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Posts posted by JuJu

  1. That's good that you're walking away from the fights now. Maybe they wouldn't have to "assume" how you feel if you told them. Do they know? Maybe you should just sit down and talk to them. Tell them your feelings and maybe that you need help. I hope you do tell them and I hope they listen. Good Luck!!!

  2. I know that hugging is only one way of showing affection, but I've just never met anyone that hasn't liked hugs before so I was curious about other peoples knowledge on the subject. I don't think he has a problem expressing his emotions, he's good about that and we pretty much talk about anything and everything, but there is just this one thing. It's not like it's interfering with our relationship, I just find it strange. I think they remind him of something, I just don't know what. Because, yesterday when we were talking he asked me if when I see stuff or hear stuff if it reminds me of something else. I said yes. Then he said, "Kind of how hugs..." but then trailed off quietly so I don't know what he was going to say... ](*,)

  3. Didn't know where to post this.

    Has anyone ever met someone that doesn't like hugs? Is there a name for something like that??? My boyfriend is like that. He doesn' t like etting hugs, but he won't tell me why. He will hug me sometimes, but I still know he doesn't want to because he doesn't like them. I asked him if he had a traumatic childhood experience involving hugs. He said no. I just told him to tell me whenever he's ready or he doesn't have to tell me at all, but I really wanna know!

  4. Dave, I'm not really sure what you were asking help on...but I'm sure everything will be fine and work out, even if it only works out for you to just be friends. I don't think the friendship has a chance of ending because it has lasted over so many years. Maybe she just needs some time to think things through. Just hang in there! And Good Luck!

  5. If you love meeting new people then you will just fine! Moving is hard, but don't worry, you'll make new friends. Just don't put on a "show" to make then, be yourself. Maybe moving to a new place will be better than where you loved before! Good Luck!

  6. I'm sorry to hear all of this. Your mom probably is just a little more irritable right now because she just had the baby. She has hormonal imbalances and probably isn't getting the sleep she is used to. It will all blow over and things will be fine. Maybe you should try to talk to your mom about this. If she snaps at you, leave the subject alone...maybe talk to another family member. And...it's prefectly normal for babies to spit up a lot. She'll sit up on her own around four months old, crawl some time after that, and usually walk at about one year old. She'll smile around two months and laugh at three. I hope everything goes well and you and your mom get along! Good Luck!

  7. Well, I don't live in Virginia...but my birth control costs $40. Where I live there is a Health Department and they give birth control pills, shots, and condoms out for free. Look on the internet for your area and maybe you will find something.

  8. Well, although it's good you pull it out and just don't let it go inside of her...the pull and pray method is not always something to trust. This is because DURING sex (before you pull it out) you still let out fluid, it's almost like prejaculation, but not really. The fluid still contains sperm, which could obviously impregnate your girlfriend. Not a smart idea. Use a condom next time or get her on the pill.

  9. Haha, we're not the ones with the accents. You aussi's are!

    Well...maybe we do. Depends where we live, if you live in the north (close to Canada) you sound like a canadian, if you live in the south...you have that slow southern drawl. In the middle...you just sound like a big hick. I'm a northern girl myself, right on the border of Canada...we say "eh" a lot. or "hey"

    Brenno...think twice about being a monk !!!

  10. Hey Blayzed, I'm sorry if my comments offended you. I wasn't making an accusation, I just asked. And like you said, he's your only friend....make new friends. It's what people do, you don't have to lose him but you don't have to have only h im as a friend. There ARE other options.

    Once again, sorry if I offended you...and you're right, I don't know what you have gone through, or why you have a problem trusting people. You can trust other people though. Not everyone is bad. And I understand that you don't want to see this girl of his hurt him, but sometimes...people get hurt. It's just what happens, that how people learn and grow.

    Well anyways, I guess that's enough from me...sorry if I've bothered you.

  11. Just curious...are you gay Blayzed? Sounds like you really like your bestfriend, like...maybe as more than a best friend and you just want to hang on to him. Maybe lay off the weed. It just messes you up. I know some REAL messed up people from that. It gets you no where. Once in a while, I'm down with....but not on a daily basis. I agree with RAUL though, you need to find some new friends, get out....do things for yourself, don't revolve your life around your one friend. Maybe get a girl, we're not ALL control freaks, besides...you have to see beyond that and give us a chance!

  12. Good one computer guy!!! and I like it bent upanddown100, gives a different feeling, don't worry about it. I remember I felt really guilty and like I was betraying my boyfriend when I first started masturbating, but then I got over it and do it all the time. Well...not ALL the time, but you get what I mean!

  13. Aussi boys are so hott! And I love the way you guys talk!!! I wish I lived there. Oh, and I accidentally wrote "Duderanomi" on that last one when I meant two write "Brenno69" Sorry! I love to dance, that would be my main purpose when going clubbing too...not to pick up a guy. Maybe sometime you should try going home with one of these girls. Maybe if you have casual sex once, it will turn into something more later. Or when you do go home with them, maybe just fool around, but don't sleep with her and talk to her and tell her how you feel about that whole situation of casual sex.

  14. eksman needs to get a control on his horny 15 year old self and not follow int he foot steps of his brother. his brother is the kind of guy that will sleep with a girl, tell her he'll call her and then forget about her and she'll be left in the dust. not cool. as for the girls at the bar...the girls that are good for the growing ego, are also known as s|uts. they might as well just go sell it on the corner. they aren't worth hooking up with, especially if you want it to last longer than one night. (which you do Duderanomi) I think it's really sweet when guys want to wait. And don't worry, you will definitely find another long term relationship, you sound like a nice guy, and by the way you get hit on at bars, you sound cute too! Good Luck!

  15. I go with what he said. You pretty much just repeated yourself from your first message about her being scared or nervous. If you two always were able to talk freely and everything than she should have no reason to be nervous, unless she is planning on breaking up next you two talk. Maybe her act of being silent is her way of breaking things off. Sorry. I still don't suggest going over there though. Bus do whatever feels right to you.

  16. Get your classes switched! That's what I did when there was someone I couldn't stand or an idiot of an ex boyfriend in one of my classes. Don't talk to him, but when he is in your presense, talk to other people around, look happy. Act like he has not ruined your life and stomped all over your heart. You're better than that. You can't make yourself appear vulnerable and you can't let him see that he has hurt you. If you see him in the hallway, just walk bye or there is always killing with kindness. Sometimes, when I have enemies, or people that I know just don't like me...I'm always very nice to them. I smile, say hello or wave when I pass by. It gets them so confused that they don't know what to do. I'm not sure if that would be a good method in this situation however.

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