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Everything posted by hurtinDude1

  1. Alright heres the story, my Ex and I got into a huge argument last month on the 28th. She broke up with me the next day because she was tired of my temper and jeolusy and also she wanted just to be single again. Well I did the mistake of begging her, crying, and all that stuff for about 2 weeks. She couldnt even look at me cause of that. After I finally realized that I was just being selfish on my behalf and I was just hurting her even more. I went into NC for about a week, and the day when I broke NC with her, she looked like she missed me a lot. So we started hanging out together and it seemed like she was happy to be around me. She let me hold her and we lay together on my bed. She was happy again to be around me. But when at night, she dont call me, email me, or IM me at all and this past weekend I asked her if I can take her lunch break with her and she said no. I had this feeling that she was very confuse at what she wants. So today, I asked her what does she wants. She didnt say anything, just looked really confused. I asked her if she was happy when we werent together and she just looked really upset and didnt answer me. So I told her that it is better for us to not talk or be together anymore until she makes her choice. She was really upset after I told her that I just want her to be happy whatever if its me in her life or without. Do you guys think think that I did the right thing today? Thanks.
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