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Posts posted by DropToZero

  1. Line: "You'll do".


    LoL yeah I dont know how old some of them are, I just see them on T-shirts everywhere, some are good...some are just stupid. This one above tho, I've seen before on one of our shirts lol


    Umm...I can't think of any right now off the top of my head, I still haven't seen this one posted yet, but it was clever


    "Do you believe in love at first sight? Or...should I walk by you again?"


    Everyone's probably heard of it..just only one on my mind right now.

  2. Ummm...I work at a popular teen clothing store...in which we have many many many sexually innuendo'd t-shirts and stuff...I'm not going to name them all lol, but I think my favorite one is...


    "If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?"


    But...that's a pretty safe one compared to most of the others hehe

  3. People are fools, what goes around comes around...I'm even pretty young and I've seen it too many times, even if it comes back around to me. Everyone is right though, be glad you're out of it, go find someone who's more trustworthy and enjoy your life. Don't worry about her, and if she ever "comes back" with problems to you, tell her she deserves them...she may never know what she put you through till it happens to her.

  4. no its not a serious job, just a job at a restaurant while i'm in college. this sounds funny but it kind of seems like we've gotten past the whole "we should hang out sometime" thing because we're at work together 25 hours a week, and we have fun at work, so while we're there it feels like "hanging out". i just want to tell him. but don't know how.


    Yeah I know what you mean, I've done the same thing with a girl I worked with...but there's still a difference between *co-worker* and *date*...just suggest something outside of work.


    LoL annie, just saw your avatar...nice, did you get the kitty drunk? hehe

  5. ok. picture this situation. you're a girl, and have been liking this guy for about six months. you think about him all the time, you get along great, flirt, and see each other alot because you work together. you really like this guy and you guys get along but you think he has no clue how much you like him. he makes comments that suggest (after some analysis) that he thinks you're out of his league or something. such as you're having a conversation and you happen to remark that the guy who played spider man was hot, and he says "i wish i were him" and you say "whys that" and he says "never mind". you are slim and quite attractive while hes more your average joe. you like him quite a lot. how would you tell him??


    He likes you, it's a "tactic" to get a girl's interest by claiming you're too good for her(as long as it's in a funny way). Don't tell him you like him, just say "we should hang out sometime," that's usually my go ahead whenever I can tell a girl's interested. Since most girls won't actually ask a guy out on a date, that's just their safe way of putting it into words that they want you to ask them out. By the way tho, if this is some serious job(and you NEED it), don't do anything stupid...even though I know it's easier to listen to your feelings than your mind, if you need this job and you actually go out with him and things ever go sour...you're stuck working with him *just a fair warning* either way...good luck!

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  6. I haven't seen my g/f since the night before new years eve...and before that night, I hadn't seen her in a week and a half. Lately, I've had to call her or text her every time too...which still has only been like once/twice a week. It sucks...doesn't it?...sadly, I'm the one who works 2 jobs and goes to full time school...somehow I have time to make for her, and she doesnt...and all she's doing is school. I dont know, I'm starting to feel like you though...don't really have any advice...I just keep seeing this "relationship" isn't much of one since we never really spend much time together and/or talk like we did in the first month or so. Might just end break up too...let us know what you decide if things dont change...cause I dont see things changing on my end(even though I thought they had begun to when we first started dating).

  7. Sorry I don't have any answers for you MetallicAguy, I'd just like to hear these answers too. I'm a little older than you, but from the time I was like 7 until I was 18("adult")...I was forced to go to church. Never really liked it, just did it to please my parents...even though before I was 18 I knew I really didn't want to be there...I had the common sense enough to decide whether or not I wanted to follow Christian ways. Anyways...I was forced to go up until the day I turned 18, and all that time...I never really believed, sure there would be times I would try and figure out what everyone seemed to see. But then I would just see some drama within the church that totally counter-attacked what was quote*unquote 'christian-like.' Most people were just "sunday christians"(people that only go to church on sunday and then they go back to real life the next day). I had friends in church, but none of them ever seemed all that into it...even when I went to a church camp like you Met...no one was "christian," it was as bad as being in Highschool(sex, cussing, drugs, picking teasing on other kids)...and I was only in junior high at that time. I dont know, I just guess I never really saw it or felt anything...


