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Posts posted by DropToZero

  1. This goes way back...and even to this day is still on my mind. I will make it short as possible tho.


    There was a girl, junior year of HS...met her, had no interest, never thought I would either. Thru out the year I learned we had a lot of the same musical interests...she may have been a little more of a partier, but I suddenly found myself wanting to be with her...and I had no clue why. Well that year went by w/o me asking her out, but I did my senior year ask her out. I'm guessing I came accross as a little too unsure of myself, but she said she was already seeing someone, so letdown, or truth, I was just gonna take it and leave. Then she stopped me and asked for my number...and I gave it to her...still not exactly knowing what was going on.


    She never called, and I expected it....but for some reason...it drove me crazy that I couldnt figure out why she asked for my number. I was constantly thinking about her 24/7....for like 3 weeks straight after I had asked her out. It got better, but I still had her on my mind a lot....everything somehow came to remind me, even a few very odd things that happened the day I asked her out. Senior year went thru, I talked to her, but not as much as I always wanted to b/c I never found out anything more about her. I cant describe it exactly....but I could be having the WORST day of my life...and just talking to her for a minute would make it all be forgotten. It was like being excited and nervous at the same time....and I havent found any other girl that can do that to me...I'm sure if I loved her, dare I say....but she's still on my mind even today...what was it?

  2. Hey, I've got the same problem with a girl that I know b/c I dont know if I've already messed it up becoming too good of friends with her. I think she may not think of me as anything more than a friend now. Anyways tho, I agree with drahcir, you need to get out and practice, you cant just sit back and think about it. Its something that may have to be relearned, and you cant be afraid of something so stupid as talking to girls, life's too short...and you're only young once...

  3. Well, Yea Queen, it is good to be friends first...yet at the same time Ive learned that doesnt work from past experiences b/c I could be thought of nothing more than a friend... I just don't know if Ive already waited too long because I havent made any moves of any sort besides asking her to lunch one day. I can't tell if she even wants me to try again or not...and at the same time, I dont want it to become awkward or something b/c I do try again...or dont. I'm kinda lost on this now...but I have until Thursday...thats the nite of the concert. But...I also have to see her again some time too, b/c Thursday is the only day I know that I will see her for sure. It has to do with this one place where commuters go b/c they dont live on campus, and every thursday I go in there to a locker and she's always in there.


    By the way, commuting sucks! live on campus for all who are younger! Putting too many miles on my del sol! Thanks for all advice so far too, and always welcome more.

  4. Um...k, Im not gonna try and make this really long cuz no one likes reading huge stories. So like first day of classes, college is awesome heh, but I literally ran into this girl on the bus....anyways we became friends somewhat, asking names and stuff, and when she got off the bus she asked for my name and told me hers and said 'see you around campus.' Well...no I didnt get a number, but yes I was interested.


    Well few weeks actually went by before I saw her again, and it was cool, we had no classes for like an hour or so....so I walked and talked with her for about an hour, talking about college and stuff....but I never really made any attempt at trying to get a date or anything. We've just been kinda doin this for a while, until like a week ago I asked her to lunch, and she said she was already eating with someone else....but then said 'some other time'....I dont know if it was a letdown, the truth, or both. I havent tried again in a week or two, but I havent talked to her as much.


    Hey, I won tickets to a 3 Days Grace concert this weekend, and have an extra ticket, and she knows....but I have no idea if she likes me....I just have this gut feeling that Ive brought myself accross as nothing more than a friend...and if there is anything I can do about it. I cant really find an opening to flirt with her even. There's no huge signs that she likes me, just pays attention, looks me in the eyes, and we dont have too much of a problem talking....but I have no idea if Ive already screwed myself over

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