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Posts posted by freedom

  1. the oppostite of love is not hate, it is indifference.

    Staying in a relationship that your S.O doesnt care about does you no good and only brings about unhappiness.

    Ps try see a marriage counseller. and if you don;t see any progression it is beter to just end it.

  2. personilty and upbringing there is not answer to this question.

    If the bf/gf calls too much and you cant take it.. better end it. (goes both ways)

    Too much space or not enough space.

    It is just what people personally need and it carries through the relationship.

  3. what do you do with a person that say they love you but are sure that they are 'in love' with you. When the relationship goes through a tempory breakup only to get together again. When the S.O cannot understand why they ended it but also don't know why they WANT to be with you. (commitment phobe?)


    How do i solve this problem?

  4. i would say stick with it. Most importantly right nowis that you are with a large company and good pay. Whn you finish your degree ou will become full time ad thus have the ability to move within the organisation and expand your opportunities. I would have to say that i agree with your boss on this one. You are obviously a good 'employee' but with your situation right now (tie schedule and end of degree) yor school load is going to be higher and thus you are going to be unrealiable. I suppose they dont want to risk you degree with work obligations.

    Sitick in there and you will experience more later. Btw, maybe talk to you boss about after degree options and see what he can offer you.

  5. Actually, i think you should walk away BUT before you do i would recommend that you do one thing to se the results.

    I think you should go to her work place and inform the other guy that you are her boyfriend and see if he knows of you.

    If he doesnt know of you, he may realise that he is being strung along and back off. (there is hope)

    If he knows of you and decides to continue then i would recommend to walk away. (they have been at it for too long to let it go)

    Then tell her about what you have done, watch her reaction and make a decision for yourself.

    4 years is a long time for a relationship to just throw away but if you have to live a lifetime feeling miserable with this person then it is better to walk away and find happiness with someone else.

  6. i have read you mail thru and this is what i think (which i pretty sure i am right.)

    you love your dog so much that you have babied it to a point where you have neglected to train it properly. You have began to look pass these bad behaviours (claiming that it is your baby and that knowing you can;t have children) to a point where it is spoilt. Of course you love your dog but you or anyone (including your S.O ) doesn't have to out up with a badly behaved dog. (Just like in any human society the parent would say that their children is not to blame for bad behaviour it is a parent that doesn't teach the children CORRECT behaviour.) it looks like your over protectiveness has RE-ENFORCED bad behaviour in your dog.


    I suppose every little thing that your bf does will make your dog yipe because it knows that it would get a reaction. Dogs are smart little buggers. My dog use to Yipe a scream everytime we comb his hair, it was a drama queen.


    I do NOT condone you S.O treatment of your dog but i can understand it. He believes he is training your dog, but in my opinion he is doing it incorrectly.


    What all 4 of you need is training. (ie you, bf, your dog and his dog.)

    Watch your behaviour and find out if you are re-enforcing bad behaviour.

  7. mate.. i am sure that he WILL CARE!!! i think you need to get your priorities in line.

    The person you tell first is your mother. She is immeidiate family and thus has the right to know before your step-bro. (It would hurt her that you didnt tell her first.) from there you can bring up the subject about telling your step-bro or possiblilty changing to living arrangment. Things that can be do to lesssen the impact on the 'new' family arrangement.


    I admire you for deciding to come out, but i feel that there are ways to lessen the impact.


    As for your step-brother, dont tell him yet. he may not beat you up but there will be awkwardness between both of you. be ready for it.

  8. i feel that you are being selfish. In the end of the day, she is his mother and he has his responsibilities. She just moved into new surroundings and he wants to see she is ok. He has his responsibilites to he mother. Unfortunately it falls on this day (14th Feb) and thus your expectations are there.


    May i suggest something.... if it's important to you, why not take the day off and drive up to his mothers, Why dont you jump in the car and have a romantic 3 hours drive to see his mom. It would be great that you share they day as a family. On your way home you can have a romantic dinner or night in a hotel.


