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Posts posted by dude69

  1. For your money of course!!! KIDDING... I'M KIDDING !!!! LOL..

    She wouldn't be with you if she didn't want to be with you. "LOVE" is not all about what happens between the sheets. The bedsport is just the icing on the cake.




    why is it that so many women that arent satisfied in bed but love their husband will end up cheating on him ?


    its things like this that make men want to ask these questions.


    my ex g/f whom i was with for 2 years told me that she still loved me but that she wanted to go have a bunch of one night stands with different men... why ? because at the end of our relationship i wasnt pleasing her like i did when we first started to date.... after 2 years of the same old.. sometimes you just "dont feel like it".


    you might find this funny coming from a guy lol usualy its the other way around.


    But you know what.. i realised that i made a mistake but its to late she is already sleeping with another guy but its ok i dont care anymore


    but like i said, i realised that i made a mistake and well.. i will always please my lover like if it were the last time i would see her.


    hope you understand my point of view

  2. different people have different taste... there are many very pretty women that everyone may say that she is beautiful but that i dont agree.


    anyway, Women are beautiful while men are... well.. men.


    this is a though question but i dont think someone is shallow because they rather a woman that looks like their dream woman.

  3. I don't think I've met too many men who do "LIKE" to use a raincoat

    but its a necessary evil just the same. Not just for protection from an untimely pregnancy...but to protect.."both" partners.


    I hate cleaning my bathroom and taking out the garbage...but its a necessary evil.


    Poster... You'll be fine. Relax. People have been making "LOVE" from the dawn of time.. I'm sure you'll both figure it out and it will be wonderful and beautiful.. once you both get the knack. its just like learning to ride a bike.. that wasn't easy was it?? and with a little bit practice.. its second nature.


    actualy if you dont mind me adding to this...


    id like to say that its EASIER then learning to ride a bike

    youll be fine dont worry about it

  4. its like anything.. it takes practice!


    my first time i didnt have that much of a problem but i did have to use my hand to get it in her .. she actualy didnt believe me i was a virgin but really i was.


    One thing i did realise though that the condom was a HUGE turn off for me and well it took me awhile to get use to it but i really didnt like it.


    Maybe he has somewhat of a similar problem.

    Im not saying you shouldnt use a condom.. i actualy strongly suggest it especialy if its gonna be your first time.


    Anyway im sure its gonna work itself out.

  5. i cant say ive never asked those questions...


    but reading your posts makes me see it in a different light.


    its just that sometimes we love our woman so much that we want to give her the best she has ever gotten, and be the best she has ever had.


    I understand your point though.. it is something that should be asked and you know what? from now on i will never ask those questions ever again


    hey, atleast you got through one guy

  6. Alright, this is kind of a weird and long story so let me make it as short as possible.


    is it wrong to sleep with your cousins g/f( soon to be ex g/f) ?


    my cousin and I initionaly had a deal where we would swap g/f for a night but well my g/f an I broke up before this could happen.


    Anyway, ive made out with my cousins g/f before, felt her up, went skinny dipping with her, i even slept with her (just like cuddled).


    Ive always been open with her and she knows how much i want her... shes been talking to me about wanting to be single again and coming down to see me an visit after shes single (because she wants to sleep with me)


    I always had an urge to have sex with her but something is telling me that i should be carefull. My cousin an I get along greatly togerther and well hes family. How low is it to sleep with your cousins g/f behind his back ? And if i did.. i would keep it a secret and he would probably never find out.


    Should or shouldnt i do this ?

  7. my predictions are right!


    i gave her a call today and well she sounded busy so i asked her what she was doing and she said she was with harry (her ex bf). So my predictions are right.. the only reason why she got back into contact with me is because she knows that i want her and well when shes feeling lonely i make her feel better..


    I guess its true what they say... nice guys always finish last...

  8. thanks all...


    Usualy its easy for me to "read" people... but with her.. she is very unpredictable... she says something and then doesnt do it.. and then out of the blue she will do something..


    Im not quite getting a clear reading of what she wants. I think that might be the reason why she is single again. I dont want to rush anything towards her.. but at the same time if i dont do anything she wont... im not sure if she is playing hard to get or just doesnt messing with my head. She asked me to go to 0her lingerie show but i didnt go (i think it wouldve been really akward for me).


    Anyway my conclusion is that when she is craving some attention she gets back into contact with me for a couple of days and then just disapears.


