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Posts posted by ttseng01

  1. I didnt have my first bf until I was 15. We were together for almost 2 years but he broke up w/ me after his vacation where there were bunch of girls in bikinis. Well.. we had the same relationship as yours where we fight alot but end up being together again cause of how much we love each other. And yeah, we had plans of being together. After awhile, he was tired of the fighting, so he broke up w/ me and moved on. Right now, Im 19, and Ive been w/ my new bf for almost 2 years. I am VERY happy. It took me awhile to realize that I was really deeply in love was because he was my first bf and the first who love me.

    From experience... you should just let him go for now. Yes, its very hard (i know because i was crying for 3 months straight). Try to keep your schedule busy, such as friends and school. This way u wont think about him much. There are a bunch of other girls who will love you the same or love u more. You just have to be patience. Everything happens for a reason. Trust me.

  2. Thi is a lack of insecurity and is not good for a relationship


    I've been w/ my partner for almost 2 years. We have a very strong relationship. I dont know about him but there are times where I tell him that its getting a bit boring, and there are times where I have thought about being w/ other ppl, since we're still young and all. I know he looks at other women and he knows I look at other men. But we're both okay with it because we both know that we're the only ones that we both want. We always tell ourselves that our love comes first.

  3. "should i perpetuate this relationship that is almost guarenteed to go nowhere or should i stick it out longer, getting more attached to him, and see what happens? "


    If you stay in the relationship, you're basically unintentionally trying to get him to make him think you're the one. You dont wanna be in a relationship where you're trying to work for someone's feelings. One thing for sure is most girls are vulnerable. And course, you're going to get attach to him. Once/if u guys separate, you're going to be miserable, and its going to be worse in the long run. hmm... trying telling him what you posted. See what he say and if u guys can talk about it.

  4. It's true that "women are more emotional than men" but women can get out of hand sometimes w/ their emotions.


    I am.. or 'was' the same way as you.


    I was w/ my ex bf for 2 yrs and he broke up w/ me unexpectedly. I didnt know why. Then i found out that he wanted to date other girls. Also, i found out he was seeing other girls behind my back. Throughout the relationship, I had these instincts that he was lying (but of course, he always said he wasnt), and that made our relationship bad because there was no trust.


    Later, i dated this other guy (who i am w/ now and its been a year n a half). i wasnt ready to commit b/c of trusting issues so we dated for about 3 months. He was the type who use to go around trying to be w/ all these girls. But once he met me, he knew that he's ready to be w/ just one girl. He still checks out girls right in front of me, but Im actually okay w/ it. He knows his limits. He's taught me to trust him more. He's open w/ his opinion and attractions towards females.


    Now, i still can get worried here n there, but not like before. if u really like this guy, u need to learn to trust him. If you're really worried if he will hurt u, then ull just need to try out the relationship, trust him, and let him prove to you if he'll hurt u or not. If u cant, you wont be able to be in a relationship. Have faith in him and in the relationship. God only gives you what he knows u can handle.

  5. He told me a bit later also, but what was worst was that i had to find out da other half of the story.. I was pretty upset, crying that I was getting hurt again (from past relationships) It took 4 days for us to get back to da way we use to be again.. I got him to admit what had happened, and he also decided to tell me how he use to be a wanna-be pimp.. and that hes changed cause i make him happy. He poured his heart out to me n cried to me; promising me that it would never happen again and that he will be more open w/ everything even if it makes me mad. ... Also, I knew deep down that this wasnt a situation where i have to let go of a relationship.. I knew that this girl was nothing to him and that the kiss just happened cause he was drunk.. (but if it was more than a kiss, then thats another story!)...

  6. I've kinda been through the same situation...


    ...but if my bf kissed a girl at a party while drunk....



    ... i think i would defniitely want to know. I will be mad and be very upset.. (because he waits 3 mths later to tell me)... but because it was a kiss, I would give him another chance, since it was just some random girl that he has no feelings for, and he's positive he wont leti t happen again

  7. It was wrong that you broke into his account. But If i were you...


    ...I wouldnt tell him yet that i broke into it. I would act normal for a bit.. then sit him down and just get into a converstion about 'us'.. then look him in the eye and ask him if you done anything wrong lately that you know would hurt me?... You know..those kinds of questions... And if he looks at you in the eye and lies to you.. then ..... *sigh* i dont know what else to say..

    .... I think you should just move on. I always told myself during a breakup that "the next one will be better"...