    Then I go to college...big change, now personally...it took a few classes, humanities and english classes, and a couple of movies I'd seen before I truly began to question being completely agnostic. I had believed there was a God...but, now...I'm not so sure. There's all these different religions and "gods," and people don't understand that everyone thinks they're following the "right" God(s). So how can you go up to them and say they're wrong....just because that was what you were taught in your life? More people are killed because of religion than any other thing in this world...so how can you say yours is "right" and just act like nothing's wrong. One of the pastor's sons...who I remember being very into God and acted very much like a strong believer...he was only a year or so younger than me, I ran into him a little bit ago. Since he entered a christian college, he's now changed colleges, become a democrat, drinks and parties more than I do, and no longer follows his parents christian beliefs. I dont know, maybe it's just college that puts this idea of free thinking into one's mind so they come to a realization that there's more about life than "God." This is just my story...I'm not going to try and argue a point, I want to see what others say about what's "worked" for them.

  8. There's no cheating going on...you two weren't in a defined relationship...date whoever you want to too. Never get set on one girl until you're sure you're even ready for a relationship and she is too. But like I said, it wasn't cheating, she doesn't have to break it off with you first, she just did now...when she did enter another relationship. As for hanging out...and what you're asking to do, I say no...move on, keep dating others. If they ever break up she may date you again, but sure as hell don't sit around and wait. Good luck!

  9. Hey man, don't worry about it, things happen to all of us. Trust me, at least she felt bad...whether or not that's good or not I don't know. But hey...this past summer I was with a girl for the first time in like a year...and then when we went to actually have sex, because I prolonged foreplay for so long(wasn't sure if I wanted to sleep with her)...when we finally made it to bed, I lasted like 30 seconds...that's embarrassment. No hard feelings between her and I...but it doesn't feel great to be laughed at when I was the older one who was supposed to be more experienced and "last." So yeah...see it happens...just relax, next time. If anything...tell a (close) friend, I did...and he had his own story (very much like yours) just to cheer me up and feel like I wasn't alone. Just brush it aside, it'll be cool.

  10. I know this will seem like a short response...but this girl is either really really really GOOD...or really really really BAD. I know, impossible, but what I get out of it is...she's either really experienced, doesnt want to get hurt, and wants to be sure you're really into her. Or...she's really inexperienced, and isn't sure if you like her, feels really unconfident about herself(b/c she doesnt know why you like her), and she's just playing dumb.


    I know whatever I say...you're going to go on with it anyways because you're going to want to know what's gonna happen between you two. So...you want my advice, dont "try" too hard (like she wanted)in a sense...but ...make a move. Get with her, whenever(like new years eve like you said)...and just kiss her when the timing's right. Flirt like hell, talk, laugh, drink, and make a move when you're staring into one another's eyes.


    Or...which I know you probably won't do...you can just stay away, avoid the whole thing, and go find someone else.

  11. I think you should leave it all out, and not tell her a thing. Sorry, but just blurting out that you like someone head on, is flattering, yet also somewhat confronting, and you may scare her off. I'm not saying your idea may not work, I'm just saying tread softly with this word "feelings," and the "feelings" you have...don't start using those words so early on and spill them all out before you've even gone out with the girl.

  12. Hi,


    Girls on this forum talk about a guys job and sometimes other material qualities. How important is it to have a good career/job earning money being respectable, having direction type person. I only ask this because I think it concerns me directly, i.e. I have no direction I don't earn much money nor do I have what could be considered a career by any means.

    Maybe girls see my lack of direction or credibility, perhaps they prefer to be date someone with a job they can romatisize or is it just that a steady stream of income only getting larger is somehow attractive.






