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Everything posted by fd4life

  1. ok i hope this helps........ work is work and personal life is axactly that. i personally do my very best not to bring work home with me. no matter how stressful or irritating it may be. my paying job really aint that stressful but the volunteer work that i do, which is basically a second job, but unfortunately i do see and experience some things that weigh heavy on my mind. but you have to do your best to keep personal and work life separate. now your dilema to quit your current job or not is a difficult decision. there are a few things that you have to consider. 1. what do YOU want to do? 2. would taking this other job mean that your current job with dad will be gone forever? like silver said speak to your father BEFORE you make a decision. let him know the oppurtunity you have and how it will help you or may make you a better person. and as said by silver show him you are grateful for the opertunity he gave you. i know personally, my parents want me to do whatever i feel makes me happy. thats why i have chosen what i do. my parents are supportive to no end. so who knows, maybe if you discuss this with your father he may support you 100% in whatever you choose. and 3. look towards your future!!!!! that is important. if there is a future in one job and no future in the other you may want to weigh your options and think about this one before jumping to a conclusion. what your father has done and what he does may not be for you. i dont know if any of this helped or wether i just wasted my time typing this, but thats my 2 cents. i hope you make the right decision, as hard as it may be, it is YOUR decision.
  2. greetings everybody, i am new to this site and this is my first post. i have a big dillema, i have been "dating" so to speak this girl for about a year and a half and dont know what to do anymore. i could prolly get advice on this from my friends but wanted to do it anonimously in fear of their reactions to how my relationship is going. ok a lil background on my relationship... i met this girl in an online chat room almost 2 years ago to the day. we actually first spoke on valentines day 2 years ago. at first we only spoke over an instant messenger and emails but after about 2 months of talking like this she gave me her phone number. at this point i would race home from work just to see if she was online so i could talk to her. once i got her phone number i started calling her and to my surprise we got along great. made eachother laugh and anytime i would talk to her all i could do was smile. after talking to her for 4 months i started to fall in love with her. i didnt know what to do, whether i should tell hern or not. so one night we were talking and she was quiet. i was saying to myself this isnt like her. so when i asked her what was wrong she said she wanted to tell me something but she was affraid i would think she was psycho. i told her i would think no such thing so this is when she told me that she was falling in love with me. i told her that i too was feeling the same way. we didnt make anything of it though cuz after all she was living in virginia and i am in nj. but after another couple of weeks during which i was contemplating asking her to be my gf, i finally asked her. she said yes. and after another couple of months she decided to move to philly pa for school. i figured great now i will get to see her. cuz to this point we hadnt met. i know some here are going to think i am crazy for that. then another couple of months later she decided to move again this time for work. so now she moved into nj and is only 15 minutes from my house. great for me, right? this is when it started to get difficult for me. after she was all moved in she decided that she wanted to come and see me. so i gave her directions to my house but she never made it over. and this has happened at least once a week, sometimes twice a week since. i mean sometimes things happen where she gets called to work or other emergencies come up, which i can understand. but this has been going on for almost 6 months. i have gotten to the point which i dont know what to do. i dont know whether to stay with her or if i should leave her. i mean i have gotten to know this girl so well over the past 2 years and i love her with all my heart. i know some are going to say im crazy but i dont care. im not seeking advice on if i should love her or not. because i do love her but it just seems like there is something wrong with me at this point. i mean if this happened only once or maybe twice i could understand. but this is a regualr occurrence. if this were just some girl i wouldnt think twice about dumping her a@#. but i have looked for my entire life and have found nothing that even comes close to this girl. that is why i am so riluctant to do something foolish. i just dont know what to do anymore and i am completely frustrated. any advice would be greatly appreciated. sorry for such a long post but thanx for reading it.
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