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Posts posted by evyrew

  1. Talking to the advisers is probably the best way to handle this. They've handled stuff like this all the time. You could try retaking the failed classes. Some colleges let you substitute the failing grade with a better grade.


    When I transfered from one school to the other, my credits transfered, but my GPA did not transfer. You may want to check with a school that you might transfer to. If you are able to be accepted into another college, then your bad semester might fall off your GPA. It would still be in your transcript, however.


    A friend of mine was telling me that he had to file for "Academic Bankrupcy". What this does is it completely wipes out your entire transcript. All of your bad grades are gone, but all of your hard work is gone too. It gives you a chance to start over. This is not recomended.

  2. I know a guy that spent many, many years in college just to drop out in his final year. I know another person who spent 9 years in college to get his degree, still has a year left, and doesn't even want to go into that field. I know it doesn't make much sense, but he feels the need to finish the degree.


    Like MollyElise said, you could switch to a major that will benefit your current occupation..

  3. You and I are in the same boat. Its been 2 months since my breakup (5yr relationship). I went through the usual fits of crying, anger, and depression. But I've mostly come through the wilderness and I've still got a while to go.


    I have a suggestion for you... stay away from dating for awhile longer. Personally, i dont think that I could fully commit to a relationship after going through what i did. Making new friends should take priority over dating.


    I suggest that you gradually introduce change into your life. Here is a brief list of what I am doing.

    1. Get healthy: exercise, eating properly, and vitamins

    2. Read: Nothing helps pass the time like a good book, (or three in my case). They mainly have to do with self improvement and making friends.

    3. Get a plant, I have to remember to water it and take care of it.

    4. Make peace with the past: I am just now finding closure after two months

    5. Set goals for the future: This is my last year of college so I have high hopes.

    6. Relax: remember that it is ok to grieve. It is normal to feel those grey areas. IMO it isn't healthy to rush into a new relationship before you are ready.


    I hope this helps some. I guess we have a few more months to go... It will be a long road, but very rewarding.

  4. Hey, 'foot in mouth syndrome' happens to everyone. You were a bit stressed about work and school, and her "OKAY I'M NOT HELPING HIM ANYMORE HE'S TOO BUSY!" just set it off. She was being a bit antagonistic.


    It's perfectly human to say things that we shouldn't. You have apologized for your actions. If she won't accept the apology, then it's on her. My advice is to learn from the mistake, and keep going. Don't let a small slip of the tongue get you down.


    I've been reading a book called The Art of Talking to Anyone . It's been an interesting read so far. I highly recommend it for anyone who would like to brush up on their conversational skills, or (in my case) try to cure the infamous 'foot in mouth syndrome'.

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  5. Even if you are alone now, you won't be forever. Life is beautiful. Just enjoy it. Enjoy being alive and being healthy.

    Thank you for providing some much needed inspiration!

    Life can be rough, but it will taste that much sweeter on the other side of those tough times...

  6. I put in all the work, why should someone else reap the benefits??

    I know exactly how you feel. My ex and I were together for five years... broke up about two months ago. I was 16 or 17 when we met... I'm now 22. I put my heart and soul into our relationship. We up grew together, and I helped bring about many positive things in her life... but now, she is in someone elses arms... While i am left alone by myself.


    It kills me, but I must move on... I must grow and become the man i am meant to be.... (regretfully) without her.

  7. There are many "rites of passage", its different for each person.


    It may sound strange, but my rite of passage was having my heart broken. It completely tore me down, but i now have the chance to build and grow into the man i am meant to be.

  8. I plan on staying away from dating for awhile... At least a couple of months, maybe longer. I've bought several books dealing with self improvement. I've told myself that I won't even consider asking a girl out until i finish all of them. I've established new friendships, but dating will be a long ways from now.


    Just have fun and focus on yourself and be prepared duck and cover when you see cupid.

