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Posts posted by eremy

  1. One of the best ways to get rid of shyness is to just embarrass the crap out of yourelf Seriously though, just be you, open up, don't be afraid of saying the wrong thing, cause truth is, you can't. People are gonna like you for you. Maybe it's just your perception on the situation that makes you believe you aren't getting any attention from the gals. As far as a turn off goes...some girls like shy guys, it's a cute characteristic, but what they really like is a confident guy.


    Just remember, you're in highschool, and while it may seem like these people have the most important opinions in the world right now, you probably won't see most of them after you graduate. Now is THE best time to make your embarrassing mistakes, get comfortable with yourself, and most of all, just have fun! When it comes to talking to people, practice makes perfect, best way to get rid of the shyness is to just start talking to people, about anything you can think of, sometimes it might be cheesey, take it in stride, it's how you learn.

  2. Nah, I wouldn't say they are "drifting" just cause they are in separate rooms. They live together for cryin out loud! lol. But they could be drifting for other reasons, such as not having much in common?


    You've gotta look at a couple things here. Sure you love him, he's probably great. Exactly how compatible are you two? There's gotta be /something/ ya'll like doing together. If there's aboslutely nothing, Im not sure why exactly you enjoy spending time with eachother. The other thing that needs to happen is some compramise. Sounds to me like this guy is hooked on compics, and needs to get off of it before it's too late. Make it a plan to go OUT at least once a week, whether it be to eat, a cafe, a club, whatever, something not in the house...if he cares about maintaining this relationship with you at all, I don't think once week is too much to ask. But something's gotta give, or 007 is right on the money, and things have already been drifting for some time now, *nods* I hope things get better, keep us updated!

  3. First off, it's not like that anymore, women are starting to ask men out just as much as we ask them. Second of all, the games are for those who are doing just that, playing games. Stop asking yourself all these silly questions like, "should I call her, should she call me, does she like me?" Look, it's so obvious that it's become difficult for people. If you want to call her, call her. If you don't get through, leave a message, and she'll get back to you. If not, she's not interested. If you do get through, ask her out on a date, if she says yes, obviously she's interested enough to give you a try, don't sweat it too much either way.


    Know what I think the real problem is? A lot of people want and expect to find the right woman instantaneously. So you meet this cute girl, have a great conversation, and all of a sudden you start freaking out about whether or not she likes you, when you gotta take a step back and realize that you don't even /know/ this person. The best relationships come from friendships. Why? Because you actually took the time to get to know this person and develop /real/ feelings for them, instead of just jumping into it with a person you thought you knew, then come to find wasn't what you expected.


    And no, nice guys don't really finish last. I don't believe I've ever lost a girl because I was too nice. Probably cause I didn't listen, or neglected her...Problem with nice guys who think it's their kindness that loses women is that they still have a lot to learn about women!

  4. I believe in soulmates...sort of. But I tell you what, I won't believe it or use the term till I'm married to the person for 40 years or something.


    "The danger of this is that later, after years of playing, we will meet our Soul mate, but it may be too late then.We may have already made a Life mate of our Playmate and created life-long bonds (emotional, children, etc.)"


    ^ Sounds like somebody having troubles in a relationship who ends up having an affair because things aren't all smiles at the moment. It's called bumps...and unless Im wrong, you even have them with a soul mate


    Only reason I believe in "soul mates" really is just that I believe things happen for a reason. There's a reason you meet certain people, blah blah blah...but that doesn't mean you met them to be with them forever, so yeah.


    Here's how I look at it. Treat the person like a seed. The more you take care of it, water it, nurture it, the better the seed will grow, and the more fruit it will bare. Give it too much water and it drowns, not enough and it gets dehydrated. Give it too much sun and it dries up, not enough and it wilts. Always communicate with your seed, it helps it grow better. So folks, take good care of that seed, and it'll grow to last a lifetime

  5. Well to be honest I imagine porn stars are probably the best lovers...after all it's their job. Ah but seriously, what kind of question is that? Are you dating an astronomer or something? That just seems like a random profession to pick and say "these guys are the best lovers". It's just something that doesnt apply to professions.

  6. Not sure what to tell you on that one. Honesty says "right now I'm just doin my own thing, I don't really want to try persuing any friendships"


    Will this make you a jerk? I don't think so. Will it hurt her feelings, probably...just by the fact of what it is. But it's really up to you what you want to do. I think it's better than leading somebody on *shrugs*

  7. yeah I wasn't trying to come off badly. Sounds like a good plan. Of course nobody likes to be told their clingy either, but I think there's better ways to go about it if you try, and still be pretty honest and forward. "I'd rather hang by myself today/night, I need some "me" time"...I dunno, that does seem like just a temporary thing, but yeah, it's better than being ignored.

  8. First off, not trying to be mean, but please quit putting yourself down...it's not fun to read, and it doesn't do you any personal good...so be a little more confident I'm sure you aren't that bad of a guy at all. I don't see any harm in being friends with this girl. You stopped just because she was being clingy? Did it ever occur to you that she might actually LIKE you and wanted something beyond a friendship? I really don't think she's trying to contact you and wants to hang out because she doesn't really mean it...I mean, why would she bother if you are already not there?


