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  1. A couple of questions here that I am seeking an opinion on. I'd prefer the opinion of the ladies, but guys, please feel free to put in your two cents as well. I work two full time jobs. I have an 11 year old son. So, between the jobs and the boy, I have very, very little free time. I usually keep one night during the week open to spend with my son, and see him one day on the weekends. Weeknights, I'm usually home by about 10:30 and in bed by 12:30-1:00am. So that gives maybe 2 hours a night open. I have now been single for a year and a half since splitting up with my ex-wife. It's been a very lonely road to say the least. I am in dire need of a companion. I miss the closeness, the friendship, the intimacy, everything about having someone by my side. My question here is: Due to the extreme lack of time I have, is it fair to start a relationship? I mean she'd have to be a night owl, and have a job that would allow her to stay up with me. Can you even have a real relationship spending that little time together? My other question is have never been on the dating scene. My ex and I were together for 8 years. I have had 3 serious relationships, but they all happened with someone I knew. So, I've never had to pursue a total stranger. I am a little bit shy, especially around people I don't know. I know where to go to meet my kind of girls, just not what to say, do, or how to act. Any advice other than just be yourself? I plan on going to where these lovely ladies congregate as soon as I get some free time to do it. I will be going alone since my only friend is a married woman. So, no "wingman" to aid in my ventures. (Do they even work anyway?) Any opinion, thought, or suggestion is welcomed. What could it hurt for a guy with no experience like me? Thanks!!
  2. Just went through the same exact thing. When it's over, you know it's over. It doesn't make it any less painful! The most important thing is to stay civil to eachother for your child. Luckily your child is still very young. Mine was 10 when we split up and it's changed him a lot. Time will heal your heart. It may take a lot of time, but eventually you will feel complete again.
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