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Posts posted by MacGyverRI

  1. First of all don't talk about something you know NOTHING about!!! religion isn't making me supress anything! I CHOOSE to stay a virgin because I know that's how God planned it!


    according to the Bible you ARE going to hell for it, not if you ask for forginness and make a mistake, but if you continue to live in sin.



    don't speak on something you know nothing about, and try to respect christians choices. Don't disrespect because of your ignorance.


    Very commendable, stick to your principles!


    Actually, there is no direct reference to Hell in the Bible, only to "sheol", the grave. Purgatory doesn't exist either, closest ref. is "accross the great divide".


    I was an Elder in a Baptist church many many yrs ago, I do know.

  2. I PROBABLY BELIEVE ITS HER AGE THATS AFFECTING HER. 43 is gettin closer to menopause and hormonal changes could be affecting her. there are several solutions that doctors can propose(estrogen patches under skin, estrogen shots..)



    It's a real possibility but I have found that most women over 37 have a good sex drive and will kill a younger guy in bed.

  3. Any one here who has a six packs and has a muscular physiic? I would like to know how you did it? How did you get those six packs that you could litteraly wash your clothes on?


    I had them yrs ago and am trying to get them back now.


    besides the normal situps etc,


    I forgot the name of this one but it does abs and sides at same time.

    you need to put a foot under something or have someone hold it down while you lay on your back w/ hands behind head. do a sorta situp but take right elbow (keep hands behind head) and left knee and bring them together in the situp like position while you twist your body trying to make them meet. do the same w/ left elbow and right leg. the spotter/helper holds the stationary foot.

    do 4-5 at a time on ea side then do other side.


    This is for sides which help the abs pull in.

    stand up straight and have 5-15+ lb hand weights (what's comfortable to you, but some resistance) in ea hand. keep weight flat against hip/leg while doing side bends. you lower one weight and raise the other one.


    aerobics help also.

  4. i dont have a yeast infection though...

    ive had one and know what its like- ive been fine.



    Was this when he got it? he may need ongoing treatment if he gets it that easy. If he does the sprays right after sex he may be fine though. I went through this w/ an ex GF, we just made a joke of it. Oral is out for you though since that's the easiest way for him to get it.


    seriously considering joing college and/or getting a job (something I never could have done before),



    planning on asking the doctor to start taking these meds at a higher dose when I next see her.


    do you have trade unions there? apprentice schools?

    i.e. here you can go to a Union school and learn at an entry level. Construction equipment or driving trucks is always a great paying job.



    watch out increasing meds, they need to be at certain levels or the side effects can be bad.

  6. Hmmm, I don't think that's true.




    A car mechanic, a race driver, I dunno.


    are you good with your hands? can you take someting apart and put it back together? mechanic or even better, an engineer would be good.



    race driver??

    I don't think your shyness would allow it, you need to be very aggressive as a driver if you want to win. most drivers started w/ go karts at an early age. btw,I owned/drove 4 semi pro cars.

  7. my boyfriend and i have been dating for a year and a half. abouit 3 months ago he has had flakes of skin on his penis so i brought him to my gyno. they gave him lotramin and such because apparently it's a rash/fungus from having sex without a condom because every girl has yeast and he has sensitive skin. it's been forever since we had sex.


    i NEED it. we've done it like 5 times in the past 3 months and his stuff keeps coming back. btw, when we did it we used a condom, now it's the "friction". WHAT THE HELL? WHAT DO I DO/ has anyone heard of htis? how long must we wait?



    It's called a "Yeast infection" in women, "Jock Itch" for guys and "athletes feet" is just another form of it as they are all related.



    Any over the counter, OTC, "Jock itch" spray right after having sex, NOT before will usually kill it quick on guys. I dated a girl many yrs back who had a Candida infection but was on Flagyl (metronidazole) and had to watch her diet closely for fermented or yeast products.



    Did they say you that have "Candida" and are you on Flagyl or anything for it? If not all you will do is spread it back and forth.


    Did you try a "Candida Diet"? No fermented foods, alcohol or any food w/ yeast in it.

  8. I think Miss M, found it hilarious that I did not notice how many women checked me out, and were interested in me. (I never knew lol)


    Wimmen are sneaky......


