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Posts posted by boltnrun

  1. A Facebook "friend" is leading a movement to get our governor recalled because she hates being home with her kids. Her words..."I'm not cut out to be a stay at home mom. I need to go back to work because I can't take this anymore." For the record, she cuts hair and has been back at work since the beginning of June, but I guess she dislikes having to limit how many clients are in the salon and having to implement safety protocols.


    Yeah, the governor has done awful things like mandate safety regulations and sign legislation forbidding landlords from evicting tenants who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic AND that pays the landlords funds to make up for the lost rent. Yeah, the guy is just terrible.


    Time for an "unfriend"! I can deal with differences in opinion but I can't with people who despise spending time with their own spouses and children. Why did you marry and procreate if you despise family so much????

  2. On the morning news:

    Lead story - Coronavirus cases are spiking! Hospitals are in a crisis, reaching capacity! So many sick people, so many deaths! Officials are concerned and recommend people only go out if they have to, and masks should be worn!

    Next story: This restaurant/bar/gym/amusement place is reopening and we think you should take your family and go!


    Am I the only one who sees the discrepancy here???

  3. I get that people are bored at home, but is going out worth dying? Or worth bringing the virus home to a loved one? How awful would those people feel if they have to send Grandma or Mom or Dad or their kid sister or brother to the hospital to die?


    I also don't get the vitriol with which people are expressing how very much they hate being home with their own children and spouse. If you despise spending time with them that much why did you marry that person and then procreate? And I don't mean the people who simply say they have cabin fever. I mean those that are practically screaming "get me away from my kids and my spouse! I can't take it anymore!"


    That one guy the news interviewed summed it up..."No one I know has it so it's not real to me".

  4. My appointment is this afternoon. And my brother wants to visit this upcoming weekend. I think I will ask him to postpone. This weekend is Independence day weekend and the Covid non believers will be out in full force. I don't want him to sit in traffic for hours and hours.

  5. What I don't get is why people are surprised. Who thought the pandemic was over? Who thought encouraging people to crowd at retail locations, restaurants, bars, amusement places etc. was a great idea during a freaking PANDEMIC??


    Now, I do have a ton of sympathy for business owners and their employees. I truly believe funds could have and should have been diverted to help people pay their rent or mortgages (and one measly deposit of $1200 isn't enough) and to provide food allowances for those who had been employed but were no longer due to shutdowns. But dead people cannot buy beer at a bar, cannot dine in at a restaurant, cannot go bowling, cannot go party at a club or go tubing at the river. And they cannot serve those who choose to patronize those businesses.


    I don't have an answer. But I do know that no one can boost the economy from their deathbed or from the grave.


    The mayor just basically told us it's up to us to make sure we don't contract the virus. No words about adjusting regulations except closing bars and closing the beach for 3 days. Yeah, that's going to do it! The virus will vanish because people didn't go to the beach for 3 whole days!


    I saw a couple of posts on Facebook that basically said "no one I know has coronavirus, so for me it's just not real." Awesome.

  6. I don't workout when I'm working because my 11 hour shifts require me to be either standing or walking the entire time. When I get home I do not want to be walking anymore!


    I drink a Vitamin, Core or Bai water daily and my order of multivitamins should be here tomorrow. I prefer gummies for some reason. More fun, I guess.


    I'm actually LESS fanatical, not more. Because the news reports and updates from medical professionals are not saying the cases are on the rise because people are catching the virus from a can of soup or a container of milk! They are catching it from each other.


    I feel like more re-closures are in the future, whether or not people want them.


    Anxiety is less constant. Yesterday was a bit bad but for the most part I don't have the constant flood of adrenaline and cortisol I was having before. It's several hours a day but not non-stop.

  7. My job cannot be done from home. It's not an office job. Basically, I supervise employees on a production floor and run the production. I can't do that from home.


    I'm doing a bit better with the whole surfaces thing. I saw another program today where the doctor who was the medical expert said it's community spread that is responsible for the spike. No one is saying that there are so many cases because people didn't wipe down their groceries. They are catching it from being around other people.


    I am still wiping down my groceries but I am getting less fanatical about things like something coming into contact with my clothes. I just undress and shower when I get home. I put my clothes in the clothes hamper and don't touch them again until I load them to take them to the laundromat, usually at least one day later.


    I went to a different grocery store today. It's a 30 minute drive but it's the chain I went to in my previous city and I know the layout well. And it wasn't that busy at all. One dingbat who had removed his mask but every single other person had theirs on. Not bad at all. Half my groceries are still in my car but that's because I couldn't carry them all! Perishables got wiped and put away, everything else will sit in my car until tomorrow.


    Session two with my psychologist is tomorrow. I am looking forward to that.

  8. I saw this on the morning news a few weeks ago, but they were talking about restaurants offering takeout. They were broadcasting live from the restaurant. During the live shot the man cooking for the customer stirred the food, set down the spoon, readjusted his mask by touching the front, then picked the spoon back up and continued cooking. The customer had a physical reaction to that...he literally stepped forward. I would have walked the heck out of there after giving them a piece of my mind.