    And of course.. if they do it once, they'll do it again. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with this person who does things behind your back that you dislike? Remember.. Everything happens for a reason..... [/i]

  8. wow 10 years is a long time.. Thats probably the time where you should be getting hooked up w/ alot of ppl. I guess you didnt really have that and you're confused about it.. If you want to stay with her or explore. I agree w/ 'walkingwithaghost".. youre sort of screwing with her n the relationship. Seems like she really does love you.. b/c she was with other men, but she always came back to you 'when u needed her'... Relationships are stressful, and stress gets you confused.. so if u love her, let her be happy.

  9. well im a person w/ low self esteem and she seems like shes one too. If you really care about this person, you will be there for her, talk to her and make her feel like theres someone out there who cares. This situation actually reminds me of someone who broke it off b/c she felt she wasnt good enough or whatever. I guess it was the way she grew up. I dont know. Well, if she doesnt respond, just keep trying. She'll finally realize shes not alone and someone wants her.

  10. It's true that she might not believe you. But if I was in her situation, I would want to know. I guess what you can do it give her a call and tell her what happened. If she dont believe u, then thats her fault. It'll probably just get her thinking if he is/not. You did ur job as a human being to let someone know the truth.. now you can move on and stop worrying about it. [/i]

  11. Well..since u did lie to her, you did lose her trust.. and you probably know that..women are sensitive and they hurt easily. Its okay if ur chating w/ ppl online but you shouldnt even be flirting online. You're going to have to sit her down and look at her, w/ no screaming n arguing, that she needs to trust u. If she can't and wants u to stop all the things she dont like, then u gotta make a decision.. her + baby or internet w/ all the flirting going on. Relationships dont last long w/out trust. I dont think when ur 40, u'd still be wanting to go online flirting. Ask yourself what makes you happy.

  12. hmm.. I think that every person needs a time of fooling around w/ others (meaning more than 1 person)... and if that person cheats, i guess it means that person isnt having enough of that time... but i really dont think it means that the love they have for you isnt real. That person is just confused because he/she dont know what they really.

  13. well.. A month ago, I was at his house and we were both on his computer.

    Then this girl i.m.s him.. and I asked Cuong who is this. So he said "just some girl i met online from a long time ago"

    THen he said "just pretend you're me and lie to her that you have a memory loss problem"

    So i i.m.ed her back, pretending to be Cuong. And she's telling me this n that..blah blah blah... Then I asked her "whrn was the last time we talked? i forgot"..

    Then she said "last week"

    So i looked at cuong and i asked him why didnt he tell me that he talked to her last week. (because we're suppose to tell each other everything)..

    Well.. I figure it was just something small, so i let it go

    But i did ask him how long did they talk last week, and he tells me they had only talked for 10-15 mins. I also asked him did u guys liked each other before, and he told me he didnt like her but she liked him. But nothing much went on between them

    so.. sunday nite, I was at his house, and i was on the computer while he fell asleep. He never really cared if i snooped around his computer.

    So.. you know how some computers saves AIM conversations?

    Well.. I saw her screen name. I clicked on it, and two files (conversation) came up. And of course, one of them is Mine, when i pretended to be him

    (oh yeah, i forgot to mention... Cuong loves to joke around)

    And the other file, of course, was the file when she i.m.ed him the week before i talked to her

    So i opened it and read it.

    It started out w/ her i.m.ing him, and he was telling her he had a memory loss so he didnt know who she was.. And she had to refresh his memory.

    She was saying.. "i liked you before and i think, you liked me".. and they use to wrote letters to each other, and he had a bunch of old pics of her. (which i believe cuong threw away 2 years ago, he said) and they use to call each other and tal kto each other online almost everynight. She use to tell him almost everything. She even knows his sisters names!..

    Then Cuong talked to her a bit about how each of them were, then he said "pretend this convesation never happened. .... Dont ever i.m. me, ill just i.m. u, because my gf will get mad n jealous"

    And oh yeah.. he told her how he takes creatine to stay in shape. (And i asked him earlier if he told her that because he wanted her to know that he had a good body, and he said Yeah. i got him to admit it)

    During the end of the convo between them, she was like "wow, we've been talking for an hour!"

    So i kept on asking him what was the reason that he had to keep this away from me.. and he asid that he's trying to ignore her.. just like he's been trying to ignore other girls.. because he just wants our relationship to be perfect

    Like, i understand that, (i think) but there was no reason for him to lie about how long he talked to her

    I told him before, I dontcare what girl i.m.s u or calls u,.. but all im asking that its not your ex gf.


    We've been together for a year and a half and this is the first time where something like this happened.


    I use to have trust issues w/ the ex bf, because he lied (and maybe cheated) a couple times... and our relationship was getting out of control so he broke up with me. i feel like its happening again. I know he wont cheat on me. I forgave him but I lost alot of trust in him. I can't stop thinking about what he did. He told me he would never ever lie to me again. I dont want the relationship like I had before, where there was arguments and fights.

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