    (to: grammar police, intentional misspelling)

  9. Last month I cheated on my fiancé. We have been together almost 4 years. I went away to a convention with a group, got really drunk and had sex with a guy from the group. I have spent the last month miserable, but yesterday my fiancé found an email letting him know what had happened. .



    Try to remember, what did that email say?


    was the context full of remorse?


    I can't believe I did this, to a GF?


  10. I want to talk to him and let him know I like him, but I don't want to scare him away. Guys whats the best thing to do!?


    try something like "Gee, so what changed in you lately? You seem much different now than when I first met you/last month etc. , I like it better now" etc.


    It's open ended and he should get the hint.


    Go onto lavalife if u must but the point that MacGyver was making is GO INTO THE REAL WORLD AS WELL. This will help towards getting a girlfriend, and help your SA AND boost ur confidence. Just go out somewhere and practice saying hi to strangers, and asking people for directions or whatever, JUST TALK TO PEOPLE FACE TO FACE and do it as enthusiastically as u can




    Everybody gets it and understands it "except him".... ](*,)

  12. I've made up my mind now, I want to look for some flings first.


    I just need to try and find the right sites though, I can't really seem to get anywhere with tribe and craigslist, unless I'm using them wrong.



    Well, that is a normal start but please don't hide online, go into the real world for a long long walk and just try to be friendly and say hi/hello/nice day or whatever it is you say over there. When you go out locally you will find someone. You're new to the area, everyone will know that and it will coverup the shyness you have.



    Can't get anywhere? you've been on okcupid 1 day and have a crappy profile, unless you changed it.

  13. I usually always run out of things to say in general conversation.



    But wouldn't looking at things subjectivly be better? Since your real life experiences go towards how you predict things are, and how things will work out.


    You seem to be doing very well here!


    Remember, not everyone can speak on all subjects and just keep going and going, that can only happen w/ certain people who have extensive knowledge in many areas and if you think you're an outcast?, try living with a very high IQ like myself and a few others here giving you advice.



    Subjective is basically a fantasy that you/I/everyone creates because we want that outcome. It's just an ideal situaton as we percieve it, not reality.



    Real life? you really have no experiences at that, but we do and are trying to share experiences our w/ you so you will get into the real world. If you want to go out and meet people then you need to stop with excuses, just do it.


    You will probably fail at first, we all did, (it's part of learning) but until you get out there, you will have no opportunity to meet people. This is not going to be on your terms or easy at first. This will be trial and error, failure then success then you will be welcomed into the real world because you're actually in it.

  14. So what would I need to change my viewpoint on in order to be able to look at things objectively, being able to generate creative solutions or even on the smallest level, conversation? I'd really like to be good at these.


    Objective (Most of the advice given is from documentation and experience)

    # Something that actually exists.

    # Something worked toward or striven for; a goal.




    Subjective (Ross is still here)



    1. Proceeding from or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world: a subjective decision.

    2. Particular to a given person; personal: subjective experience.


    # Moodily introspective.

    # Existing only in the mind; illusory.




    "Conversation" to a small extent is what you're doing with your replies now. A better version is when you're on a telephone. If you can do it here, you can do it face to face.(best way)

  15. What I felt was real love Ken, I would have put myself before her.


    That's infatuation, not love, since you want to bypass all the steps involved in the process because you started later than everyone around you and want to catch up. When you do fall in love for real, you will realise what I and others are saying to you.


    When you got rejected at 6, that was a result of just mimicking your friend (peer pressure) asking her and that's very normal. There were no "love" emotions involved since they don't start until around 9-12 yrs. old on avg. and rejection from a 6 or 16 or 26 yr. old etc. is nothing to worry about, welcome to the real world. You have to learn from mistakes and experiences, not just sulk and mope around.

  16. I've already experienced love from an online relationship. And it doesn't matter too much about the sex being a let down, it's not just about the sexual pleasure.


    Online love? That's really called infatuation or puppy love, not love since they come before actual love and are part of the developmental process to love. You seem to want to bypass all the necessary steps for whatever reason. You really need to get out into the world so you can find someone who is real and not a fantasy.


    infatuation noun.

    in·fat·u·a·tion (ĭ-făch'ū-ā'shən) pronunciation

    1. A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction. See synonyms at love.

    2. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.



