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Posts posted by xixilovergirlxixi

  1. ok heres my story. im in love with this guy and hes in love with me and he knows that i have a son and all but the thing is his mother does not want us talking to each other because i live out of state and because she thinks im trash because i have a child at such a young age but i love him more then anything in this world and im thinking about moving out there so i can be near him and so i can get away from my crazy boyfriend. But if his mother ever found out that we were seeing eachother she would flip out and prolly call the police and i would have to move back with my brother. i mean i would be living with my aunt but she does not have ne cusdity over me at all i need help, someone please help me!

  2. please read help me to understand what im writing.



    to all who responded. I went back to him and he hit me again what should i do im still totally in love with him. hes still in consouling but i dont think it is working can someone help me im scared for me and my son!

  3. thank you all for helping me. RIght now me and my child are still living with my brother and his wife my boyfriend has started going to therapy and im very proud of the improvment that he is making! he is starting to a much better boyfriend and a great father to his son. thank you all so much. this is the last chance i give him however if he ever hits me again i will not go back im still not ready to move back in with him yet im going to wait a couple months.

  4. well if u need advice quickly please email me at email removed. I check it everyday as im on this website everyday. i would really like to help you. you sound like your in a sticky situation and i hope i can be of some help. so please feel free to email me i will be around all tonight and will frequently check the computer for new emails and new posts right now i want to go fix my hair and makeup i feel like i look a very ugly sight lol. so i will be back on as soon as iam finished please stay online as long as you can so we can continue to talk.

  5. yes there is anything is possible. i am young but i have a 1 year old daughter that i love more then anything or anyone in this world. I was raped when i was 13 and got pregnant my boyfriend and i both thought it was his but it turned out to be the guy who raped me's child. I have no contact with him i dont even know his name so i cant have him tested. My boyfriend how ever adopted my daughter so we are a family in the end

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