but i kinda know what you mean when you say you have these types of feelings.

  8. ok, i wasn't sure where to put this, i'm not pregnant (i KNOW i'm not so this is not an issue here) but this is a woman's question and it is on a woman's board lol. i'm due for a period on Friday, but last week and this week i've had bad abdominal pain (like cramps), my ovaries hurt too i think, and any little thing can make me just want to cry sooo bad. I've NEVER had PMS in my life before, and i'm in the middle of it right now, my question is, can PMS last 2 weeks? can cramps last for a week too?

  9. I'm only a little bit overweight, and i'm a pretty busy person and tired a lot, so i dont really do high maintenance workouts. i just hop on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. However, i'm interested in purchasing an exercise ball, because its about the only thing i can work on that can fit in my room. Do any of you use these things and how do you like them? How much do they cost?

  10. yes, i feel somewhat stupid asking this at my age, (18 1/2) but my boyfriend and i have been having sex for a year now, and we've been using condoms and spermicide. However i want more protection for obvious reasons, and i'm really thinking about getting on the pill, patch, or ring. The thing is i dont really know how to get it... i have no insurance as of now (i'm just a student without a job) my boyfriend has a job that gives him insurance but i can't use it, since we're not married.


    so i'm wondering, where can i go to get birth control without insurance? is it even possible? we're willing to pay out of pocket for the exam(s) and the bc. can i see a family doctor? I'm not aware of any planned parent hood's in my area. thanks for helping

  11. i met my boyfriend 3 years ago, online, and we both love each other very much and we're looking forward to spending the rest of our lives with each other. I feel he's my true soulmate, and i could never live without him. He lives in CA and i live in eastern TX, and he flies here maybe once every 2-3 months. I miss him terribly when he's gone.


    But i go to college, and there's this one guy in particular who reminds me SOOO much of my boyfriend. He sorta looks like him, acts like him, and its just weird the amount of resemblance i see in them. It almost makes me kinda....like him. Seeing him makes me miss my boyfriend more than ever because of the striking resemblance. And dont get me wrong, i dont wanna start a relationship with this guy or anything. Its just that he catches my eye. Dont think i'm wanting to cheat on my boyfriend, that definitely is not the case. I know its probably just that i'm like delirious or something and i miss my boyfriend so much, but i was wondering if any of you have been in a situation similar to this?

  12. this is the first post i've read by you so i may be missing some things. But have you told your boyfriend how you feel about him and how much he means to you? I'm sure he'd like to hear that. and i wish you the best of luck with your boyfriend and your life i'm sorry to hear what has happened to you in the past. But that was the past, Think of a bright future ahead

  13. nah, i'm white. when you said you grew up in LA did you mean the state? if so thats where i'm at right now. I figured your screen name had something to do with LA. Your mom sounds a lot like my boyfriend's, and people say, that its an insecurity problem with the mother. She could be jealous of you actually, even though she says mean things to you. and i think that may be the root of our problems, is the jealousy from our mothers, leading to being treated badly sometimes.

  14. yes, i know all too well how that feels. My boyfriend is asian and i'm not racist at all, but he does tell me that many asians can be so vain and heartless, or can't show love and would rather beat a person down. That can probably contribute to what your mom has done to you because his mother has done things like that to him as well, but for some reason he came out of it and never had a problem like you and i do.

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