    Could someone please help me figure this out ?

  9. so its been 3 months that ive been single and today theres this old friend that ive always liked that called me today out of the blue. I met her over the internet (myspace) and after talking to each other for a couple of months i finally met her last winter. Since we met up we talked for a couple more weeks and then well i think she gave up on me.. we are both somewhat the same kind of person, we are both shy people and i think that she wanted me to persue her more but thats kinda what i wanted her to do..


    anyway she met another guy and i got back with my g/f (who is my ex now) and we lost touch over the summer.. anyway i always kinda felt weird about meeting people over the internet, this was the only woman ive ever met over the internet...


    anyway back to my story.. today she called me and well it was nice to hear her voice.. she is a very beautiful woman and well.. i kinda always felt intimidated by her beauty. She is a model and she has a couple pictures of herself on the billboard of the city .... which freaks me out kinda.. i dont understand why such a beautiful woman who can have pretty much who she wants.. why does she want to hang out with me ? Anyway i spoke to her for a good hour today and well she is suppose to call me tonight after work and i want to ask her out.. she lives in the city and well.. im kinda an off the island type of guy.. i want to bring her out but im not sure where i should bring her.. what we should do ... im kinda nervous and dont want to mess up..


    Any help would be greatly apreciated


    Thanks alot guys !

  10. no because she has a boyfriend and he said that he didnt' want her


    maybe thats what he wanted you to know so you wouldnt get jealous. It doesnt matter if she has a boyfriend, maybe she is in the same type of possition as him.


    And if he wasnt lying then why would you be mad ? he is just spending some time with a friend after breaking up with someone he "loved" and he doesnt want to be alone.

  11. Survival21, it's been almost 2 months since my ex broke up with me and it still hurts like crazy. You've gotta keep urself distracted and let it go. Things will get better soon. For me it's taking a bit cause she's back in my life and keeps screwing with my head but people heal differently. It will be ok.


    the more you hold on to your ex the more control she will have on your emotions and well when you are completely out of her life then and only then will she reflex on if she wants you in her life or not. Its not good to keep hurting yourself for something that might not even be worth it, might seem like she is worth it now but try not seeing her for 3-4 months and then see if you still think the same.

  12. have you ever broke up with a guy and told him that you just wanted to be friends ?


    I think its a bad idea to brake up with someone and remain friends with them, especialy after a long relationship. It will only end up hurting you somewhere down the line.


    I personaly have trust issues also, i normaly give everyone a certain amount of trust but after ive been dating them for awhile the trust is all there. As long as the trust was not broken in the past (by that person) I can learn to trust someone pretty quickly. My question is have you ever broken his trust or did something that made him hold back on his trust ?


    As for the car in the driveway, are you sure it was a car of a woman or perhaps it couldve been someone elses.

  13. D69,


    What a great accomplishment! I commend you and let me tell you as a leader you'll get 1 or 2 pats on the back for every 50 you give! I love your attitude and I think you have a very bright future ahead of you. Your company and your country is lucky to have you.




    Thank you for your kind words rc, it is greatly apreciated

  14. Depending on how long you were with her i believe this has somewhat of an effect on the amount of time you need to heal. Spend time with friends, go out and do all the things you always wanted to do but couldnt because you werent single. If you think you have lost touch with yourself then this would be a great time to get yourself sorted out. Don't be sad, be thankfull for the opportunity and experience. Memories are always good to have but you might want to keep them in a safe place in your mind for now and go back to them when you healed in the future.


    If I were you I would not contact her, it usualy just makes things worse and harder for you. If she was the one who broke up with you well then maybe she will realize how much you ment to her and possibly come back on her own. Im not telling you you should wait for her but go on with your life, meet new people/friends, date new people and if she decides that you ment alot to her then she might come back later on in your life when you least expect it.


    Keep your chin up high and move forward not backwards.


    Good luck buddy

  15. Good on you brother! Keep that attitude of personal victory, but don't rub it in anyone's face either. Don't stop achieving.


    the only kind of face rubbing was towards my grand parents and father, the only thing i told them was " see, i told you i could do it" I will only ever tell him that once, but i hope they remember it forever

  16. Sometimes the best victory celebrations are the silent ones in our minds where we know what we have really achieved. You certainly don't have to have anyone's pat on the back to know that you have accomplished a great feat! Sometimes you can be held down by those who either are intimidated by your abilities or can't stand the fact that you are good and successful at what you do. Don't let these people ever change who you are or your goals. What did you do BTW?




    your right, i certainly dont need a pat on the back for everything i accomplish but one or two every now and then mean alot to me.


