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  1. Brother I can relate it's been about 7weeks for me and it seemed like it was never going to get easier, if you can do it i suggest therapy, as i was going through depression and anxiety attacks it really helped(if this applies to you )and if not sometimes it just helps to talk to someone thats not involved in the situation(objective) unlike friends or family. You have to stay busy, and respect her wishes or it could ruin any chances in the future. I recently came to the revelation that she has a different life now that doesn't involve me, and although we agreed many times to remain friends in the event of a breakup. you never know whats gonna happen till it does, and it really sucks. You've got the right attitude so hang in there, the ball's in her court and you can't runaround the net to get it so keep posting and you'll get lots of support and sugestions here. Ron
  2. I've been reading a lot of posts here and just like a lot of ya'll i'm having trouble healing from a bad break-up (won't bore ya with the details) i'm in therapy and had some law trouble because of it(dui). one thing i've learned from my therapist is that my ex/g of 5.5 years was and still is suffering from "borderline personality disorder" look it up on the web and the symptoms could explain a lot about your ex. reading the posts on this site has been a lot of help for me but i've got a long way to go. if anyone wants to discuss it post or message me.
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