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Posts posted by nikhilgore

  1. What I would recommend is that you go talk to the police and let them take this over. I'm sure they have more resources at their disposal than you ever will. Also talk to your husband about this and see what he has to say (i mean marriages are all about communication right?)

  2. I am going to advise you to do one of the hardest things you have done. After class tell this girl that you have to talk to her since its really important. Then tell her exactly how you feel without making yourself look like a loser. Also tell her that its hard for you to deal with this and you want to move on in life and find someone who makes you happy and vice versa (coz I bet eventually thats what you want).


    I went through a breakup a year and half ago and I started NC only to have her contact me and assk about me. I think she got the message once I dropped off her stuff at her door and left. It took me a year to recover (where I did not date at all) but now I have found a girl who is even more perfect for me than my ex ever could've been.


    Hope things go well tomorrow and remember that in the end you want someone who wants (but does not need) to be with you.

  3. She's just trying to see if she has options in case things dont work out with her current bf. If I were you I would just move on forward from here and know that you did the right thing here. Seems like she is not the kind of person you would want to be with anyways. Count your blessings that it ended when it did. I went through the same thing and I assure you that onc eyou find someone new all this will just be a bad memory.

  4. I like aueft had a similar experience and I would completely agree with him. Eventually you end up investing so much in her since you are spending time improving her self esteem that when she finds someone else that you'll feel really spent and unappreciated. There is really nothing that you can do to help her other than send her to counselling but some people are just messed up and there is nothing you can do about it. I would be interested in hearing people who have gotten out of this with a positive result. AFAIK you're setting yourself up for a heartbreak but I know that you have to find out for yourself so best of luck.

  5. ...so should you. I wish life was like the movies but as you have experience it is not. I think you just go out and start having fun. I will bet that you will meet someone even more perfect for you. Now that you've made youre life better you should go and reap the benefits of your hard work. Definitely keep the door open in case your ex comes back but that is a none in a million chance.


    I dont mean to sound like a jerk but I was in your shoes about 6 months ago and while I might entertain the idea of my ex coming back I'm not putting my life on hold for it and (moral of the story) neither should you.

  6. Dude I totally feel you. I am in the same boat that you are wherein career and financially I have more than the average person in his mid 20's. Like you my past two exes have found the love of their lives(or so they say).


    The one difference is that after my last ex left my I realized how much I had been missing out on single life. So since then I have been having a great time by just doing what seems like fun to me and this is something I would advise you to do. Dont go looking out for love it will come to you (caveat: keep yourself available).


    Like you I would give up the fun for the right girl in a heartbeat but you have to enjoy life until then. A married friend of mine tell me everyday that to enjoy my life as it is now as life changes for good once youre married.


    Like you I have put all my cards on the table and have faith that good things will come my way. You have to believe that everything happens for a reason and I assure you that once youre ready for the love of your life she will come into your life.


    The one thing that I noticed about me and my friend tell me too is that I have high standards and I (and you too) expect the same level of success from a prospect.

  7. Youre absolutely right in thinking that hes testing the waters right now. Also youre absolutely right in wanting to keep away right now since it seems that the only reason youre considering it is since you have some residual feelings. As long as the chats on msn done really affect you then you should just go about life as you were before he contacted you. From what I see it seems like curiosity that is causing you to not block him off msn.

  8. Your story makes me wonder if you have checked to see if shes having an external affair? I would investigate that angle before doing anything. One of the main questions you should ask yourself is whether if things were to get better woudl you want it to work between you and your wife. Either way I think you need to choose one way or the other.

  9. So it seems to me that there are four points of views. One of the important factors is your sex. Males seems to not want to be friends and move on whereas women tend to want to be friends (for honorable reasons). Also it does make a huge difference if youre the dumper of the dumpee.


    Also just to clarify in my case here is what happened. She dumped me and said that she still wanted to be friends since she still cared about me. I needed my space so I did always return her call but never initiated a call. Of late I am really feeling like I'm over her and so I did call her twice. In the first call she kind of told me how her life had gone to hell which I really felt bad since I now realized how much I cared about her. I gave har advice and offered emotional support if she needed it. Second time I called her to check up on how things were and just to make sure shes ok but I havent heard back from her. I'm worried that something bad might have happened to her but I dont want her to feel like im chasing her so I havent called again to check up on her even though I am concerned about her well being. There is no doubt about the fact that I will call her again but I dont want to be misunderstood.