    I just got promoted to the rank of Master Corporal in the canadian forces. Ive been in the forces for 3 years now and i remember the day i left for my first training my father said that id be back within 2 months because he said i wouldnt be able to take the physical training/beaten. Im in the land/infantry part which is known to be one of the toughess mentaly and physical trades.

    I finished my first qualification with being top of my class in basically everything (not to sound too "cocky"). I just recently got off my leadership course which was long and tough but i got through it. If anyone is familiar with the canadian forces you would know that there arent many people with my rank at my age (probably about 1%-2%). For me to have been told that i couldnt do it and end up being in one of those tiny ods is pretty great.


    Other then that I also just signed (4 months ago) a civil contract with a fairly big company. The company yearly profits average in the 7 figures. My contract includes a huge %20 of its shares/profits.


    For those people who ask my why am i in the military if i already have a good job, here is my answer.


    Well, its no secret what money can do to peoples heads. I don't ever want to feel above or better then someone just because i have more money then them. The military is a way to balance this (in my opinion), its a place where it doesnt matter how much money someone has its what they do and what theyve trainned for. Ive seen to many people that once they started earning alot of money that they think that they were superior and better then everyone. I don't ever want to have this happen to me. Plus, i love my country so i why wouldnt i want to serve for it?

  17. From a young age, many people didnt believe in me. They would question everything i did and the goals i had i always was told that i would never get to them because they were to high.

    Its been 10 years since the first person told me that and only a couple of months since the last person. Being told that made me feel like i was crap and that i had to prove myself.


    Im older now and have a very good grip on what i want in life and know how to get it. I do not like to be told what they think I am limited to do, especialy from family.


    Today is a special day for me because i have achieved everything that they said i couldnt... and not only did i pass them all but with flying colors.


    My whole family knows what ive achieved but they are too stubborn to admit it.

    I don't care really, i know what ive accomplished and im very proud of it.




    thanks for reading

  18. i know exacly what your going through, its only been 2 months for me but I have to say that im feeling better. Im was alot like you where i couldnt find it in myself to like/love another girl but her. The first month was really rough for me, kept thinking about all the things she use to do for me and how much she loved me. There were even times where I felt like my brain was going to explode because all i was thinking about at night was picturing her with another man. Anyway, im starting to see the light now, things are different now and well I dont think i will be getting into any relationship anytime soon but i know i will eventualy find someone that was kinda like her if not better that i will love and ive promised myself that i wont mess up the next one.


    One mistake i did when we broke up was i hung out with her for a couple of days and well, we kissed those days and I really think it made everything worse because i felt like i was able to get her back but really i wasnt able to so i kept holding on to her until i realized that she was taking me for a ride and then i jump out of it and moved on.


    With that said, i really think you should reconsider going to a concert with him. I will only make things harder on you and you will hurt more.


    Anyway, you do what you think you need to do but just remember that if he doesnt want to be with you anymore then dont try to change his mind because even if he changes his mind he might end up not being happy.. and afterall im sure you want him to be happy.


    I wish you luck, take care.

  19. I'm sorry, it's just disgusting to enter into a making out/sexual relationship with a 13 year old. She's a child.


    It should be a crime. Oh wait . . . . it's definitely dodgy. Unbelievable.


    in his case, he is 16 so its not a crime, but if they are over 18 then it would be a crime. I personaly wouldnt date a 13 year old but if i was 15/16 i might of.


    At my age i wont date anyone under 17 and thats 17 turning 18 in a couple of months. I think i am very mature for my age which is why i rather dating older woman.

  20. You're saying that in 2002 a great change swept the nation and kids suddenly started saying "Yeah, I know I can drive and in a couple more years I'll be going to college or joining the military... but hot dayam... those seventh graders... must be something in the water."


    yeah not really my generation but the one before me, i dont know what happened but its weird. Must be the tv or perhaps something in the water


    about 2 weeks ago i was at a club and this group of girls came up to my friends and I and well i ended up kissing one of them and then i freaked out when she told me she was 16... i was sure she was like 19-20... and how is a 16 year suppost to get into a club ? anyway just have to watch out nowadays.

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