    Don't get into a competition with the mother. It would put unnecessary stress into your relationship. He is with you but he has to look after his mother. Be glad that is knows his responsibilites and his proirites. Though it sucks the man has his heart in the right place. You kind both make it up over the weekend.

  9. you should move on and not try to be with this person(ex) as it is not benefitial to you or you current.

    To be honest you sound obessed about our ex. Maybe you should take a long hard lok at yourself and try figure out why you 'need' this person in your life. He doesnt sound to be a person of character so why are you wasting your time thinking or trying to be his friend.

  10. Not any job will het you international status. Laywers less likely to be able to travel as laws are different from counyry to country. Unless they are a large USA based MNC and if you are a USA laywer you MIGHT be hired, you have to be the premium batch.

    As for jobs (education) that lets you travel, nursing right now is probably the best. Internationally there is a shortage of nurses thus ALL countries are more then willing to let you 'walk' thru the front door. Engineers are good, I.T has dropped substancially. Business management is good but it is a hard sell (most countries have their own style). Doctors dont travel well either ( you have to be retrained to meet local standards and laws)


    hope this helps.

  11. if you want to go digital and since you are using a nikon.. i would by the nikon 50D or 70D or 80D. They are solid consumer market performers.

    Why buy digital?

    As you are learning about photography the advantage of digital is instant replay. You will be able to learn and correct your mistake on the spot. That itself is a big plus.

    Another advantage is cost. There is no cost to see your shots. IF you use film you will begin to realise the cost of producing the negatives.

    There is so much advantage to digital but i still love the film.


    In the end, if you have the budget and you want to learn faster i would recommend digital.

  12. Actually to be honest it is a natural defensive machanism.

    As you said you were the Dumper.

    He is now back in a relationship with you but he isnt going to give you 100% as he did before cos you broke he heart. In his subconscience mind he would keep some options open.

    As for the bubble, he didnt break it, you did (from his point of view)

    Maybe through time things will change for the better, as for now, you are going to have a accept it.

    As for the men are pigs because we look at women let me tell you there has been research that says otherwise. Women look at men and scans men twice as much and in more detail, it is jsut a subconscience thing. The only difference is that men get caught 'looking' becase we scan at a slower rate.


    Remember you are the dumper.


    I hope things work out with you.

    we aren't all pigs neither are women all b*tch*s

  13. i would advice her to quit hanging out with the co-worker until she knows whether she loves the boyfriend. It isnt far on the boyfriend irrigadeless how he acts(matured or not). I would say she should end her relationship with the current boyfriend if she doesnt love him before she goes testing other waters.

    It's all about principles.


    It sounds to me she is an insecure woman. This is just something she has to figure out herself and not inflict pain on others.

  14. getting over it! sometimes it is so easy to say but so hard to do. Whether it is a relationship or a issue with society or a friend. Sometimes the issue is so little that we should 'get over it' but we can't. Many times in Hind sight we realise that i wasn't a big issue but we made it bigger then it should.


    How do you get over it?? To get over something before it bigger then it should be.

  15. It is disturbing that nowadays there is so many magazines talking about pleasing women in bed. From womens magazine to mens magazine it is all about pleasing her. I am not sying that there are no magazine talking about pleasing men, but it is far fewer then media talking about pleasing the women.


    No wonder men nowadys have inferiority complex in bed with women. After all, we have this little thing at the back of our heads that says.. "am i pleasing her?? where is that 'magic' spot??" blah blah blah.


    This may sound sexist but it is an observation.

    So what do you think?

  16. you dont need to tell her anthing.YOu are finding excuses to talk to her.

    you have already not talked to her for 2 weeks, just keep it that way. IF she calls then tell her you need space and nothing else. No long drawn explainations, it wouldnt help your situation.

  17. You are just friends. Chasing this won't change a thing only humiliate you.

    She knows that you like her, no point saying it again becaue you know she is only wants you as a friend. You will eventually feel used.

    What you need to admit to yourself that a relationship take 2 and unfortunately she isnt interested. You do not need to explain anyting, all you need to do is pull yourself away fro a period fo time.

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