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  1. I'm new to this forum so bare with me I've been in a relationship now for coming up 6 months. I wouldn't say that I'm entirely happy with him or our relationship, but he isn't a bad guy. I don't feel as if he will cheat on me, and he works very hard (harder than I do most of the time!) and making sure that problems in our relationship are worked out. Yesterday at the beach with his family, I noticed once we got into the water that there was a very busty young blonde girl in a string pink bikini sitting nearby. I knew that he noticed her as well, and caught him glancing over a few times. Once on land, I noticed him look at her maybe two more times. Again, just glances. Not oogoling or anything. But he knew right away that I was upset. And for the rest of the day I was disturbed to say the least. I felt ugly, I wanted him to know that I noticed his glances, I clarified why I knew he was looking (ie, pretty girl, big breasts, little clothing). He got upset at me for being upset. And, I know deep down that its a perfectly natural thing. Glancing, admiring. I look at pretty girls too but I look because I admire or perhaps I'm envious. Men look though because it's sexual. I guess it bothers me to think "hm, what is he thinking when he looks at her?" and then to think that when i'm not with him, he most definitely looks at other women. My boyfriend is not "one of those guys" that drools at women all day, is a womanizer, what have you. He seems entirely normal, and he does respect me and honestly tells me that I am beautiful. But all day and all night I stewed over this, and felt awful, and very very very upset. Please help me with something that is going to help change my attitude and outlook, something a little bit more than "it's normal to look at other human beings". Thanks very much
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