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Posts posted by Mr.BoomStick

  1. alright theres def no way my gf is pregnant cuz i used a condom everytime and i no what im doing cuz ive had experience with a lot of other girls so its not like i did anything stupid, is there any other explanation as to why shes missed her last 2 periods?? last one she got was the end of feb and she was supopsed to get on on march 15th and at the end of march but they never came

  2. im 17 years old, ive had sex toooons of times with a bunch of different girls b4 so its not like i dont no what im doing, me and my new gf whos 16 have just started having sex, im the first guy shes ever had sex with and she hasnt been fingered or anything by that many guys, the thing is when i put it in at first and when i start going sumwhat fast or deep or anything she says it hurts and looks like shes in pain, weve had sex about 5 times so whats the deal?

  3. ok my gf who ive been goin out with for 6 months dumps me 3 days ago, i like her a lot and im kinda mad, one of my ex gfs finds out and wants to get with me, keep in mind im a horny 17 year old guy, shes supposed to drive over tonight and we would do whatever, after i make the plans i find out my gf wants me back and im all about it, i also want to get sum, my ex gf goes to school with my gfs best friend and they hate each other, im afraid she migth say sumthing and then my gf would find out and hate me, what should i do or say to stop this from happening, i need more ideas then just dont get with her

  4. im 16 and ive been messing around with this other girl who just turned 16 in november, whenever we were doing stuff it usually took sex for her to orgasm, shes done stuff with other guys and has had sex with 3 other guys before, she also seems to be a bit on the slutty side despite her denying it, and it only seems she gets off from sex, i recently have been seeing this 15 year old girl who has never had sex and really hasnt done anything with guys that much, when we were hooking up i decided to make a move with my hand down her pants, she seemed extremely aroused and she got off from me just rubbing a little bit down there while she still had her panties on, she seemed to enjoy it a lot more then the other girl, and it seemed she got a lot more pleasure out of it, why is it that just that little bit of fooling around caused her to get off when it took full on sex to get the other girl off, does it have to do with the fact that the first has gotten around, shes said that it always takes sex for her to orgasm?

  5. i currently have a gf who i think i love but im not sure, weve both said we love each other and i m pretty sure she means it, i met this other girl at a party, we didnt do anything just talked, the next day i went over her house and brought sum vodka we drank and chilled had fun and nothing happened again, the following night we both snuck out and chilled in my car i ended up putting my arm around her and stuff, im planning on seeing her this week and i dun no if i should let anything more then that happen, i get this feeling when around her that i dont get when im with my gf

  6. my gf is going to a prep mixer which is an orgy for preppy kids and horny prep boys, shes going this friday, i havent seen her for 2 weeks and i wanted to chill with her but shes going to this dance instead with her friends for a "girls night out" so i was a bit concerned after hearing what these mixers were like and im scared cuz my gf has cheated on her bfs b4 i dunno what to do...

  7. alright my gf has been known to play sum pretty cruel tricks on me by making up stuff but its cool cuz its fun, heres the problem shes had chlymidia for almost a year, she didnt no she had it till a week ago she didnt have symptoms but i got it so she new she got it from her ex of a year ago, for about the past 2 weeks shes been teling me shes been having really really bad abdominal pains and stuff so the went to the doctors today, ive been trying to get a hold of her all day and then her mom signs on her sn to check her email for her and tells me shes in the hospital and has to get her ovaries removed cause the infection spread, does anyone no if thats what happens if u have chylmidia for a long time and would any decent gf play a trick this bad on anyone i dunno if its true or not

  8. alright like a little bit ago i found out i got chlymidia from my gf and i told her she had no idea she had it and the last time she had sex was almost a year ago which means shes had it for a year, recentely shes been having really really really bad stomach pains which have been going on for about 2 weeks could this b from the chylimidia infection and the fact the she hasnt gotten it treated for so long

  9. alrighty here we go my gf gave me an std after we had unprotected sex, she has no idea that she has an std if she did she woulda told me, i heard sumwhere that after intercorse and stuff that a girl usually bleeds if infected with clymidia which is wat ive got and she prolly has, shes told me that b4 everytime she got it on with a guy she bled afterwards so im assuming that shes had this for awhile, another thing popped into my mind mayb shes cheatin on me and just got this std and gave it to me cuz i just recentely got it and weve had unprotected sex for about 3 weeks now, what should i do

  10. yeah how would i get my gf to try sum new sex positions, should i just like bring it up in a convo or sumthing or just go for it when were getting it on, weve only done missionary and i dun wanna make her mad cuz she might b like so what were doing now isnt getting u off, i dunno what i should do

  11. alright heres the story i had plans to chill with my gf on friday then all of a sudden shes like i have to goto the prep dance with my friends cuz i wanna meet ppl and make new guy friends. these prep dances are for horny rich kids and they all get it on, she nos that too. she doesnt invite me either what the hell m i supposed to think

  12. i dunno i feel like my gf doesnt like me, she tells me she loves me and it seems like she does her friends say she does too but i dunno, mayb its cause i feel that i dont deserve her and that the second she finds sumone better she will do sumthing with them, i dunno if i got this feeling cuz my last gf cheated on me and im just paranoid, help me

  13. alright my gf just told me she loves me, i was surprised because i felt the same way, thing is she doesnt believe me, she asked y do u love me, i responded by saying all the good qualities that she had, she said that isnt good enough or sumthing, so yeah what should i say??

  14. ok ive been going out with this girl for about 2 months. weve broken up and gotten back together 3 times. both of us say that we love each other and care about each other a lot. how can one tell that the other one is telling the truth or not.

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