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Everything posted by alis

  1. I have been together with my boyfriend for over a year now. This is our first real relationship. For the first 7 months of the relationship, we lived near eachother and saw eachother several times a week when my school and his work would permit. Last fall, he moved 2000 miles away because of his job in order for him to have a better opportunity and a career. I accepted his decision and we had planned to stay together and fly to see eachother every 1-2 months. After I graduated college this May, we had planned to move near eachother so we could see eachother more. Many months later, things have obviously changed. I took my insecurities out on him, he developed a few bad habits, and we argued a lot over the phone. He had changed, and he devoted more and more time to his work (12 hours a day). I drove him away with nagging and he said he no longer enjoyed calling me. A couple weeks ago, we had an argument and out of anger I said we should break up. He agreed and all communication stopped until 5 days later when I called him to see if we could sort things out and he answered with a very distant voice like I was an aquaintance. This made me extremely depressed, because I couldn't fathom him not acknowledging what we were up to 5 days before that. I asked him if he still loved me and if he wanted to work things out and that things would be much better if we lived near eachother again. He said he needed to think about it and hasn't called me yet. Even if he does call me and says he wants to work things out, I still have doubts and this is why: I did everything I could think of to please him and found out what made him happy (except for my insecurities). And for him to want to do things for me was like a chore to him. Even in the beginning of our relationship, he didn't really try to go out of his way to do anything even though I sometimes gave him hints or flat out told him what made me happy. It seems that he doesn't enjoy doing things for those people that are dearest to him. I am trying to move on ahead with my life, but the memories and thoughts of "what if?" keep me preoccupied. Advice?
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