    Cupid has been shooting me full of holes lately. I guess I'm not ducking low enough

  9. Get plenty of rest. Nothing keeps a person more tired throughout the day than lack of sleep.


    Eat well balanced meals that don't concentrate too heavily on starches or sugar. This can cause a yo-yo energy effect after eating.


    Drinking plenty of water is a must.


    Exercise; Running, cardio, weight lifting... All very benificial to the body and energy levels. Some studies say that certain types of exercise can keep your metabolism up for a long time after you've left the gym.


    Multi-vitamins that have high levels of the B-complex can help with metabolism and energy levels. It's not a cure all, but it is good if your diet is lacking in the fruits and vegetables department.


    Nothing keeps your energy levels up as much as optimism. Keeping a smile, and being positive has a very profound impact on your day.

  10. I've been taking hydroxycut for a few days now with no negative side effects. I'll discontinue if any symptoms start occurring...


    One of the warnings about thermogenic supplements is they recommend that you discontinue use after 6 to 8 weeks. Anyone who continuously uses these supplements for to long could become addicted. It's just like someone who can't stop drinking more and more coffee to get going in the morning. Another warning I read is that you should stop drinking anything thats caffeinated while taking these supplements. I say that a person should research whatever it is that they want to put into their body. Some supplements can be benificial, others can be harmfull. One must be careful with these types of things.


    Research, moderation and common sense are important when taking any kind of supplement.

  11. wow, your situation and mine are very very similar. 5 year relationship. She started spending waaayyy to much time with a different group of friends, and neglecting me. She became mean and cold to me. My memory of the mean things she said, and the cold stares as I cried in her presense still sends chills down my spine. It seems that all of my pain was for her to go off and throw her life away....


    My suggestion is to keep the NC, you may still have some residual sadness left after less than 2 months... It's best to let those things heal before making contact again.


    Things may become better between you two after some time has passed... but dont be lured into a one sided friendship...

  12. That sounds like murky water. An 'under the table' job can be good for someone your age just working for the summer, like on a farm or for a relative. However, with those types of hours, and it sounds like you are working for a business.... there could be some child labor laws that are being violated. I would consider finding another job, or ask your boss about it.

  13. If you feel that you are relying to much on other people for advice, try not to be afraid to make decisions on your own. Don't be worry yourself if it's the wrong choice. Hesitation and second guessing sometimes be worse than being wrong.


    If you have trouble with confidence, then seek out a select few to whom you can consult about decisions. Otherwise, trust your instincts, and what you know, they can sometimes be wrong, but it is a skill that must be learned. The key is to not be afraid.

  14. I waited about a month before I sent my 'final email' to my ex. We had met that day and had a heart to heart conversation. She had done some things that had really upset me, but my 'final email' said this.


    1. I explained my reasoning for not being able to be 'just friends' (she had asked me to be friends). Which lead into my explaination of my NC. I was hurt and needed to heal.


    2. I explained my disapointment in her, and how her actions affected me. I also wished her well, and told her that I harbor no grudge or hate.


    3. I told her how I feel about her, and how wonderful of a person she was to me (i didnt mention any of the bad, only the good.) I also made a commitment to be there for her if she is ever in need.


    4. I gave her a way back; "I am here if you ever find a love once lost... I hope that we will be able to reconcile someday" But i left it at that, no begging. I gave her a path back, but did not ask for her to come back. You also could take it as merely a hand of friendship.


    5. I let her know that I would contact her when I was ready (to get my things from her house) and said "I bid you farewell, and hope you find happiness with your pursuits in life, "

  15. Maybe you two could start using nicknames for each other... I know its silly but it might prevent any more occurrences. I suggest that you forgive him each time he messes up. Don't feel bad about the name mixups; my father sometimes confuses my name with our dog, lol

  16. I feel your pain. My ex started dating another guy the same night she broke up with me... She broke my heart and spit in my face in the same night...


    I suggest that you not talk to him for awhile. Let the pain of the breakup subside. He sounds like he could be one of those people that beg to get back togehter, and then ends up rejecting you again after a week or two. Yo-yo relationships can be very stressful.

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