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  1. first off, hi all. a little about myself, im a shy pretty intraverted 20 year old guy, ive had a few relationships but they never really went anywhere. i guess im what you would call one of those nice guys. i could go on but ill just get to my problem for now. i met this girl through a friend of mine (his girlfriend actually) (we'll call them joe and cindy) and we all hung out every now and then with all our other friends and she and i would talk. well they started having problems and she would come to me to talk, i would do my best to give her advice and whatnot i even talked to joe about what was going on. i actulally think i have a nack for this and yet i cant solve my own problem, hmmm. i started to feel like Dr. Phil. but despite cindy's best efforts they couldnt resolve their issues, joe had changed, he wasnt the guy she had fallen in love with and she wasnt happy with the relationship. she broke up with him yesterday. Now for my part of the problem, of course the more we talked the more we learned about each other, about how much we have in common and there was an attraction that i know we both share and would like to persue some kind of relationship. the thing is im not sure how i really feel about her but i figure time together will shed some light on that but i just know it would be very awkward if were together and with our other friends and her ex (mind you a good friend of mine). i just dont know what to do any more. thanks for reading all that jumbled mess, any advice is greatly appreciated
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