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  1. mb37kids - had you had such doubts at the beginning ? Were you concerned about him being too young?
  2. Well, at first there where other things, like she's getting into relationship too short a time after finishing with her ex, but now I know (believe me on that) this is the only thing. The problem is also that her fears prohibit the "strong feelings" you talk about. There are feelings of course, but the "fears" get in the way nonetheless.
  3. I'm 21 y/o and dating a 24 y/o girl for almost 2 months. So far relationship has been great, but the age issue comes out over and over. My gf comes from a conservative family, who think I'm much too young for their daughter (they think the age diff. should be at least the other way around). She is not free from such thoughts, and thinks all the time what if I decide in a few years to have a younger lady, or that I'd be holding her back from marrying and having children in the "proper age". She's concerned, that she may be with be for the coming years, and then she'll be less "attractive of older men" if I won't be "the one". Don't understand me wrong, I was not searching for a girl to "play with", and as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with having the first gf as the only one (if it fits.. - she's my first gf, but she had some serious relationships before). Usually I don't see the logic in her fears, but I do know I won't be able to marry her in the next 3 years or so, on economical basis (please don't tell me "don't talk marriage yet" - I don't I'm only discussing an option). What do you think, can a serious relationship between people of close, yet different, "phase" of life work? What can you advise? What should I tell her? I care for her a lot, and don't want her to get hurt, but I also fancy our relationship and really believe it could work. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I know exacly what you're talking about. I too have this weird feeling when talking on the phone with my gf (more than with other people), like some screen between us. She said at first that I'm "too formal" on the phone, but I explained to her that it wasn't half as formal as I usually talk, and that I'll try to make my self better. (don't pay attention to the way I write here, English is not my mothertongue). I must agree with s2s, at least in our relationship, I can tell a great deal of what she says, or doesn't say, only from her expression, her eyes. So much of it is getting lost on the phone, that it doesn't really feel like a complete conversation.... Do you feel the same way?
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