  10. Ive seen this question pop up in this section quite often but I dont know whether I've got a satisfactory answer yet.


    Why do exes still want to be friends?


    So far there are the following explanations:


    1. Its good to be friends with exes since its to show that youre really over the other person and you can have a normal healthy relationship with that person.


    2. The ex (maybe) still has feelings and is curious to know if you have similar feelings. Maybe after they leave they realize what they walked out of and are looking for an opportunity to get back


    3. The ex is someone who wants to show how much better their life is without you. They want to put you down by showing you that you were holding them back and now that youre gone they have fame/fortune/...


    Personally I dont really want to stay in touch with my ex unless there is potential for getting back together and if the opportunity persents itself then I might not even take it. However I never intended on keeping in touch but only did so to not be a jerk when she called me and gave me the whole speech of staying friends.


    Anyone feel like enlightening me or better yet just rambling on more on this topic?

  11. Dn makes a very good point. Another thing that you should think about is that are ou willing to go through life without trusting her. I mean whats to say that after a few years of marriage that she feels like she needs a break again. The more clingy you get the more you will repel her. Go out have fun and if you feel that she is the one for you then go after her.

  12. I would do it for a woman if she would do the same for me. I think its the saame feeling for both the giver and the givee regardless of the sex. So yes I would do it only because she is ready to do it for me.


    Oh and it doesnt taste bad. You just have to concentrate on pleasuring the woman and forget about all else

  13. Thanks for the replies everyone. I see how this is can be considered as emotional cheating even though I did not have any plans for doing anything with my ex. However coming from my gf's point of view I can see this is being an emotional let down. Gosh I wish I hadnt made this mistake but I think I am a better person now that you guys have helped me understand the problem.


    PS: Sorry for hijacking this thread for my own devices but I thought my question was very relevant.

  14. Yes in a way I did allow a married woman to believe that there might be something more but she literally wanted to fly me out to her to sleep with her NSA which I did not take her up on. The emails I dont remember but I know they were just one line replies from me to a one page email from her. I did talk to her on the phone about 2-3 times a week.


    Also I am not looking to get back together with her (my current ex). Single life has been more interesting and I'm meeting great new people everyday. I just want to figure out if I did cheat. I dont feel I cheated but people have their own opinions.


    I'm just the kind of guy who cannot sleep with someone who I am not emotionally involved with. For eg last night I went out for a friends birthday and there was this one girl who asked me if I wanted to have a one night stand to which I refused. Also the birthday girl wanted me to kiss her and I did - on the cheek.

  15. So I have an interesting tale which I have always wondered if it was cheating? So I was dating this girl for about a year and then was contacted by my ex coz her husband was going to beat her. So I spoke to her and basically calmed her down and cleared up the situation between her and her husband. Oh btw she is on the east coast and im on the west coast. Anyways after that conversation we kept on talking and I didnt tell my current girl about it. She basically started emailing/calling/IM'ing me about how she wanted me back and I just basically told her no comment. Its not that I wanted her but she had dumped me and I was still ticked off about it. Anyhow she kept on emailing me love letters etc. So finally my current girl found out about this and dumped me. I tried to explain to her that I wasnt interested in my ex and I hadnt seen her for 3 years ( at this point it was 2 years into my current relationship). Still she thought this wasnt worth saving which really bummed me out coz I had stood by her though all the agony her family put her through and was thinking up long term plans with her.


    So my question is did I cheat??? Please explain your opinion

  16. While the others might make sense to you they dont to me. I understand that you are confused but what you should do is just give him some alone time. Call him and leave him a message saying that you understand that he needs space and you respect it and he should call you once hes takena deep breath. After this if he doesnt call within a week then you know its something serious or bad which leaves you two options: Leave or try to understand him. Make sure that we men arent too good at revealing our emotions and when we are under pressure we just push everyone away.

  17. Never ever ever ever say that his behavior explains why she cheated on him. Also saying that you understand why she cheated on him is unfair. I have been cheated on and have heard those same words and I think it was the worst thing anyone could say. Even though I dont know you or your bf I wouldnt wish for him to hear those words.


    Just my 2c

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