    The noun puppy love has one meaning:

    temporary love of an adolescent (this is normal, everyone goes through it)



    fantasy (făn'tə-sē, -zē pronunciation

    n., pl. -sies.


    1. The creative imagination; unrestrained fancy. See synonyms at imagination.

    2. Something, such as an invention, that is a creation of the fancy.

    3. A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit.


    1. Fiction characterized by highly fanciful or supernatural elements.

    2. An example of such fiction.

    5. An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.

    6. An unrealistic or improbable supposition.



    (lŭv) pronunciation, n.


    1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.


    2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.



    1. Sexual passion.

    2. Sexual intercourse.

    3. A love affair.


    4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.


    5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.


    6. An expression of one's affection: Send him my love.



    1. A strong predilection or enthusiasm: a love of language.

    2. The object of such an enthusiasm: The outdoors is her greatest love.




    Elizabeth Barrett Browning - 1806-1861 may have said it the best.


    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

    For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

    I love thee to the level of everyday's

    Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

    I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;

    I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

    I love thee with the passion put to use

    In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

    I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

    With my lost saints, -I love thee with the breath,

    Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose,

    I shall but love thee better after death.

  17. EDIT: MacGyver, not to imply your ad ideas aren't good. They are! Maybe Ross can pick and choose from some of both of our ideas. Just trying to help him stay true to himself in his ad, but I do agree with your tactic to also round it out with some facets he might not really think are important to include, but actually are.


    You will not offend me, we're all just trying to help him.


    Unleash the Pro mode on him!

  18. I know you wont like this, and I'm sure you know what I'm about to say, and obviously no one is going to understand, but I have social anxiety, I cannot travel to a club at night and just sit there on my own in the corner.




    Yeah. But I think this with all the book reading makes me come accross as a lot more sophistacted than I am.





    But then wouldn't I be trying to be someone else?


    Social Anxiety? IMO That's a fancy name for someone who is shy and it may actually be from an emotional trauma as a child or nothing more than needing a boot in the butt to get you to do something, but we've all been there.


    This link may help you now;

    Go here, Emotional Freedom Technique(link removed) and download the EFT Manual file.


    "sophisticated"? no, just adding more knowledge. I have loved to read since I was about 10 yrs old and was way advanced in school because of it. I, and most other people read books for simple enjoyment. That's also a common interest for 90% of the people in the world on dating websites.




    "someone else" No, you will just expand your knowledge. Who knows, you may even enjoy certain authors.

  19. Lol, which picture? What about my profile?


    McGuyver (Is it Ken?) thanks for the profile, I guess I could use it and tweak it to suit me. My profile was quite short, I find it hard thinking of stuff to say. The thing is though I don't really want to make myself come accross as not myself, if you know what I mean, it makes me sound a lot more outgoing than I am (I don't even go to clubs)



    Yes, it's Ken, MacGyver is basically what i'm like in real life, nothing is impossible to do and I'm called that a lot.


    Have you been to a club yet? then get your * * * * down to one quick! People don't bite (much)


    Do you care about world events? it's not a lie


    Are you willing to try things? it's not a lie


    Are you shy? I made it look better.



    "but I don't want to be false"


    Nobody want's that but you need to "upsell" what you do have.

    Most people on dating (unfortunately) sites lie like crazy about things they never do.


    "I'm not really a book reading person though"


    Then get some short stories to read, O Henry (author) has tons of short stories in one book and is very famous considering he was in JAIL when he wrote them and "O. Henry" was actually the prison guards name

  20. lol to the hand on the wallet thing -


    Ross - did you really say a favorite book is the encyclopedia??


    That's awesome.


    I mean, a bit dry but you'll definitely attract the inellectual type with that one! And I DO like this picture better, but that's just ME. It's YOUR profile...


    Umm, "Encyclopedia of bodybuilding" sure fire book to attract the ladies? not...



    How about;

    Edgar Allan Poe? or my interpretation; Once upon a mid-day dreary while we all pounded weak and weary on the keyboards giving Ross advice, there came a rapping,a gentle tapping on PM door....


    Mark Twain, HG Wells, Henry David Thoreau, Jack London, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Non fiction? historical? Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter? Lord of the Flies? Psychology today mag.? some weekly local scandel magazine?

    Cosmopolitan magzine or the UK counterpart?

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