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Everything posted by XrucuX

  1. Hey, Cant tell whether she is flirting? If you are friends with this girl you could but seeing as how Im a girl and do flirt...Pay lots of attention to how she looks at you smile or not...its all in the look.
  2. You see, I have this guy friend that Ive known for 1 year 2 months and he has had so many relationships that it did not ever bother me when he wasn't spending time with me.I knew I couldnt get him to stop hanging around his girlfriend, and I would never ask him to do so but before he was seeing anyone we became really good friends, and then he moved to a new school and thats when he started becoming anti-social and I get really depressed sometimes because I am always making the effort . I guess the real question is...should I stop making the effort to hangout?
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