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Everything posted by Debz

  1. and don't use the internet. You need to work on your self esteem and work through childhood stuff so you can break the cycle of being with people/partners who don't appreciate you and put you down. I know you find it hard to interact with people but please don't use the internet. This will only isolate you further. Find a good therapis to talk to, you can use the internet to do this. Or go to Relate...I don't know which country you are from but in England we have Relate and relationship counselling is where I would guide you. I am reading a great book by Relate on relationships and self esteem at the moment. It won't be easy, I am starting out myself on my self esteem and am scared stiff, but I know it will be worth it in the end. You deserve to be happy and live the life you dream of so I hope you can work it out. Is there no -one who can be support for you to help get you started? If not you are in the right place to find it by talking to us here Good Luck
  2. I understand how confused you must feel. There could be a number of reasons for her behaviour, but one that springs to my mind is perhaps she wants to be friends but doesn't know how. The person who leaves the relationship still has to go through the process of getting over it as well as the person who was left. She will be feeling a rollercoaster of emotions which can change in an instant. I think you both need to decide whether you want to pick up a friendship. If you do, you need to not have any contact for a while so you can both get over the relationship but make a promise to each other to get in touch at a date in the future to see whether it is still something you want. In the meantime concentrate on living life without her and try not to dwell on it. I know this is sometimes not easy, but not impossible! Good luck
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