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  1. Mjane - It certainly was not a contest and most defintely not one I would want to win - despite my very competitive nature. I just thought if I shared my experiences, maybe it might help you not feel like these kind of things were only happening to you. That being said, sounds like things are already starting to improve for you and if you do find a way to get past that empty feeling, please share it. I know I certainly could use the help and there are probably others that could too.
  2. You are stronger than you think. I went something very similar and can totally relate - - Lost job on birthday - off work 8 months; Mom dies of Cancer - 4 weeks later; Wife of 7 years has affair, ends in bitter divorce that takes two years to resolve; Lose House, Car and have to liquidate all assests in process; go from being with my kids everyday, to seeing them every other week and finally when I think it is over - dog of twelve years dies in my arms. While it is not easy, try to take it one day at a time - whenever possible try not to dwell on things, get a therapist - if only to talk, and excercise. Excercise can become a much needed distraction and it will make you feel better. Know that god or a higher power or whatever you wish to call it will never give you more than you can handle and is working to bring you something even better
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