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Posts posted by Allie.

  1. Hey, firstly, I believe that you are not completely over her. Though, you may have had a sudden change in moods overnight...its not permanent. That's what most ppl don't realize while moving on. Its not a straight LINE that goes up to the top of the hill and you just keep moving forward. It's actually more of a wave....its a series of waves that contain low points and high points....almost every few days...these waves take place. Eventually, these waves will start coming in LOWER intensities...that doesn't mean that you'll be over the person, but that means that your high points will be high and your low points will be not so painful. So...you will be moving on. you are. so just keep on going.


    As for the dumper's point of view, I feel like, "the whole friends" deal is jut to be polite even though the dumper and dumpee both realize that there is not going to be a friendship. i mean, how awful would it be if when breaking up, the dumper goes: "oh btw, lets not talk for a long time.." That's not in the DUMPER's part to say. So yess...thats what i feel.

  2. Maybe...this will provide you guys with a dumper's point of view...and maybe help me! People who are heart-broken and have been broken up with...try to give me some pointers to avoid hurting him.


    Hmm...well...I just broke it off (not broke up) with a guy I was falling for really fast. Not love. Just a lot of attraction. He was emotionally and physically satisfying and there was nothing wrong with him but I had to break off the "daily dating" because:


    1. I have soo many other things going on right now that are very important to me. For example i'm working really hard in college and it takes up a whole chunk of my time and Its not that I don't have time for a boyfriend...its that I don't have ENOUGH time to be a good girlfriend.


    2. I don't want to get serious with a guy because, though, i'm over my ex, i'm not done healing from all the pain of the previous relationship and I know that if I got in a serious relationship, I would be a PAIN because I would be constantly insecure and be blaming him for everything my ex did and thats not healthy or fair.


    I still like him soooooooooo much and It will hurt so much when he starts going out with another girl [when he does]...but at the same time, I will be so happy for him because he would've moved on. It will be a bittersweet moment. I'm the first serious "girl" he's been with [for reasons except for sex] and i feel honored to take that position in his life because your "first love" is always remembered. haha. trust me, i think we all know that. He's liked me for about 2 years now and didn't date anyone else.


    I know I really hurt him. But sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do and try to work on yourself and try to make yourself happy first, becuase, if you're not happy, your relationships won't be healthy and your partner will most likely not be very psyched about being the source of blame due to your own insecurites...etc. and I think...


    well I KNOW i'm making the right decision because I know I would be such an unfit girlfriend. I CAN see that and I can see myself hurting him so much in the future so why not end it now, then get more attatched and then break it off...you know....


    so this is kind of a dumper's point of view....


    and well, gimmi feedback...you guys think i did the right thing? i should now start NC and just start working on improving myself right? Or should I try to help him move on...or leave him alone?




  3. I made the decision. finally. i told him the truth and i told him that its better if we didn't talk any longer for a period of time so we could both have time to move on and then we may become friends again....we'll see how the "dice rolls". The whole time, he was telling me how much he loves me...etc. I got a bit teary and I think he noticed that...but, I stuck to my decision and i mean....


    its not like he's making it any easier. He keeps telling me that hes not gonna ever forget me...which for gods sake, i'm not asking in the first place...haha...but that he refuses to date any other ppl...which i think, if i ignore him long enough he will....but...the ignoring part...and doing something that you NEED instead of WANT is pretty tough.


    do you guys think i did the right thing?

  4. I knowww....but i really really like him. I'm just not RDY for a relationship. I want one but I can't have one. My schedule doesn't allow it. I really want one but there are things such as college and work that are helping me get closer to the goals i want MORE.


    and...i dont' want to because I'm getting over the healing process of my relationship that ended 9 months ago...the relationship lasted for a year and a couple of months long with my ex and i'm over HIM. just not done healing.


    and this guy told me that hanging out wasn't a problem and that it was fine. So...i dont know. i have no clue whats wrong w/ me.

  5. so there's this guy...and he's liked me for the past two years...and I never quite felt it for him back until a few weeks ago, when I had a boyfriend...he was just soo sweet and understanding that I started to like him.