    Do you want to be friends with her? if so, harbor a friendship, no harm in that, but...it involves communication. If somebody is being clingy and getting too close for comfort, you need to let them know that so they at least have a chance to fix that before you just ignore and avoid them. If you don't want a friendship with this person, I think you should tell her that. Oh, and don't be ashamed of who/what you are. If you're happy with yourself, who cares?

  9. Well first off, you are going to need to find something you are both interested in or things that you feel strongly about. The other day I had a great conversation with my girl about the death penalty. Before that we talked about abortion/adoption, stuff like that, where as I learned a good deal about her upbringing (I found out she was adopted), and how that strongly influences somebody's points of views. And they don't even have to be topics like that. yeah, eventually somebody's childhood history runs out and you need different things to talk about, lol...so, have any passions you would like to talk with him about?

  10. If you don't allow yourself to trust or like anyone, it WILL be a break up. But I don't imagine you're about to just jump into another relationship anytime soonish anyways. Once you've moved on completely I imagine and hope that you'll see things in a better light


    I've learned that relationships are a beautiful thing, whether they turn out good or bad. There isn't a better life experience. What once started out for me as being a way to give meaning to my life, has turned into something beyond what I could have imagined. Much to my rents dismay, I've always followed my heart, and let me tell you, it takes me some crazy places...as of now, it's about to take me to australia for a while!

  11. I hope you mean you won't trust that guy in particular, and not just that you won't trust any guy like that again. I mean...sure you're hurt and all that but if you don't have trust in a relationship, you don't have a relationship...least that's the way I see it. Love is great, love yourself, definitely. As far as relationships go...they are about compramise...you can't always put yourself first, maybe just set limits on things you're willing to give up?

  12. First of all I just want to say that I don't buy the "I didnt have a choice line" You always have a choice...and well, this time you chose wrong. Anyways.


    Yeah...you're looking at assault here. Turn your friends in? I wouldn't. What I /would/ do however, is actually seek this person you assaulted out, and confess/apologize/ect. She may want to press charges, be prepared for that. But you owe it to this person to make up for what you did, and not only that, but to make sure that you and your "friends" don't let this crap keep happening.

  13. First of all, how you feel is important. If these people are your friends, they should care how you feel about this. Just tell them that you're feeling left out and let it be known that you wish to be closer with the other two girls. You're all supposed to be friends so I don't see where there should be a problem with this. In the case that you end up getting nothing but drama out of the situation, you might want to question your friendship with these people who are supposed to be your friends, yet don't seem to care about your feelings.

  14. Lol...I'm sorry...just a small comment here about the logic on temporary diets. So you're overweight, and want to lose weight (you in general). To limit exercising you go on this "diet". On the diet you lose all this weight, and then you quit your diet thinking you're good to go, only to gain all this weight all over again...logic tells me that going back to the habbits that caused you to be overweight in the first place isn't going to exactly help you hold the weight you want. Moral of the story...temporary diet = temporary weight loss. So for peeps in general...if you want to lose weight using a diet, make sure it's a permanent pick, otherwise you're pretty much wasting your time.

  15. Should eat anyways. You're probably not hungry because your body has gotten used to not eating at that time. Start with small stuff for lunch, say a pb&j and a banana/apple/orange or some such.


    You said that you've started working out more, long/harder, ect. THAT could be part of the problem, for a couple different reasons. One could be that you are overworking your body, exhausting the muscles so that instead of losing the weight you're actually not accomplishing anything but the opposite. The other could be that you're developing more muscle in the process of working so hard, and muscle just so happens to be heavier than fat. My tip, lose the scale. Concentrate on body fat percentage and achieving the figure you are looking for...oh yeah, and take a break ever now and then One more thing, have you ever considered yoga?

  16. I agree with the eating more calories, just make sure they are "good" calories, not a bunch of fat You don't want to add heart problems to the list. I also agree with what everyone else is saying about seeing a nutritionalist...those people obviously know better. In the meantime, keep an eye out for high calorie protein bars. You can actually make some yourself that are extremely healthy, that can get you 2000 calories. Milkshakes are always good too.

  17. I think love is personal to define. Lust, to me is just the feeling you get when you see somebody you are physically attracted to, and that's what drives the attraction. Love is on a deeper level, a mental attraction to the person, and just a recognition of caring for a person more than your "average" friend. You usually go beyond the call of duty for somebody you love...I dunno, that's what I think, lol. You just know it when it's there.

  18. Wow...I really thought this question would be met with more of an open mind. Shaving your sack really isn't that difficult...I'd be more afraid of scissors than a razor blade! I don't see why it's getting looked at like such a ludicrous idea. And um...if you are cutting yourself bad enough to need stitches, I can only imagine how terrible your face looks, and in this case you probably shouldn't be touching a razor.

  19. I'll just throw in my two cents...as I'll be in that 25% category. I shave "down under" regularly, leaving only a "racing stripe". I've nicked my "sack" before, nothing major, nothing too painful, it bled just as long if not less then a slight nick on my face. Telling somebody to be careful while shaving there is like preaching to the choir my friends.


    As to why I do it? Well...I've been doing it since I was 16. I like the way it looks, and I also like the way it feels. When I first started there was a little itching/irritation, but after doing it regularly for as long as I have, I don't get any problems anymore. Any questions? lol

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