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Everything posted by sfangel1

  1. It seems that your girlfriend might be confused as to her own life and her own goals. I think she needs time to find herself. Unfortunately, if you truly love her, the only thing you can do is respect her need for space. It is hard especially at that age to find yourself and your goals in life with a relationship taking up a lot of her emotional time. I know it really sucks, I was in a similar situation where my boyfriend wanted "space" to get to know himself better. After days of crying and feeling rejected, I decided that my love for him was strong enough that I could let him do what he needed to do to be a happier person. And at the same time, I took that time out to do things for myself like pick up a hobby or reconnect with long-lost friends. In my situation, the time apart made my boyfriend realize that he missed me and he needed my support in order to accomplish his goals. And we eventually reconnected and got back together. It is possible that your girlfriend needs some time to reflect on your relationship, and to realize how much you care for her. Considering that you have only dated for 6 months, and you have separated briefly at least twice, the best thing is truly to just let her have her space. It could be that you met her at an awkward point in her life. But have hope, it sounds cliche, but if you two are meant to be, you will get back together. Hope this helps!
  2. My boyfriend of 18 months and I have been having ongoing problems. He is 23 and I am 24. I moved up to San Francisco about 6 months ago, and hence, do not have many outlets besides my workplace and my boyfriend. Recently, we've been spending too much time together, that we fight over very petty things. We also argue about my need to be near him, and his being suffocated. Although we have both professed our love for one another and are on the same page about being the ONE for each other, the recent strains in our relationship have pushed my boyfriend to ask for space. He says that he no longer feels the spark that he used to when he sees me. Not only does he want more alone time, he just wants us to be friends. Now, he has no intention of dating others because he believes as I do that our relationship is worth fighting for. I can't help but feel rejected and vulnerable, even though I know this is the best thing for our relationship. And the strain is hard on me since I have not yet adapted to my new town. Please give me advice on what to do to save this relationship.
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