    Girls like money...money equals power...power is "sexy." (not that I get any rush out of it hah) I think girls see it as someone who is more in control...personally...I'm all for your idea man, money's a bs concept...it means nothing really if you think about it. As for your direction in life, who cares...just make sure you do what YOU want, I'm just a college student working my butt off in two part time jobs(one of which may as well be a full-time one in hours)...and I hate it. This isn't what I want to do with the rest of my life...god be damned if I stay here, I'm not going to spend the rest of my life running up a corporate ladder through promotions, just so I can die in the end...there's more to life(and women should take notice of this too).

  13. Nobody has *time* in this world any longer, everyone wants a quick fix...that's how a lot of people are now. Being someone who normally does lift and run though...I just recently got promoted, and I'm putting in so many hours between two jobs and schooll...now I understand why some people want it though. I get home from work too late, and I'm way too exhausted to even try and lift...I haven't in the past 2 months and I hate it...just a little info too, of course school ends for the quarter...and I get sick from being so worn out...still can't lift to try and gain the weight I've lost.

  14. I'm a guy, but I think it's a 50/50 thing too. In most sense though, the guy is *supposed* to be in control, it's not just the idea of being in control though...so much as it is the idea of being wanted. Everyone wants to feel wanted, so this goes a little beyond domination, because...damn...when my girl jumps me, it's probably more of a turn on than anything knowing she wants to go at it that badly and wants me. I'm sure I could make a safe assumption that's how women feel sometimes too...of course depeneding on their mood haha

  15. Ummm...You don't tell her that. She accepted to go to the movies...alone with you right?...well then that's proof enough. Take it from me, don't tell her you like her...just talk and flirt like hell, if she's touching you or flirting back it's all good. Sometime into the night try and hold her hand(not too early)..if she lets you great you're doing well(but don't hold it all night and be clingy). Then...as long as things are going well, if you feel confident enough you could try for a quick kiss at the end of the night when you take her home...just depends, don't force anything though. Have fun, and stop stressing.

  16. why do some women date more than one guy at once? whats the psychology behind it? do they really expect to find a decent guy or is it some kind of power trip trying to search for the best guy ? very confusing to me


    Umm...why...there's nothing wrong with it...that's why. I've dated more than one girl at once...as long as there's no set *relationship* you don't own her. She is free to date whoever she pleases and choose who she pleases if she wants to, or she can keep dating you all and stay single...personally that's the easiest way, relationships arent easy. Just as well though, you are allowed to date others too...don't start thinking exclusively from the first date...never think that way.

  17. If you're always online, you're not out there getting real world experience...so you're more than likely not going to be meeting anyone(really, online friends you can't hang out with on a sat. night unless they live near you). There's such a thing as *too nice* too, and that's the sort of area I think you're in...you don't have to *change* per se, but you're going to have to be more open, go out and have some fun. You don't have to go to bars, there's plenty of other activities in your area probably. Go to parties, you don't have to drink, but bring some sort of beverage at least, not everyone at parties drinks to get drunk. I'm sure you could actually search out a few online guides or something on here, I know diggity made a pretty good one, but what I get from you is you're so nice you're letting girls walk all over you, and unless you want to change that...I can't help you.

  18. Hi,


    I'm a 24 year old male who never talks to girls (ESPECIALLY ones I find attractive), I avoid eye contact like the plague, I don't smile, I don't look happy and I am very shy with women in general. I would love to be in a relationship as I'm a very caring, warm and funny guy. I'm also smart, good looking and kind. However, I don't go out actively looking to women, I NEVER talk to strange women and I expect the women I meet to do ALL the work of flirting, initiating contact with me (verbal and otherwise), and I usually take weeks or months to get the nerve up to finally ask out the girl I like.


    Why am I still single???


    KEVIN!!! Did you REALLY just ask "Why am I still single?"...re-read what you just posted man com'on.

