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Posts posted by blush

  1. I admit I wasn't no angel when growing up, I was spanked as a youngster, I was out to dinner with my friends this afternoon and 1 said they were spanked, and the other two said they were sent to there rooms when they got in trouble, to me that don't justify discipline in my eye's cause you have toys to play with there, its like happyland ( parnets are telling them to play rather then deal with the problem of when they get in trouble)

  2. Yeah but if you truly are going to do the work right away, and can do the work cheaper / or free, you save the money of getting someone else to do it/ getting it done right the first time, I took my mom's car to a shop once after a deer had hit the front fender and completely dented it to death, they fixed that dent alright but totally didn't check the alinement on it, the whole car shock when you drove it, I was mad, after insurance payed for it to be all done and they never did it!

  3. I'm working towards my Sociology degree and i'm doing a term paper on Wheather "Spanking a children as discipline isn't considered abuse" it was a topic giv'in to me so I have to write on it ( no matter if I agree or not with it )


    Just wanna get a gereral idea of what you all think!

    How do you feel about spanking?

    Some people say that spanking is child abuse.

    Other people say that spanking is necessary.


    And Yes there are the people that also do take it a step more and it is considered abuse to a child!



  4. Both me and my Mother suffer from hypothyroidism (me) and hyperthyroidism (her) she is skinny as a rail and is 95 pounds and i'm alittle heavyer at 125, the best way we found was to eat right, continue with the medication, exersice right, and not over working yourself and you should do fine......

    But the medication does have different effects on everyone, some gain weight and others lose it easyer so its nothing to be worrying about!

  5. I grow up, without getting much either, now i've learned that I don't need everything that I might think is nice, but it don't bother me, I still live in a little apartment but am moving into a house after christmas and the holidays are over because i'm getting married, and plan to start a family so my little apartment that me and Fiance share is starting to become super small with all the stuff we have. So understand how you feel, i think grandparents have been brain washed with what has happened over the past 3-4 decades with the whole advancement in Tec. and how simple things have been defined as something you don't have to do anymore, like wash clothes by hand for example.


    Its come at them fast and they just have surrender to it all instead of trying to fight it!

  6. I wish I had a older brother like you when i was growing up, someone who would stick up for me and had me in there best interest.


    I know this might be very traumatizing to your little sister cause she is little, and seeing your mom pack her bags and her not knowing what might be happening and not knowing if she is coming back, i don't think its your mom thats the bad guy, i think your grandparents might be putting the wrong ideas in her head, like you said "They did not offer once all" to help out, i don't know if money is tight or not, but you'd think of all people they would understand, we all have lives to live, school, jobs, extra activites to do too, and there are ways to make things work till the task can be fix, walking, you driving, taxi, laundry mat, doing it by hand.


    Like you said they managed way back then without, this is a luxury to be completely true, i managed when I was in an apartment without a washer or dryer, those cold winter days walking downtown to the laundry mat to get it all clean, was hateful but i did what I had too. think about all those kids that don't even have a roof over there heads, they'd never think once about a car, having fancy clothes, all that matters to them is making it though another day, or weather they even got to eat or not, there are some cruel ppl out there, i know that its there daughter and they want the best but no ones life is perfect!

  7. Look you got it good my dear.............i'm the type of person that won't spend money if I don't have too, and when i do i'm still scared too.......its not like i don't have it, its build up to alot now, it like i have it incase something happens and I need it, could be a good thing!

  8. I was once a shy person, but over the years I got over it,i first faced my fear when i started my first job working at the supermarket when i was 15, and ever since then I learned to tell myself that you can only be shy for 5 seconds, then you either can talk or miss a chance to change, you gotta push yourself to do it, even if it means emarssing yourself a few times, at least you can look back and laugh. My b/f is still shy, sometimes around me he is, but mostly around my mom, we've been together for a while and i still don't think he starts the conversation ever, he'd remain silent the whole time if left alone with her, but she will talk to him and thats the only time he''ll talk back if a question is asked, he is very laid back, + he is from Newfoundland, when he does talk you can't understand cause it comes out WAY to fast and the words don't make sense if you don't know the twang..........lol

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