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Everything posted by alfal99

  1. please help me....my faith is so important to me, its one of my biggest things....btu im bisexual, and i have a boyfriend. now ive personally belvied that its not who you love, btu how much you love that decides if youre a good catholic, but it just seems like everyone around me disagrees...and the last time i heard, "thou shall not be gay" isnt a comandment, while "thou shall nto lie" is! input, please?
  2. hey...i kinda need soem help....i kinda have a crush on this guy in my theatre class, and even though hes in theatre and the cliche is gay lol, i dont really know if he is, or even bi (like me). are there any ways i can tell, besides him saying something?
  3. im a guy, 13 years old, and ive had a few girlfriends.... but every now and then, i get some gay fantasies... now i know im not gay, because im still atracted to women, btu does this mean im bi, or is this normal for some guys at this age, to kinda question thier sexuality? thanx
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