    What you just said was something like "I'm really really really skinny, I never go out to eat, I expect the food to be brought to me 24/7, I can't even use a fork without someone feeding me....why am I skinny?...why can't I get bigger?"


    You've got to just learn man, take a risk, take a chance, this is life, you only live it once, and if you're not living it the way you want to you're wasting time. If you take months to just ask her out, she's probably more than likely not going to wait, learn to talk to EVERYONE. I don't care how you do it, just DO IT...get a part-time job at a local area where you're FORCED to talk to people or something...go volunteer. Just learn to be social around everyone and it'll come easier. You've just got to get over the fact of being shy, it's okay to be somewhat coy, but from what I read, like I said above...you're taking it to too much of an extreme if you expect some girl to just walk right into your arms.

  19. Haha wow...you're right, I've never even thought of this. I never thought of the double standard in that...so...*hypothetically*, if I ever wanted to be with a prostitute, and got caught, all I have to do is claim she was going to pay me for the services I gave her too...and according to government regulations it would be legal(like porn). The only question I have is the fact that...isn't porn paid by a third party(i.e. production team?, not actor to actor...so maybe my idea wouldn't work) America's so messed up...and god knows I would never get away with that lol

  20. hahaha my bad! i saw someone else type coffee shop below the OP so i just went with that, i am in the south have never ever heard of Tim Hortons


    Tim Hortons IS a coffee shop...I mean, among other things. It's just that-that is probably what 9 out of 10 people are there for at 7am. I don't get up at 7am to get doughnuts hah. But they do have like croissants, and muffins, and doughnuts, and probably some cakes if I remember...but I'm not sure about any special drinks. I don't really like coffee all that much, so I don't know a lot about it. Blue Skittles, the best thing to do is just relax though, it may sound weird, but you've got to treat everyone just like you've known them for years(no inside jokes though hah)...you'll be fine, I like gnabna's approach too.

  21. The situation: So you are standing in line at the local Tim Hortons, 7am, and there are 3 very hot paramedics standing in front of you. The line up is quite long so there are many chances to make small talk, but nothing comes to mind.


    The question: What kinds of things do you say in situations like this? I seriously don't get out a lot and my only chances to meet new guys are in situations like this... What are some good opening lines? Something kinda funny to get a conversation started.


    Pretend you're choking?...that should get some attention...lol


    Other than that, it's 7am and you're at a coffee place, most everyone is tired as hell and doesn't really want to be up or they wouldn't be there in the first place to get coffee. Honestly, if I was approached by a girl at 7am, I'd be kind of annoyed. Any other time though, like after they wake up, just say "HI"...it's not that hard. You don't have to be witty from the get-go, and if you want something funny to say, you could be like "shouldn't you three be out saving someone right now? hah, coffee shops aren't the first place I'd look, but I would check mcdonalds down the street before you leave the area since you could get a possible 3rd degree burns from their coffee." I dont know...something stupid like that...but you have to say it in a funny tone, don't act serious.

  22. Hmmm....well, like the above are all mostly saying, in one instance..my first time ever doing FWB, I got attached and it ruined the whole thing for a little while, but of course it was all fixed later on. And in my 2nd instance, me being more experienced from the last time, I didn't get attached to this girl...but somehow after one night together, I think she did somewhat get attached...because despite what she's saying, I think she hates me right now because I got into a relationship with another girl and not her.

  23. Well I have heard guys I know talk of them with alot of respect and admiration yet on the same note make fun and trash regular girls who have sex.

    To me its a double standard and I never understood it.


    Yeah agreed, it's a double standard...not just for comparing porn models to other women, but the idea that men = have as much sex as they want, and get praised for it, and women = having too much sex gets you labeled, and makes you frowned on. It's a stupid standard that most people think this way...it takes two people to have sex(at least), and every time it happens with others you both gain one more partner, a guy is no more or less than a girl when it comes to having sex.

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