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Posts posted by jensxcom

  1. So you like hiking, baseball... Maybe you can take that up more, like go for a class in it or join something for it.


    I have a friend whos 30 and who gained alot of weight, told me he couldnt meet anyone. He told me he used to play guitar as a teen. I encouraged him to take it up again, he joined a band and met a girl at a place he played at.


    I think the key is finding a hobby, soemthing your good at and try meeting others that way... if you cant meet through people you know..


    Dont give up,, i mean your 28 not 38..

  2. I think it depends on how you go about talking about it. Dont lecture, i also think it depends on the girl and what she likes.


    For example i went out on a date with this guy to the museum he kept commenting on all the artwork every second, made me sick.


    You should ask a question to the girl about the subject instead of lecturing.

  3. I had a friend who i really liked, we would go out and have alot of fun together, we both went to the same college. We were friends for 4 years- went out every weekend. Had loads of fun.



    Then she moved in with some new roommates in some apartment.One day I called her and she told me she was staying in. I had gone out with my other friend and ran into her and other friend in some bar.


    So we all wound up hanging out at a cafe but I caught her smiling at her other friend and not saying anything, like they were laughing about me together-some inside joke- that kind of thing. I caught it right away. She was smiling at my other friend I was with in a real catty type way.


    So I thought it was messed up, anyway she called me after that i was just trying to be friendly , asked her if her and her ex are getting back together, since they always were breaking up and getting back. She got VERY defensive and said DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT" in a very catty way. I was really taken aback and shocked.

    I decided that im not going to contact her anymore and she can always call me if she wants, i didnt appreciate the way she was talking to me.


    its been a year, have never heard from her again, i saw her in the street last week and she made believe she didnt see me. I just didnt say anything.


    I just dont understand what happened? Do you think I should have talked to her?

    I just felt she was being mean to me and didnt like me anymore so i backed off.

  4. That is so true, honeslty I have been guilty of it myself, probably alot of why I'm single now...

    I'm looking fwd to the warmer weather, i find its a little easier to meet guys here when its nicer outside- more outdoor activities. But its a brutal place to meet a decent guy, all my friends agree.




    I call it the "Manhattanite syndrome" lol People may have someone but they think there's someone better out there...hence the "commitment phobia". Sickening, I tell ya LOL
  5. Hi, i see you live in New York, so do i. It is so difficult to find a decent man in NY. I think more than most cities. I hate the whole bar scene/club scene here myself. Did it when i was younger.

    I think the volleyball idea is good, maybe join a gym as well, take up something.

    Central Park when it gets warmer is a good idea- jog, rollerblade, sun. I met some decent guys that way last year.

    Guys in NY are not friendly at all, they dont like approaching women I notice, usually have angry faces and keep walking.

    I spent alot of time in California, I met more men there than my whole life in nY. They smile and just start talking to you, more honest and friendly.

    All of the men I had nice experiences with dating are all Non NYers, all came from another state or country.

  6. I've had alot of unprotected sex and never got pregnant. i just got lucky.


    You should try the Today Sponge, they sell it at the drug store. its kinda like a diaphram- prevents pregnancy.

    I dont care for borth control pills- too many side affects

  7. It always confuses me. IF your dating someone, everything is great. How long are you supposed to wait for sex?

    I know alot of guys are players and women have to be careful but I was in a situation where I waited 2 months and the guy dumped me.


    So how do you know? I read you should wait till date #5. But now i think there should be a big talk before sex, like about your relationship and everything.


    I always thought it was a bad idea to bring up because you may scare the guy away and you should just have sex and hope for the best.


    But now i think there needs to be a talk, am i right?

  8. I know for a fact that some men marry women who are labeled "nice girls" with the knowledge that they will cheat with "very sexual wild women" on the side even before they get married.

    These men feel uncomofortable getting "dirty with their wives or their wives are not sexual. example- do not give oral or anal, talk dirty ,etc ...They act respectful and nice to their wives,

    love their wives, just get sex from somewhere else. Its pretty common.


    Most nice guys arent going to marry the stripper at the bar to bring home to Mom and Dad but they'll do them on the side.

  9. You should call him up and just ask him whats up?

    But dont freak out or anything.

    Alot of guys will do and say anything just for sex, sounds like hes one of them. He sounds like a player, probably moved on to the next woman and is doing the same thing.

    I dont think your stupid, guys can be tricky, just dont put up with his behaviour and learn from it.

  10. i am sorry to say this but he sounds like he charmed you for oral sex and other sex. Next time you should wait awhile, before you have sex. He def used you.

    Guys are tricky. I say when you see him at work just say hi casually but dont talk to him, he can contact or come to you.

  11. I know this is gross- sorry

    I am 29 years old. I have very bad cellulite all over my butt and thighs. started when i was 25.

    im 5'5 and weigh 110 lbs. I eat healthy- exercise 6 times a week. very active.

    I spent about $10,000 on treatment, waste of money...nothing works.


    I feel like I can never go to the beach, wear shorts or be naked with the lights on again, my butt looks like an 80 year old used couch, I feel like any guy is going to vomit once he sees this and never talk to me again. I cant even wear jeans or tight pants, I have to wear pantyhose in 110 degree weather so the dimples and bumps dont show through.


    I have not worn shorts or gone to the beach in 5 years. I feel almost suicidal at time because of this.


    Anyone have any success in getting rid of it?


    I have major depression because of it.

  12. I think she probably has a hard time letting go of you, even if she does not want to be with you, its hard to let someone who was in your life go like that.

    So maybe she was confused about her feelings



    yeah but how does one go from leaving me voice messages crying about how they love me, want to be with me, see me everyday to just shutting off after a stupid argument?
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