    I noticed he was acting strange and stranger after I broke up with my boyfriend and I asked him what was up and he explained to me about he liked another girl so much and how she's absolutely perfect and about how "HE's SORRY but I could never make him feel the way she does."


    So we talked that night and the first hour, he was talking about this girl...lets call her sally for our purposes. About how wonderful sally is...etc and afterwards he's talking about how all he wants to do is just "have me in his arms". I didn't put in any effort to flirt back because I was confused all on my own.


    Then, we met up for lunch the next day [as friends of course] and he was ALL over me....that night, he told me that sally could go to hell...he loves me.


    I've already told him that I do not want a relationship because i'm NOT ready for a relationship. I have way too much going on--college and work and its crazy. I just can't. I would feel sorry for whoever went for me because i would never have enough time for them. and I really want to maintain myself right now--which takes a lot of hard work in my college...etc. so thats my priority right now.


    He told me it was fine and a few days ago he asked to hang out...and I explained how i couldn't hang out because i'm booked and i don't feel comfortable hanging out with him now that we've established that we like eachother because I KNOW something would happen and currently, I do NOT want that because...i still am not over healing from my last relationship.


    two nights ago, we were talking and he told me how he's not even sure he LIKES me and told me that he's scared that he's going to start liking Sally if he keeps hanging out with her...and he hung out with her yesterday.


    WHAT he said was a complete turn off for me and I HATE when people choose between two girls...so i don't let them choose because I walk away. I do not admire being treated like an object. compared to other objects to see which one is better...


    He told me that he doesn't like her and he only likes me...which i thought was contradictory and yessss...i told him i needed some time to think and to give me the weekend and he seemed upset.


    I'M SOOOO JEALOUS right now because I can't help thinking about what went on last night and I don't want to call him at all. Does anyone know how to get rid of this jealousy feeling? i mean, I KNOW i'm pretty, smart and nice and i'm not feeling jealous because insecurity..I'm feeling jealous because my PAST experiences have shown me that crap like this ALWAYS happens to me so its kind of like i'm expecting it to happen.


    How can I get rid of this feeling? And please don't say communication because thats not an option right now. I'm confused about him in the first place after what he said.




  6. I actually agree with you Salucious, I actually haven't had true "sex" with someone either but, I really miss being cuddled and the PHYSICAL aspect. and somehow that turned sexual because we were in the "heat of the moment". I do not plan on doing it again with anyone but I feel bad because this guy is into me now and its not the same. I'm more disinterested in him.

  7. I mean, what should I sayy..."I think we need to end whatever we had...because.....i just don't like the sexual aspect of this with you..." and he would probably counter the argument and say: "Its fine...lets NOT have sex...but still stay." and THATS where I got nothing. After last week...it all just died....the whole fingering deal was a major turn-off. Not because it was bad. It was okay at the time...but afterwards...separated from the emotional warp...i felt disgusted with him. as a whole.

  8. actually, i haven't tried that...I'm sure that works but its just something that doesn't float my boat..cuz i'm in it for the heat and the feeling of another so close and against you...I dont know. I feel bad for him but I guess the best way to break it off...would be...hahaha...yeahh...thats where i'm clueless.

  9. Well, i got out of a really hurtful relationship in May of last year and with the man i actually loved. I've always been a fan of having a good time and taking things nice and breezy but i was actually serious with this guy...I'm over HIM but i'm not quite done healing yet.


    Thats why, I don't want a serious relationship.... yet I miss the physical and sexual aspects of a relationship. I have been "hooking up" with a guy who's a year older..[he's a junior in college] and...last week, we got caught in the moment and clothes came off...i didn't let him get it...but he fingered me.


    I felt disgusted when I came home because I didn't want things to go that far and I really don't want to continue hooking up with this guy. Before I begun this with him...we both agreed that we didn't want anything serious and today, I got a long voicemail from him saying how he was serious about me...


    THAT SUCKS because I literally felt like i had to take a shower because i was so digusted by the thought of him touching me like that. In the beginning we both weren't serious...now he supposedly is...and I'm getting disinterested.


    What to do fellas?

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