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Posts posted by SeaBisquit

  1. this guy has me, we have broke up and got back together twice. he treats me like crap and i still go back to him. sometimes i feel bad for him and go back to him for that reason and sometimes i think i love him even though i know he is soooo wrong for me. i have dated other people who are really nice to me. but i always go back to thinking about him. he is always on my mind. i don't know why i keep doing this. i think he knows how to control my mind or something.

  2. i want him to feel bad like how he makes me feel. i just feel stupid for even putting up with all of this. at first i stuck with him because of his dad being ill. now i can't take it anymore. i have been so nice to him and he treats me like crap. deep down i think i want some kind of revenge. i know it's wrong but i'm being Honest, i hate him for what he has put me through and i can't just let it go.

  3. my bf birthday is in a few days and he has really been a ******** so i wanted to do something ******** back to him. anyways he's been talking about other girls and saying some pretty nasty things to me so i thought that i would tell him that i hope he gets his birthday wish and finds a really hot girl to spend the rest of his life with. i want to break up with him on his birthday. childish i know, but then again he is a child.

  4. hi dannysgirl, i think what you said is probably the closest to the truth. the thing is he won't really come out and say it. it has broken up with me for reasons that just doesn't make any sense. i know when we were living together the first time he made it perfectly clear that i had to take care of my daughter myself because he had already raised up his children.

  5. my bf just continues to confuse the hell out of me. he'll says things like as a single guy i really need to be concerned about single women with children because they are just looking for someone to take care of them and it will hurt a guy financially. he said he read that in a book, that single women with children will break him. i am of course a single mother so i don't exactly understand what he is trying to tell me. So I asked him well, why are you even referring to yourself as single i thought we were a couple and i got now response from him at all. so now i'm thinking is it time for me to back my bags again? he has just been so weird talking about other women and stuff.

  6. i don't mean to be inconsiderate of other people opinions. i guess it's just that i have such strong feelings on this topic myself.


    my mother just said to me the other day that she cannot understand why i have so many gay friend but that i cannot accept the fact that my own brother is gay. it is mostly because he is my obly brother and i want him to be able to have a family, and for my own selfish reasons i want neices and nephews.


    it was very hard for me growing up because i was ridiculed all the time because my brother was gay. I always thought omg people are treating me like crap because my brother is gay. i wonder what he is dailey going thru.


    I remember my brother was beat up alot by other people . i had to defend for him often. i always felt badly for him and wondered what in must be like for him to go through life being different.

  7. i think many people are just brought up to be close minded. they cannot accept something or someone that is different from themselves. they view things in a way in which they were taught. not to be able to choose to decide for themselves. only to be able to choose a life style in which they see fits. anything else just wouldn't be logical.

  8. i'm by all means not happy with the situation. i do want to be able to see him daily,we are together now. i just don't ever want to do marriage again. however, somehow i have to prepare myself for the possiblity that he is going to be going away to care for his mother even if it might be for a little while. we sepaterate about six months ago and during the seperation i only saw him once or twice a month. i thought i was going to loose my mind. then i told myself i had to focus on life little surprises and learn how to deal with it. so i finally convinced myself to try and not be so nuerotic. but that is easier said then done in my case.


    i think i have a big fear when it comes to abadonment, because my ex husband abondaned me. so i fear it will happen again.

  9. so then if we take one very intellectual gay and put them together with a very rich gay this will = a gay that may be worthy of being a parent


    because something here just isn't making a whole lot of sense to me. i'm hearing that a child growing up in a gay environment will not have any structure. where's the proof to that. i want to hear the facts.

  10. lilady i SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO diagree with you. I'm a single parent, and i can say this. My childs father is a bum , a dead beat a dowm right LOOOOOOOOOOOOSer!!!!! and if i could have down it all over again. i would find some guy to doante his sperm so that i could have a child all of my own. and guess what??? my child would be the happiest little girl in the world because all she needs is me. and another thing my love is so strong between my daughter and i if i were gay! that littl angel of mine wouldn't even care.

  11. hello darkblue, i guess i would have to say i would have to look up the stastcs on that. no one plans for anything to happen it just does. my point is this there are many children out there that are deserving of someones love. i think it is up to the adult on whether or not they are going to be a loving and caring parent be that they are gay or straight.


    i am a member of the single parenting mothers out their and i have to say we did the best we could do rasing are children alone. I have to say it is better for one person to love a child then it is for none.

  12. this is Very selfish of me too but i am just being honest. it is so great living with him i really want us to have a future but i am all the time thinkin it isn't going to work out.


    and i listen to some idiots (that i unfortunately know) and they think i should find someone who has less going on in their life.

    i feel that i should stick by him regardless he has helped me through some very trying times.

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