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Fender Bender

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Posts posted by Fender Bender

  1. before i start, i need to explain why we broke up:


    about a week ago, my g/f had to go to rehab cause her mom found some drugs in her room. she's actualy quit that certain type of drug, but was sent to rehab anyways. all of a sudden she was acting depressed. it was hard upholding a relationship with each other, and eventually she gave in and she broke up with me.


    she said she didn't want a boyfriend right now, but i just found out she still liked me. problem is, i can't seem to stand looking at her anymore... i was po'd when i heard she had done that drug to the point that her voice gets annoying and i get a strange sense of anger around her.but apparently, half of the people i hang out with claim they've gotten wasted or high or whatever, and those were only the people who hang out w/ her too, which makes things worse.


    I started hanging out with some other friends for a few days (ever since Thursday), when i finally heard that she still liked me. it was the last day of school until spring break, so it was the only time i could see her for a while. Now i feel like, cause of all this crap going on, i'm probably not going to be friends with her anymore. I still like her (i feel like strangling her cause she did the drugs, but only cause i care), but i can't find a way to approach her. I tried after i found out she still liked me, but when i got near her, she shunned me. I don't know what i should do with her anymore....please help

  2. i'm not old enough to drive a car with a group of friends and go see a rock concert, but that would be the first thing on my mind when i could.


    a great hobby would be to start playing guitar. it can be a stress reliever when everything else sux and there's nothing you can do about it. it's also fun hearing yourself doing something cool for once.


    other than that, myspace can get addictive when some people you know are on it.

  3. well, aren't we thinking positive! i'm sure my world would be loads better if i thought of all the positive aspects in it. unfortunately it's not that way right now. i'll try my hardest...


    1) music. if i could live without music, holy crap.


    2) internet. what would i be doing without you... maybe it's the famous....


    3) TV. The Colbert Report is friggin sweet!!! I love the Colbert Report!!!


    4) random events that spark my interest...um...i'll get back to you on this later.


    5) friends. I've told myself about a thousand times I would've killed myself by now if they weren't so cool.


    6) myspace. I didn't know my friends were online. kinda cool talking to them online instead of on the phone or at school.


    7) um........


    8) I know there's gotta be something cool going on...I think....


    9) eNotAlone. Yup. i dunno why, but it's better than talking to my parents about stuff sometimes. They're too restricted sometimes....


    10) parties. they don't always happen, but when they do they rule.



    Well i dug em out for ya. i think that took up about 10 minutes out of my life. for now, i probably just need to sort my mind out. school's in spring break, so my friends are gone for about an extra week... this is probably the first time i've ever hated spring break...

  4. thanx for the help, guys. btw, to that last post, we go to the same school.


    anyways, she's been depressed lately and it REALLY affected our relationship. in fact, we just broke up today. ironically she hasn't picked up the phone since i started this topic, but we'd talk at school, which sucked cause i always feel kind of restricted there.


    i know why she was depressed, but she was getting too avoidant... couldn't go anywhere with her, and i'd only get a hug from her here and there. we'd talk some, but only during our 30 minute lunch and around the halls, which sucked even more.


    I'm over it, which surprises me cause i really liked her even though we didn't do anything, but thanks for the help.

  5. So you're talking to your gf/bf for 2 hours over the phone. For once, there's an awkward silence cause you can't think of anything to say.


    However, sometimes you may feel like carrying on the conversation anyways cause you don't want to throw in a crappy excuse to hang up. Then the awkward silence gets noisy and you can't think about anything to say to stop it.


    So what do you say when there's nothing to say? (goodbye doesn't cut it)

  6. sounds like mike's had a tough life...

    you know, if you really like him, you should get him professional help. drugs are addictive (no, i haven't and will NEVER try one even once in my life), and screws the mind up. if you don't get help, he'll always be like this, and nobody who cares wants that, and if you're the only one that cares, just get help.


    good luck

  7. I went to the school dance yesterday and i met this one girl who i asked out and stuff, got to know her (for like, 10 minutes cause we met near the end), and i asked her if i could kiss her and she said no (when she was about to leave). then i was just hangin out with some friends for a few minutes and saw her and walked toward her and after a few minutes she started getting nervous (she said it was cause her mom wasn't there or something, but we're 14 y/o, so....) I walked outside with her (she started pacing and looked sort of nervous) and she was talking to her friend (still pacing) and I finally said goodnight to her (just a friendly hug and that was about it...) and went back in (and she's still pacing).


    ne-ways, i don't know if i'm just jumping to conclusions, but is she a little prude? and if so, how could i change her (yeah, we just met, but still)?

  8. hey guys. I have a problem with my girlfriend that sort of just came up and i'm still questioning it....


    her cousin came up and told me she was with one of the more drugatic freaks of the school and something happened (take a good guess, cause i'm not telling you directly. she wasn't cheating either).


    if you catch what i'm saying, what should i do? I feel different around her, like all of a sudden i'm a little shyer than usual, but i still love her. please help

  9. i think it's fine. just work on your pre-pre-approach: did she smile at you when she stared? did you lock eyes and she look away or just smile?

    a smile can say more with a stare in the eyes for a few seconds.


    then think... know her much? not knowing someone can make a great way to a conversation.


    but yeah. maybe she's just nervous. just hang out with her more or something. maybe then you can get a date or she'll like you enough for something more...

