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Everything posted by Jweidner

  1. It is so hard. I keep thinking maybe she still may want to work things out.
  2. I tried The NC but I only made it a day. Last night I called her and she didnt answer. Today she called me and even talked to me on instant messenger. I know it shoved some false hope into my brain. Am I damaging my healing by talking to her? I keep wondering what she is thinking.
  3. thank you for the reply. I hope one day I can look back on this and not hurt.
  4. Can I say your post really hit home. My GF just broke up with me last night for good. We work in the same building as well. I feel alone and like I will never have someone to love me again.
  5. Yeah I am in alot of pain too. The worst part is I work with her. I have to be in the same building with her everyday. we do deserve better. But geeze I wouldnt wish these feelings on anyone.
  6. Her parents dont approve of her being with me and they have a huge impact on her life and they help her financially. They think I am a good guy but just not right for her. Since we fought alot. I am not sure if this is the reason or if she met someone else but She says she doesnt have the energy anymore
  7. My GF of 2 1/2 yrs ended it for good last night. I am in alot of pain and my stomach is in knots. I have been strong thus far though and have not tried to contact her yet. It was a rocky road for us but I always expected us to be together. This is not fun at all.
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