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  1. Yes,thats exactly what I mean he gave me the money for no particular reason.He handed me the money and when I tried to give it back he just whispered in my ear for me to keep it.
  2. Well basically I hardly ever talk to this guy and were not dating or anything.Actually I used to be interested in this guy until I found out that he had a kid for an ex-girlfriend and 3 kids with the girl he is with now.And I know other girls that have been around him a lot longer than I have and he hasn't given them money before.
  3. To all the married guys and well the others can answer to.Why would you give a girl other than your wife/girlfriend $10.00?I mean just give it to her for no reason.Would you be wanting something from her aftrewards?
  4. Hey guys,I have a mojor problem.Ok so here goes,there are these two guys and they are friends but I think that both of then like me.Well I am not interested in one of them.I like the one that seems to like me but is a little on the shy side.My first question is if you and a friend like the same girl would it stop you from asking her out?My second question is how can I get rid of the one I don't like but still manage to catch the one I am actually interested in?
  5. Guys I need a little help figuring out the signs that a guy will send if he is interested in dating you.So could you please give me some signs that a guy possibly sends to a girl that he wants as a girlfriend?
  6. Ok,well I work at this race track and usually this guy doesn't come down there unless his friend is racing.But lately he shows up every weekend.The first time I said anything to him he had this really big smile on his face.Now he has gotten to where he will talk to me a little more.The other day he pulled straight over to where I was and I said what is this drive through service.Then I said that I usually have to walk to the road and he said nah I'm not gonna make you walk.Does this guy like me or am I reading to much into it?
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