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  1. It is affecting more than just our sex life. I just dont understand. It has been a bit stressful around here with work n money and stuff...but if that affects his sex drive, why does he need to look at porn to get off everyday then, his sex drive seems to be okie as far as doing that. i swear he must be addicted to it or something. we use to have an amazing sex life, really but especially after the kids its been going down hill. i just cant see n e thing else driving him away other than my weight gain. im trying to lose it, its just taking a while. i just want to know why he doesnt want to be near me i guess. i would love to bring it up with him but i dont know how....the other few times i did it lead to a fight. i just dont have the energy to fight with him, between my two kids all day long and they are two years old and three years old im beat i just cant find the energy to fight and i know thats how it will be. maybe im going about it the wrong way. any suggestions on how to bring the subject up with him in a way to avoid making him mad? i just get so fustrated with it that sometimes i just think well maybe i should go get it else where then ya know? or at least the attention...not even the sex....ya know?
  2. well the situation just sounds like its going to get worse hun. id step out while you are ahead before you start falling down with her. it sounds like you could do a lot better for yourself. it doesnt sound like she cares to much about others feelings. get out n look for someone who does hun....
  3. I wish i could just understand him. i wish he would be a hundred percent honest with me ya know? tell me one way or another.sex is not the most important issue to me in our relationship BUT it is leading to other problems in other areas. when i think about it i get really depressed. i just feel like im not good enough. im just so tired of crying about it. im not even sure how to approach him about it anymore cause i feel like hes just going to get upset. so of course being depressed n not feeling good enough for him gets me angry so im snappy with him....its like a downward spiral. it just gets me cause we had an amazing sex life not too long ago. i know hes not cheating...with n e thing else other than his hand anyway. i just want to feel happy again.
  4. thanks for the responces... no problems getting errect....trust me. I have told him that he makes me feel less ect ect with the whole situation. he just doesnt seem to care. as far as the weight issues. those with me have been going on after i had my kids so for about 3 years or so. i put on some weight, not too much and im trying to lose it. i weight 145 right now i use to be about 130's. so yea i think because i put on weight maybe hes just not into me? i dont know. like i dont look good enough.....i sure as heck do not look like the girls he watches on the computer. if i say something about my weight hell tell me to stop n i look fine n im not fat. but i do not think hed tell me if he actually did think i was ya know?
  5. Okie, my name is marie. im 27 and live in south carolina. I have to young children...boys 2 and three years old. ive been with their father for 8 years now. weve had a pretty decent relationship for the most part. but lately i have had a lot of issues. our sex life has greatly decreased. he doesnt compliment me ever....its like he just doesnt want to have sex....with me anyway. instead hed rather look at porn and get off to that. it never fails...if i leave the house n hes here alone...he does it...if im asleep n hes awake he does it. it really bothers me. why if im right there would he rather go and look at porn and do it himself. theres been a few times where i noticed he looked at porn n then had sex with me, made me feel like he had to look at the porn to get arroused. and on top of that, last night we had sex for the first time in two weeks....this morning i find out after i went to sleep he got up n looked at porn n got off. am i not satisfying him? am i not good enough. i know he does this cause i check the computer history ect ect....i see it clear as day. whats wrong with me? am i not good enough? i have huge huge weight issues...self esteem issues stemming from other things but this as well. ive mentioned this stuff to him a bit here and there and he says "youre so retarded...grow up" he just cant seem to understand....he gets mad about it. this hurts and as the days go on it hurts me more and more. it makes me feel awful, like i just dont do it for him anymore. help?????
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