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Posts posted by MacGyverRI

  1. Alright maybe the pain isn't a burning sensation but I don't know how else to describe it. No, it doesn't hurt when we use the restroom. It's more of a feeling when a fingernail scrapes skin, It's just I'm really tight and his finger moving around and pulling out creates a lot of pain.



    Have you ever seen a Gynecologist?


    If yes, how did they get the Spectulm in?

  2. My definition was broken hymen equals not virgin, but honestly all that aside is it normal to be so darn tight down there, I'm so tight that my husband can barely put one finger in me and it hurts really bad when he takes it out or moves it around. Is there any way aside from having a baby or surgery that I can loosen up so that I could enjoy it more.



    Lots more foreplay, more fingers outside, circular motion around the vulva and clitoris and less finger inside and you will dialate more.

  3. We are both clean, and it only burns when he sticks his finger inside or when he pulls it out because I'm extreamly tight.



    That would hurt, as in a lot of pain or discomfort, but not burn.


    Does it burn when either of you pee? especially him as Chlamydia is usually symptom free in 95% of women and 20% of men and as such is called "the silent STD. It has been rampant for many many yrs. because of that fact. Easy to cure w/ zithromycin or a 7-day course of doxycycline.


    A nasty yeast infection (Candidsis) can also cause it and he will get the worst case of "jock itch" in less than 3 days, Jock itch sprays cure it fast for guys, girls usually need Flagyll (metronidazole).


    Please see a Doctor if either is the case.

  4. i am NOT in the army!!! im a normal girl!!! in a normal school lol... its a camp like for little kids... u noo when uu have a kid and uu bring him to camp in summer. lol counsler



    I'm betting he thinks the job is his personal Buffet of women, you may get hurt.

  5. I am Asian (Chinese) and I have bigger than average breasts and an "nice * * *." I am also 5'6" and a size 6. AND yes, I have long hair too!


    Sure, you just had to get us all excited with that info didn't you.....

  6. Yeah well I never used to be like that, but yet I am now because of my experience with women.



    You project Doom and Gloom to women, that's why.


    Women are good at sensing a lot of things and look to see what guys do in real life. They are very observant to what is going on around them at all times. To a woman "attitude and actions" do it and they love a confident guy who is actually "nice" and not a potential abuser. They carry bad memories for a long time, guys don't



    Guys are visual, are they good looking to us? That is what we want, anything else is secondary.

  7. When I realised no one was showing interest in me and had negative feedback from women, while my friends were being sucsessful.


    When I 1st got divorced I was a leper to women, that was 3 yrs ago, about 1-1.5 yrs ago my attitude changed for the better and women could tell, now I don't have any problems and do very well.


    You're in the same boat, they can read you like a book and it's time for the next chapter.

  8. So yes, maybe your pictures are weird and you actually look like an alien. But chances are you're more attractive in real life than in your pictures (I've found most people aren't photogenic).


    Women really dig Aliens w/ red hair, didn't you know that????

  9. No, just a coupla bad experiences since then which have proved my point.


    LOL, what do you think, only good experiences happen?


    I got shut down 2 x's sat. night.


    Maybe I should start a "OMG, I got shut down, I'm going to stop going out until I find out what's wrong with me" thread...



    NOT happening, life goes on!

  10. Ross, for one thing, you are not sexually repulsive. I think you look cute and you have a nice smile. Plus you're a redhead. I like guys with red hair.


    You just need to change your mode of thinking, like everyone else here is telling you. Think good thoughts, make yourself believe that you are on top of the world, that you are cute looking and who cares what others believe, and you will get girls coming after you.


    Look at it this way, on here you have a bunch of admirers, a lot of them females. You have your pic up so people know what you look like, you have a nice funny approach to bantering with people on here. What else you need? Take this into the REAL world and you will have women flocking to you.


    He want's to skip the learning/rejection/winning process and just have the "women flocking him" without any work on his part, get it "women flocking him"???

  11. I don't mean to trivialize your problems, honestly I don't, but for you what happened is in the past (I know, I know it probably still effects you now). But for me, my problem started when I was born and will continue until I die, there isn't really anyway for me to move on unless I can accept never having a woman, and put all those thoughts of needing one, sex, and whatever else out of my mind permenently.



    Earlier you were having some beers and your posts have degenerated since then.


    I'm curious, are you drunk or an alcoholic?

  12. Oh well, it's obvious not one single woman is interested in me, whatever.


    You need to be interested in yourself (hobbies/attitude/self esteem etc) before women will approach you. You won't listen to any of us or do anything to help yourself and as a result you are being self destructive.


    Do you really think any woman is going to listen to a "pity party", have sympathy and then contact you????


    Get into the real world, go out and talk to women and people in general.

  13. To be honest you look like you could be in some 80's action TV show like the A Team or something.


    Anyway, why're you glad you don't look like Brad Pitt and Pierce Brosnan?


    A team??, no MacGyver.....



    Who would want to look like them??? Women usually want real life men w/ confidence and character of their own, not stereotype models.

  14. Huh?? Never heard of that one before. Well some definitions have it like that. But see, anything done sexually is intimate. Well that's just me.


    Yes, it's true. why do you think people decorate the toilet seat and why you must wash your hands?

  15. Well, if you have ever 'climaxed' than you already know that it feels good. Now, imagine someone else giving you that climax ( not you being the one doing it to yourself) and how great that would be!! Add being in love to that mix and bam!!! It can power a rocket headed for Venus..


    Next you'll having him go to Uranus.....

  16. I'm not asking about it being good, I'm asking about it being such a frigging amazing experience.



    Yup, especially when the both of you get so close intimately and do really care so much for ea. other that she is sooo appreciative and she decides to give you a hummer/BJ for being so nice to her while you're watching the game on TV.



    Of course she may be just trying to get you away from it also.... either way, yes, it's fantastic!!!

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