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Everything posted by darrenloved

  1. After oral stimulating my girlfriend and her looking as though she was enjoying it. I have noticed that she often turns to me after and says I CANT MOVE.... and just lies next to me... This is a while after foreplay.. Is this a good sign... Does it mean she has had orgasms or multiple orgasms. Stupidly I asked her did you cum and she often said yes and often no but she did kind of sounded like letting go or letting off during me fingering her. Does any of this mean she was satissfied.
  2. She will not even communicate with me anymore... I always was there for her but she was not there for me sexually after those past two days. She said it was she felt wrong in her religion.
  3. I was dating a girl for four months. Met her on a cruise ship and then we did everything accept have sex. During the blow job she always swallowed. I went to visit her after the cruise and she always swallowed and let me touch her. We were in a LDR. She told me eventually she loved me and I told her she loved me too. We spoke two hours everyday. I am in South Africa and she is in New York City at university. I waited three months and then went to see her again. The first night she did everything accept SEX. She did not swallow but began spitting out. The next night the same thing. The third night she told me only to touch her on top because of issues with religion etc she didnt feel right. The fourth night she told me not too touch her anymore just hold her. The fifth day she broke up with me. Why did this happen. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF IT WAS ME....HER ATTRACTION OR WHAT. I am devastated.
  4. I am willing to do anything. She told me she loved me the whole time. She was confused when I was there I guess due to such a short amount of time but so much advancements. She told me she really loved me and I meant more to her than anything. I have stopped contact with her for a week and will continue to do so until her birthday in a month where I will phone and wish her happy birthday anyways... I want to do anything to re-establish communication when the time is right... Help me out please..I am not willing to LET GO.. She was confused and mentally unstable...she can get through it. Darren
  5. Hi I am 21 and I live in Johannesburg South Africa. I am sure that people who know me might see this including my ex girlfriend but I am at a stage that I actually dont care anymore who does. It started out like this. I went on a cruise in December 2004 and met a girl the second night. Anyways I did not see this girl till like the 8th night of the cruise and this was a 14 night cruise. On the 8th night I started talking to her and we got on well, the next night we sang a duet together and it was great, the next night we talked in my room for hours, the next night I kissed her. We spent so much time together. Anyways on New Years we got more physical but I am not really interested in the sexual aspect as I dont care about SEX only, so I did not sleep with her. She also is a religious Christian. We discussed that LDR do not work and decided to keep in contact but then we both decided that we have so much in common, we love each others company, and there is so much to learn about each other that we will start a relationship we both are commited too. Well while I was in Miami for a week before going home we spoke twice a day and eventually she said to me please come visit me and my family in Michigan. I went to see her there..It was great. The time was awesome and she really opened up to me and told me alot. She told me she had two boyfriends before who stalked her when she broke up with them. Anyways as time goes I flew home after visiting her and we spoke twice everyday. She was quite moody often but I understood it was her stress in Varsity. I own a cruise company and I am involved in alot of business so money was not a problem. She also claimed to have many guy friends and even went on a weekend to Ski with one...who she had kissed before but not told me. Anyways she begged me to come to NYC i said I would tried but could not get my partner to back off with the business so I could go. It was awful but her mom went to see her then. The next week I got off so I told her id come for ten days she was extatic. As it is I went to New York on the day I planned too and she met me. The first day was great.By the way during the first two months of our relationship we always said it will work no matter what..she said she feels like im THE ONE and I agreed about her. We waited a while before saying I love you when we really meant it. All of a sudden she started saying things like hey honey God wants this to work it will lets take it by day and things like dont call me this and that name anymore. The second day she seemed kinda moody and I asked her if she was Ok she said yes its just PMS coming along. The first and second day we were physical. The third day she and me spoke and I said look im Jewish and you Christian but we will get through it and she agreed.She also said she had told her friends that we had been having problems which was not that true. The next day she made me run around with her and her friends looking for apartments etc. She never ever cancelled school or anything for me and that I guess made her extremely moody and argumentative. That night she cut down the level of physicality. She said I could only go so far. As I said the physical I didnt care about. I just guess we were extremely physical because we had not seen each other for a long time. The next night she said no touching below only on top I accepted this. The next night she said no touching at all and wouldnt let me hold her...said she felt uncomfortable. I agreed with her and said its no problem but why is it like this...we spoke about it and agreed its religion. I asked her why she was acting so different and she told me its because I realise I dont have to be how you expect me to be I can be the real me.The next day we went out for lunch..I said to her maybe I must go back and give her time with her friends because we are arguing.I said id go back to South Africa and she said how would that help and breaking up was not the solution.After when we went back to my hotel she broke up with me saying it was too much too soon. I said to her but you have said you love me. She agreed she had but then said its impossible for me to love her if she didnt love me...She said shes sorry but it was an infatuation. The fact of the matter is she was so in love with me she always wanted to speak to me etc. She said I want to speak to you about three times a week still .I said after you have hurt me I cant.I tried to argue but she said No and I asked her to say good bye as Ill leave for South Africa . She said no she would rather me leave hating her then loving her. She also said its your choice to erase me. She was wrong as she did call me when I had left the hotel room already. Anyways I messed up because I texted her like twenty times and emailed her three times. I also called her four times but she would not answer. I acted like a stalker but I think I had the right too as I was going back and did not live in that country. I even told her I would move there next year for her. I LOVE THIS GIRL....SHE DOES NOT WISH TO COMMUNICATE WITH ME. THIS IS DUE TO ME RUNNING AFTER HER AT THE END AND ACTING LIKE A TOTAL MORON. SHE IS 20 I AM 21.I LOVE HER SO MUCH...I HAVE BEEN SPENDING MY MONEY SEEING A SHRINK AND HE SAYS ERASE HER. I CAN NOT. HOW CAN I GET HER BACK OR WHAT CAN I DO TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION. I know in the beginning when I was back home she was more relaxed and less stressed and near the time I went there changed medication. PLEASE HELP ME AS I AM SO DEPRESSED....I WANT HER BACK ILL DO ANYTHING I REALLY LOVE HER I HAVE BEEN IN SO MANY RELATIONSHIPS BUT HAVE NEVER EVER LOVED ANYONE THIS MUCH. I am willing to do anything to resolve this even though she just left me on the fifth out of my ten days in New York.. I only went there to see her and for her. Why did this happen...why did the physical die down..why did we start arguing etc... HELP ME GET HER BACK
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