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Posts posted by adviceplease2

  1. 6 minutes ago, Alex39 said:

    It's not even my mother anymore. It's me. Do I want the responsibility? I like sitting at home at night, able to do whatever I want after work, watch TV.  For cheer, I have to spend all my own time picking out music, creating routines, and making sure I'm organized, and I don't get paid for that. I get paid for the one or two hour classes I get. 

    I thought it would be great exercise for me. A great way for me to get out. Meet new people maybe, though unlikely, I'll be working with little kids, and not sit around when I'm not working. But being pinned down multiple nights a week for a year scares me. You don't get a break. You have to be there. 

    For comparison sake I'll mention this.  

    In January I was approached about coaching my 11 year old sons little league team.  They had too many kids and not enough coaches.  My first thought was no way, it'll take up all my evenings, I'll have to schedule practices, coordinate with an assistant I dont know, interact with parents etc etc.....

    I said yes.  Why?  The biggest reason besides feeling like I'd be letting my son down if I said no.....was because I knew I'd obsess over it, I'd regret NOT doing it....because I knew I was able to.  If I said no, I knew it was me just not wanting the responsibility and that would eat me up.

    Don't regret not doing this for yourself.

  2. Go through with it.  Be the best you can be and just do it.  Don't listen to the negativity.

    I say that, and I need to listen to my own words.  I'm middle aged, divorced, raising my 3 kids from marriage and I had to move back in with my mom so I could raise them on what I make in income.  The negativity has been with me since childhood, I just learned to block it out..most of the time.

    Don't be like me and let your mothers negativity run parts of your life.  Especially something you're passionate about.

    Do it....dont regret not doing it.

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  3. I happened upon this site in 2015 after a breakup that left me emotionally destroyed.  I'm sure the old posts are still here somewhere.  I dont care to look back at them ever.

    Since then, I didn't come back for 5 years, just logged out and never looked back.  Why do I post some now....I dont know.  I see younger folks post on here in the midst of emotional turmoil and I think I have enough sense and experiences to maybe ease their pain a little or just flat out help them realize their decision making.

    I post from my phone while at work some, but its mostly at night when I'm settled in.  

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  4. One step at a time.  Don't let everything get you at once, break it down and try to confront issues one at a time. 

    I'm middle aged now...there was a time when I was entering my mid 20s, never having kissed a girl, never having a girlfriend....then my focus goes to improving certain aspects of myself.  

    Make it simple, improve yourself one little step at a time.  Get the ball rolling so to speak.  After while, that momentum accumulates.  You'll get frustrated some, sure....but its not the end results you're looking for....its the journey and experiences.  

    One thing at a time.  Find a club to join....a church....an activity to do with others....volunteer somewhere....stop worrying about not getting yourself out there before and change it, start it now.

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