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Everything posted by xxxphil666

  1. hey thanks a lot guys. it just feels great just to know that there are other guys out there who felt the same way but is now feeling better than ever.
  2. i'm just feeling really lonely. i've never had any proper girlfriend, just one off the internet and she's miles away from me. i've got no mates who are guys. i've got one off the internet and he's gay. i just feel so alone. i can't find anybody who's like me, who shares the same interests with me. i feel so depressed that i'm different from normal guys. i'm ssoo small, like 5'3. i'm good with school and people call me a geek, nerd, loser whatever. maybe i am. i'm no good at sports. well i'm good at table tennis but i'm useless at important ones like soccer, football, baseball, or basketball. i've got a lisp. people laugh at me when i talk. i've got no real friends. i don't go to parties, partly because i can't dance, and partly because no one invites me to any, and partly because no girl would ever want to dance with me. i've attempted suicide, but i didn't continue. i kinda regret why i didn't even continue it. i know a lot of posts are similar to this. i just needed to get this out from me. why do i have to deal with this? i don't know if this kind of life is worth living for.
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