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  1. I don't want to make your situation worse but maybe ask where this is coming from, or why it is such a big deal because the longer you spend together the more you share and the more you will have in common. However, coming off a 6 year relationship, my Ex said silly things like that I think to mask some other concearn that was not generally my fault but just a problem with him. Sometimes people like to point fingers at other things to make themselves feel better. Or use silly excuses to break up when there might be something else concearning (or distracting him) him. However, don't go overboard he may generally want to find things you have in common.
  2. I just recently found out my boyfriend of six years has been hiding many lies of cheeting from me over the course of the entire relationship. Looking back he was a very good manipulator to make me think I was over reacting and overly-jelouse. The last girl he cheeted on me was a friend of mine and co-worker of my brother. They litterly did it right under my nose (in our bed). Thanks to my brother, I was finally clued in. She stupidly told people at work! My Ex finally confronted me with "the truth," I am finding out now his "truth" was still littered with lies. He even lied to this girl about intimet details of our relationship, and told her if we werent dating they would. I was stabbed in the back by my Ex and all our friends because they all new. My brother helped me take controll of the situation and stop all communication. The Ex left 4 pethetic messeges and wrote me a letter. I think he wants to make good, and hope that I will esure somekind of future months or years down the road. I have not talked to him at all or communicated with him. He left town to let me move out of his house. I took everything I paid for (except gifts). and toor up all the pictures of me and him and left them on the bed. I am trying so hard not to be spiteful so none of them will ever have a reason to think I am a bad person. I desperately want to talk to him just because I have been ripped from my companion I thought loved me, and I am so lonely. I have no more friends and I am feeling so alone. On the other hand I desperetly want revenge. Although, its sooo hard to stick to the line "the best revenge is living well." Please HELP ME... After 6 years could he date and commit to her that quickly? If I did give him a future garuantee could I EVER trust him again (his letter seemed sincere)? To seek revenge or not?
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