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Everything posted by Buttercup_cakez

  1. But in pinkoranges' case, he wasn't honest about it, how about if she never have picked on the phone like Vanilla say before or she never told her, then would he have come clean with it? In this case, he doens't really look sorry for what he did, but only b/c he got caught.
  2. coollady1957 say will try to keep it to themselves hoping to never get caught. And will do it again and again. They are liars, and sneaky and try to get away with anything they can. So ur applying this to everyone who has cheated before and saying all of them repeat it again and again. Nope, this isn't in my case with the making-out session, I told it right away to my now ex, and no, I wasn't thinking of getting away and not getting cuaght afterwards, I was thinking of coming clean, which I did. In the other case with my first b/f, he didn't come clean, I had to find out myself and then he apologize and tried to win be back when caught. So according to u, I'm always be a cheater and will always do it. As of my new relationship now, if it doesn't go well, I break up, that's for sure and yes also did mention I won't take him back if he cheats. U know, I use to think the same way about them, I even came to hated them when I got cheated, until I did it. Some of them do regret and don't do it again.
  3. [you werent thinking about your bf/gf at the time you were with someone else so why bother pretending afterwards to care that youve hurt them by it? Yes, you are right on that one. I clearly say on the beginning of my thread that there never is an excuse for cheating. When I did it, I felt just as bad as when I got cheated, prossibly more. I felt so low, it was like I went against all I been thought, that when I even told my folks and friends about it, they were shock, they were like "Wut happened to you, you're not that type of person I knew, this isn't you". As much as he wanted to take me back, I rejected it and told him to move on, that he's better off without me. No, I wasn't expecting him to feel sorry for me nor was I beginning. I can't imagine how it would have been still being with him and living with that reminder of wut I did and seeing him hurt over and over, thereforeeee I think breaking up was the best thing. As of now I'm in a current new relation, this is my third. No, I'm not ever cheating again, not will I forgive him if he cheats, he would be out.
  4. Denifitely there is never an excuse for cheating, I have always thought that was one of the most despicable thing one can do, but now I dunno wut to think. I was wondering which is worst, which one of the cases: 1) You getting cheated on and how it feels to be betrayed or case 2) You're the one doing the cheating and see how it hurts ur partner. Well see, this is from both experience, from my first b/f that it's already been a llong time I broke up, simple reason, he had a make out session, worst thing was me finding out from one of my friends and when I confronted him he denied it until I find the phone number, call that girl and she tells me that yes they had a make out session, but nothing went further. Off course he had begging afterwards and apologizing but no, I dump him right away. I wonder still till this day wut it would be like if he had told me himself, but no, at the time, I use to think bad about cheaters. Then comes my second relation, in which, in this case it was the other way around, me actually doing it, it was a making-out session with some guy I met online. I told him that I had a b/f afterward and left. Told my b/f right away, that's the diff, I told it myself. Off course he was hurt, and yet thought he say he would work it out, I say no, that he was better off without me, I was like "No, there is no excuse for wut I did, you should move on, don't take me back, don't, bye" Till this day I dunno wut to think of myself anymore. Now I'm currently in a relationship but at times still think about wut I did.
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