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Everything posted by honeybunniey

  1. If only there was a magical book with all of the answers!
  2. Sorry guys, I forgot to mention that this is a lesbian relationship. We do not have to worry about common law. But, I want to thank each of you for your opinions and support.
  3. No I have not spoken to her. She is in Honduras visiting with her family and Iam in Texas at home. I will not be able to speak with her until she gets back next week.
  4. My gf of 8yrs left me behind and went on a trip saturday, knowing I was excited, I already bought my plane ticket, and bought gifts for her family. Iam 31 yrs old and a little old fashion when it comes to love. I went out last night and had a little bit too much to drink and ended up kissing some one. I have never done this through the eight years of relations with my gf. Iam very faithful. The kiss felt good as well as having someone to talk to and laugh with. My family and friends are so angry with my gf for her previous actions and said I have every right to never speak to her again (MOVE ON, YOU DESERVE BETTER). On the otherhand, I feel so guilty about this kiss last night. I feel like a big cheater!! Its not me. How do I stop feeling like this? Is it normal to feel this way over a kiss with a stranger? My gf has made me angry, sad, and confused. Any advise is greatly appreciated! Thanks
  5. I am a newbie. I have been in a lesbian relationship for 8year. Im 31 and she is 39. Its been a rollercoaster ride and there is a 11year old daughter invovled who is very possesive and jealous of the relationship. Mom is in the closet with her daughter. We have had a trip scheduled to honduras for a month now to see her family. Two days ago she started acting strange and would not look at me. She said she was fine (stressed out). Thursday I cooked dinner invited her and daughter over to eat. She was acting strange again. She called her daughter and said not to come eat there is too much pepper on the steak. I have cooked like this for years there has never been a problem. She had a few other wise cracks. I told her to pull her head out of her kids butt and stop being manipulated over something so simple. She got pissed and left. I called her and asked to call back, because the trip on Saturday and the attitudes are unconfortable. She got up this morning and left on her flight. Never called and I am out 700$.. She invited me to go spend time with her family and was very excited earlier this week. Iam very hurt and confused. What the hell happened or went wrong? Did I do something wrong? All of my friends and family are very disgusted and in shock by her actions of JUST Leaving.
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