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Posts posted by phantomwolff85

  1. It makes sense not to feel like you've accomplished much because high school is not over for you yet, you haven't been accepted to any colleges and you still have a lot to do (more than likely) before you can accomplish your goals. I feel in a similar way as I am going to be a senior in college and I feel like I have so much more to accomplish. I can't say I feel very proud of graduating, but then not everyone graduates from college so I guess it's an accomplishment. Once I graduate graduate school I'll feel like I've accomplished something. My advice is to hang in there and do your best in school.

  2. Okay, so I just broke up with my on again off again boyfriend of 2+ years. Well, actually he broke up with me. Here's the background story.




    We met at link removed. I was a freshman in college and he was a doctor. We hit it off great, but I had to hide the relationship from my mom because I knew she wouldn't be okay with the relationship. That was mistake #1.

    Because of me lying we ended up moving together that summer when I finally told my mom the truth. Things went great for about a month. Then I got really bored and missed some of my friends. I don't drive and I was 3 hours away from home. I ended up looking at porn more than I should have and he had an issue with that. I was still being intimate with him, but he felt uncomfortable with the porn. I also lied about it initially which didn't help things. I started talking to a counselor he used and things improved. We were able to spend time together with less issues, great sex, snuggling, and good communication.

    A year went by and it was the spring of my sophmore year. I was really missing living on campus. I missed the parties and the drinking. This was an issue and so we broke up for a weekend.

    We then got back together and I promised to change. Unfortuanately I didn't and we broke up so I could live on campus. I broke up with him for a month and then we got back together AGAIN. I loved him and I wanted to change but I was finding it hard to deal with my issues with porn, social life, and my overall flexibility with my post college life. Basically there were major issues in a total commitment.

    We broke up again in September. I met a new guy at the end of tha month. Things started really well, but he was everything my ex was not and that was not neccesarily a good thing. I ended up trying to kiss my ex and I had to break it off with this new guy.

    We got back together in Novemeber of last year. Initally things were going well but then sexual intimacy fell apart and never improved. He also had issues with me seeing my family beause my mom was so unsupportive. Meanwhile I was still in counseling and finding that it was okay but not toatlly helping.

    All this tension stayed with the relationship and things got rocky in May. I missed my mom and wasn't able to be intimate at all for the most part. I could however get off to porn with no problem so I was concerned about that. I asked my counselor about it but that didn't help.

    My ex finally decided to call things off a week ago because I just wasn't being supportive sexually or helping around the house. I had been improving but it was too little too late.

    So here I am depressed, bored, and back living with my parents. I've got one more year of colelge and then I'm probably going to grauate schooll. I don't have any friends and I'm rying my best not to do the rebound thing.

    I would love to get back together with him, but I am having serious problems doing the counseling work he wants me to do.



    I guess my question is how do you cope when the breakup is more your fault than the other persons and you want to get back together but don't want to make a mistake? It's most difficult because I just don't have any friends and have difficulty making them. I really don't have much of a support system.

  3. I have to disagree. You can be friends with exes, but be honest to yourself about what you want if you decide to have contact with a person after you break up. If you want something more than just being friends tread lightly. I wish you luck.

  4. I definitely feel like it could work. You know the issues, acknowledge them, and are willing to work on them.

    As far as going on a break, I think that too will give you time to clear your mind. The only advice I would suggest is to think about your real level of commimitment to not smoking. I had some issues in my past relationship and I thought I was willing to work on them, but I really wasn't or at least not to the level that was needed. Anlayzing past behavior and thoughts really does wonders.

    I still feel very hopefuly for you and her and I wish you good luck.

  5. There are definitely people out there that want to be monagomous. I wouldn't give up on the internet in helping you find love and depending on where you live it may be the only viable opition.

    However, if you've never been in a relationship before make sure to take it slow. This is definitely easier said than done however, distance made my former relationship very difficult initially and it forced us to be together sooner than we were ready for.

    Also just because you think you might want a relationship doesn't mean that you are ready for one. I love my ex boyfriend but we were so different and there were so many things I wanted that he didn't and vice versa that things were very difficult. If you aren't willing to be introspective don't get in a relationship.

    I hope things work out well for you.

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