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Everything posted by pendulumcuts

  1. Yes I had to break up with an unemotional serial cheater and liar. I had no idea there were women like that.
  2. I'm finally over my ex g/f but now what I'm wondering is why was I at the time still in love for 4 years with a shallow, unemotional woman who cheated on me countless times with the same guy, then later on dumps me to be with the same guy she cheated with but then after several months later dumps the other guy and came back crawling to me. Yes I have taken her back and so we were back together for a while and everything was alright (she actually started saying how wrong and sorry she was) until I overheard a convo. she was having with yet another guy and making up a story about how I was abusive and cheating on her. So basically she fed me with more lies after lies that it was then I had enough already. Seriously she would never apologize for anything she did wrong instead she would find excuse and blame it on me. The interesting part is when it was finally me the one dumping her last month she had no emotion on her face and all she say was "Fine with me, you can go but eventually another one will come, there's a lot of fishes in the sea". I couldn't believe it, this actually started to sound like possibly a sociopath. Now I used to make fun of the girls being stuck with either jerks or abusive men but I'm a hypocrite. Why did I let someone treat me like garbage for so long, what was wrong with me? I'm just sad now can't believe I stay with a someone that never care about me. I don't knwo why she did that if I was there for her in every way and was very affectionated as well.
  3. Hey people how r u all doing, Ok, I know, I know, after I'm finish writing this, my guess is yall gonna prollie laugh out loud and I'm prollie gonna get a few crticism, cuz this sounds stupid. Well as stupid as it sounds, I'm still love my cheating ex g/f, I want her back. She broke up with me suddenly and it had to be on the day before valentine's , it was in an e-mail, saying that it's over and that she's gonna date that guy again (the same one she cheated on me on numerous times). Ok, now I'm sounding very stupid, but I dunno, if she were to come back, I would accept it. I don't know why do I still love her if she ain't donna respect me, nor be faithful if she were to come back, and off course I don't deserve to be treated like this, yet I want her back. Help people, any way I can get over her, I'm going crazy.
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