  10. i guess i really just don't know her too much, but i'd think i'd be able to talk to her some more. the only time i can is when her friends are around and they're saying something and i'm just joining in on the conversation (she seems to hang out with her friends a lot). i've thought about going on a date. still thinking about it too.


    yet still i'm just confused and have nothing to say....



  11. i hear ya man. it's like some sort of barrier between you and the social world. you need to like, find out what that border is. i realized mine was part parents, social ability, and flat out self-esteem.


    i hate sitting home all day too. but hey, u need to call someone, i guess. i should prolly be calling my girlfriend more often. we need to go on a date. i don't know her...


    **think about what i just said.


    i said i really needed to get to know her. that's my state of mind. i haven't really carried it out like i really want to. there's like a soft window between us. we can see each other. an occasional conversation can be carried out when the window breaks. but if we got to know each other more, there could either be nothing in between us, or a wall.


    almost the same with friends. all u gotta do is hang out with them when u can. it's hard for me too, but try to be where the attention is at sometime. shy guys like me have a tough time at that.....


    btw, really important. ever think of what the meaning of life is? u think u have no meaning.

    i basically have no life....

    u need to find yourself. talk to someone. not a friend, it may be too much to handle. as in they might think your not too straight.


    anyways, i found the meaning of my life from a priest. my church's priiest, of course. they know a lot.


    anyways, my priest once asked me:

    "So what do you think you live for? What's your purpose to life?"

    me: **had a dumbstruck look on my face then he said:

    "many people have their own opinion. but when i ask people this question, my best response so far has been: 'i think the meaning of life is just to live doing what you want to do the most, whether it be for others or yourself.'"

    he later added:

    "so what do you think you like to do the most"

    me: 'Listen to music'

    him: "and so you pursue your life to listen to music and whatever else my revolve around it"

    today i play the guitar and saxaphone. i love to play on the guitar cause i listened to rock all the time.


    He said more than this, however i must go on:

    i, as he said, pursued my life as a person music lover. who knows, maybe that means i come alive during parties. it seems to happen most then. it sparked a lot of the first things i've done in my life: dance, talk a lot more than usual, stay up so late it's not even early in the morining it's like friggin afternoon and i really could care less about what happens when i fall asleep on the ride home.

    those kinds of things are fun.


    so take a look at yourself and think: what do i like and how does my social life go with it?


    there are deffinately more than one thing u will like, and deffinately more than one way they can go with your social life. i also like soccer, basketball, tennis, video games, just hangin out by the lake on vacation with some old friends.


    but now i'm back on topic. hangin out with some old friends of mine. how did that happen?


    one day we just met and became friends since then. tons of things to do on vacation near a lake. i think i'll invite my old friends to go on a tube ride or something fun on the lake.


    i guess in the end it depends on where you're at and what you can do with it. my riends that are closer to home hang out at the library. not inside. just playing football outside. can't join them. i've got a parental barrier blocking me. gotta work around it.


    sorry this post was so long. if you've read it this far, have a nice life. ttyl

  12. i've been through something sort of like that.

    i met this girl online who was from Michigan (i'm from Oklahoma, FYI). we got along famously and talked for hours. it was a LONG while back though, but my dad caught me chatting with her and thought she was one of those people who pose as teenagers but r really old grandmas 'n stuff. we loved each other. we never got to the point of telling each other that, but we did.


    The seperation we had hurt me so bad i was depressed for a long time. probably should've taken an anti-depressant or something, but was too embarrassed to ask 4 one.


    neways, if you've read a few of my new posts you'll see that i've met someone new. i've moved along, though i'm not sure she did. however right now i'm not thinking of that, but my new girlfriend.


    short terms, it hurts to lose a friend like that. but in the end, you'll get over it and find someone new.


    just go out there and explore the new world as a single man. go to a bar or somethin and find a chick. or if u'r one of the lucky people who r good at dancing, go to some dancing place. find a girl there and slow dance with her. then start dating her. pretty soon, you'll like your new life.


    hope that helps. i wish i someone to tell me that when i was separated from my old love....

  13. know any good starting topics?

    we're both sort of new to each other. me and my friend would hang out w/ her sometimes when she was with her friend, so we sort of know each other. neways, she seems sort of shy. when i called her to ask her to the party, she seemed sort of shy.. there was a long, awkward silence in the middle of the call too... we still love each other though.


    don't really know what she likes yet.. guess that might be a good topic starter. first time on a "date" so i don't really know the best things to ask to start a good conversation...

  14. so i'm goin on a date (if u can call it one...) with my new girlfriend to some skating party that is supposed to replace a dance... neways, through a little bit of experience, i heard girls like comedy.


    but what do they want to hear from you?

    a joke as funny as hell or a lasting conversation?


    if anyone could give a few pointers on what girls really want to hear, hears a thanx in advance to ya..

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