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Everything posted by dhf411

  1. tha best thing i think u can do is give her some time and just be her friend. later if u still have feelings for her start flirting all over agin and take it from there.
  2. The most important question u have to ask your self is do u love him back. If your not sure then more than likly he is just saying it. Its kind of early in tha relationship to be worrying about love anyway.
  3. Ive been with my girlfriend for the past 6 monthes and i know that i have alot of feelings for her. She is my only reason to even attend school but latly ive noticed she isnt as attentive as she used to be and she always acts bored on dates and stuff. Ive com to a point where im running out of ways to keep her intertained and im worried that maby she doesnt like me as much as i like her. To top it off she has this really good guy friend that she is really close with and before i met her they fooled around and other stuff but she tells me they arnt serrious any more but this year at school they have alot of classes together and hes talking about trying to take her from me. what should i do? i cant let her go ill never find anybody as great as her.
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