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  1. Well I still haven't deffinatly made up my mind, but I think i'm just gonna be with Tabatha for now and see what happens with Amber when Her boyfriend get's out. After all she did say she'd wait for me. Thank you for your advice I really appreciate it.
  2. Hi i'm Kelly and i'm 15. Yeah I know young, but mature for my age. It's a little long but I would really appreciate your opinion. Ok I've been in love with Amber for ten months and she likes me. Well she found out I like my best friends sister Tabatha. Boy did crap hit the fan! Well Tabatha told me she liked me before she even knew I liked her. She's straight but she's done stuff with girls before, but she's never had a relationship with a girl. Well Tabatha told Amber and Samantha (my best friend) that she liked me but she didn't want a relationship she just wanted to be able to cuddle and hold hands and kiss me. Well last night we were all at the mall and I had my arms around Amber coz I was cold. When I got home that night Samantha called me and asked me if I liked Amber I said of course i've been in love with her for ten months. And she said well do you like my sister and I said yes. She said it's not possible for me to be in love with somebody and like somebody else. She told me not to screw around with her sister because she doesn't need to be screwed over by a girl too. So in short Tabatha got mad at me for it and said she didn't want to talk to me again. Well I guess Tabatha was supposed to ask me out today now she's not but she still likes me and wants to be cuddle buddies. But then there is still Amber she wants to be with me but that's complicated too. Her boyfriend that she has been seeing on and off for six and a half years is in jail and he gets out in a few weeks. He joined SouthSide while he was in there and he turned into a big jerk. Amber said that when he gets out he either has to pick SouthSide or her. And if she's not with him when he gets out she wants to be with me. And she said more than likely they won't be together. Amber told me if I want to be with Tabatha that's fine she can wait for me but I don't want her feeling for me to go away. I don't know what to do I can either be with Tabatha and be happy and when me and Tabatha go down the hill if we do, be with Amber if she still has feeling for me. Or I can screw up my chances with Tabatha to wait for Amber's boyfriend to get out of jail to maybe find out she is going to be with him and not with me and screw my chances up with Tabatha for nothing. I don't know what to do I'm so confused. Once again I would really appreciate your opinion on this. Thank You.
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