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Everything posted by justlike_always

  1. Yeah er actually Ally, my girlfriend who i was expecting a baby with just miscarriaged 10 weeks into her pregnancy. I'm pretty, i dunno. Gone. I'm sort of depressed again. Angry. I was preparing myself for everything, i knew i was working for two and i kept assuring that she was eating right for the kid. I was looking after two people. Making changes for the future. Now its been taken away. The doctor said that it could be caused due to genetic reasons. Because of how everything was before, it's like this has happened because in the end i didnt deserve a child. This has been the toughest past few months of my life. I feel completely selfish. At the beginning i didn't want it, now it's gone. And i feel f..''''''d''. I think were over. She doesnt wanna see me. Wont let me in. Not being straight with me or cooperating just like before. Weve changed so much. She's not the only one with feelings. I'm soo destraught too. How do you get everything back together? I'm so depressed. I hate myself. I just wanna get away from everything.
  2. Hey, I posted here a while ago about a situation and umm yeah we're gunna keep the baby, and that's what we both want. I was really depressed actually and i guess i just kinda got relief on here by just letting it all out. I think the one reason why i was so naive before in thinking that if i can't be commited to her, we shouldn't keep our baby was because to me it was like there wasn't a baby there. I visited her yesterday night and i told her what i thought about everything before and initially yeah, ovcoarse she was upset, she was telling me about how i could do say such things because of before and after a long night of discussion and tears she made me realise that even if we don't stay together for as long as we could you know, what am i kidding myself? Ovcoarse i'm always going to be in love with her because she's the mother of my kid, and i'm always going have a place in my heart for her. I'm ready, and i'm gunna be a dad. When i saw her, it showed, i could see the difference, i've got a kid on the way. She's 8 weeks. Her hips have expanded and you can see in her belly that there's something growing inside and i'm ready for fatherhood. I'm ready to be a dad. So thanks to everyone for just listening and taking notice to what i said. I appreciated it.
  3. Okay, all of this has pretty much cleared the water a bit. I'm gunna be seeing her tonight and i'm gunna mention alot of things said from here to her, and obviously what i told you guys. We'll just have to see how it goes and hopefully make the right decision. & thanks by the way. I Appreciate this.
  4. Hey, I've been going through a really tough time at the moment with my girlfriend who has unexpectedly fallen pregnant with my baby. The decision on what to do is just really messing with my head right now. I'm not the kind of guy that can't work out answers for himself but i need to talk to and get help from someone who can just try and sort it out, make it easier or watever. We've been together for almost 2 years, and about a month and a half ago she told me she was pregnant and that she wanted the decision to be based on what was best for us. She was unsure about the idea of abortion which was the only thing i suggested doing at first. It seemed like she didn't want the baby but also didn't want to get rid of it or kill it and have it removed. I was confused by her feelings, and what she was telling me didn't match up to her answers and i felt like i wanted to keep the baby for her, because somewhere down deep she wanted it although she told me she didn't. (She was so emotional, and not herself sometimes when she would say this). This also made me think and i realised that i wanted to have the baby and she managed to tell me that if thats what i wanted she wanted it too. I work and supporting the kid and as far as finacial help is concerned, everything will be under control. (I work with my father who owns a large business) Now i'm trying to look forward and i can't picture myself being with her for the rest of my life. I don't see my future being commited to her and now it's like i don't want this kid because i don't emotionally want to be with her forever. I wan't to raise my children in a loving and supportive upringing family as i was, and if i can't love her for as long as i should, how can i give that to this kid? I'm so frustated and im annoyed and can't get to sleep over this. I feel as if i've made her keep the baby and now it's like i don't want her to have it anymore and neither did she at first and the decision of aborting is what i think she should refer to doing. Whats made me even more angry is that it's like she's dumped all the responsibilty on me. Making the decisions, thinking of the best. She's not co operating properly and for as long as i've known her i would have thought she'd be more comprehensive. My parents are leaving it to us to sort out and i can tell that my father isn't too pleased. We're close and he's left this all to me, and i'm just usually use to looking for help from him. I'm aware it's my responsibility but It's sorta getting too much to take and i feel like i just wanna get away from it all. I've never been this low before. I'm just angry and off it all.
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