    I watch some You Tube videos and there was one posted by what seems like a very nice young man. He and his friends love to go to theme parks (sigh...) and he was giggling while filming his friends touching things in the gift shop and trying on hats and then putting them back on the rack. There are signs in the shop saying not to touch anything unless you intend to buy it! Some of these young people though...

  9. Our governor just reinstated bar closures. People just would NOT stop packing themselves into bars. They NEEDED to cram themselves into small, crowded places to drink alcohol and socialize.


    I said it before and I still believe it...people think if the government reopens businesses it must be because it's safe to do so. People don't believe that the government would allow anything that is unsafe. Unfortunately, it comes down to a choice for small businesses in particular...open and provide financially for their families and accept that some of their employees and customers very likely could get sick and die, or stay safely closed and be unable to provide for their families. And corporations want that profit margin to show their stockholders, and they can hire people to replace those who get sick and/or die.


    I'm choosing to continue Safer at Home, at least until I am ordered back to work. Then it's work, grocery store, laundromat, gas station, home. With some safe distancing walking and some sightseeing drives sprinkled in.


    I'm cancelling my haircut appointment. I don't feel safe.

  10. He doesn't actually mean he plans to move to Canada. I can't tell you how many times he's said he is going to or wants to do something and a day or two later he's on to a new plan. I told him he gives me whiplash. I never try to help him with any of his plans because they never last.


    He really is a sweet guy. He just lacks direction and follow through and he is super impulsive. But he has a heart of gold.

  11. The thing is it’s not easy to immigrate here either, not even for Americans.


    My friend is very young. He's still at the age where he thinks if he wishes for something it will come true.


    It's funny, he is the same age as my older child and they couldn't be more different. My son is married and owns a home and has had the same job for about 3 years. My friend bounces from job to job and home to home. He too is married but they move around frequently and do a lot of impulse buying, plus they keep adding pets which makes renting challenging. He is a super sweet guy and wouldn't hurt a fly, but he has trouble deciding what to do with his life. Which isn't a bad thing and certainly isn't uncommon but he makes his own life more difficult than it needs to be.


    As for Canada, I think even if he could move there he would find it to be a big culture shock. Right now the US is being run in such a strange and unsettling way.

  12. The mayor of my city just closed all bars that don't have restaurant permits. The state governor mandated masks in retail, restaurants and service establishments and when outdoors and social distancing cannot be maintained.


    My friend said if the current leadership regime gets another term he wants to move to Canada. I told him Canada (rightfully) doesn't want us, not anytime soon.

  13. Things are bad here and I know it.


    But...I read an article from a very reliable source that said what I've been suspecting all along. Direct human contact is the most efficient way for the virus to be transmitted. I think it said you only have a 10% chance of coming into contact with the virus off of a surface, and even then it most likely would be so weakened you couldn't contract it (exception being if it had been a very short amount of time between the virus landing on the surface and a person touching it). This medical professional said he wishes businesses would focus less on wiping down surfaces and focus more on making sure workers are socially distanced and are wearing PPE (masks, goggles, face shields, etc.). Also on keeping work areas well ventilated.


    Of course places like the grocery store are not well ventilated and there are a lot of people crammed into close quarters. Also places like laundromats. So it's very important to maintain social distance, wear a mask, and minimize the amount of time you are around others. I get away from people as quickly as possible.


    This is the reason why I'm so nervous about returning to work. My company is hiring and hiring and hiring, anticipating that a lot of people will stop coming to work due to contracting Covid. They have hired so many that there is nowhere to put them so they are crammed into the building looking for somewhere to stand. Managers pretend to follow regulations but they don't bother unless someone else is looking. I've literally witnessed managers telling employees to step away from each other before they take a photo that is supposed to prove social distancing is happening, then telling them they can step back after they've taken the photo. They lie so they won't get yelled at; protecting the workers comes second to covering their own butts. And that's a shame.


    I plan to leave the company as soon as I possibly can. I will have to pay back my "signing" bonus but that's fine, I will do that. The only holdup is, of course, the challenge of finding a job during a pandemic. I have almost 3 months worth of expenses saved up and I will have to make that be enough.




    My brother asked if he could come visit or if I would go visit him. I told him to come here because I feel like I have more control over my own home. He has been traveling and has gone to restaurants and I don't know how he maintains his home. Here we can wear masks and stay 6 feet apart and we can go for a walk above the beach.

  14. Yep, agree. I don't know why it annoys me sooooo much. I think it's because I feel so bad for all the members who have spent so much of their time giving thoughtful, helpful and constructive advice - really genuinely trying to help someone, and all for nothing. Not even a common courtesy thank you. Nothing. Ugh.


    This forum is WAY better than another one I used to frequent. That other forum only allowed people to respond with "Hugs to you! I'm so sorry you're hurting!!" If anyone gave actual advice they got an infraction. One time a guy posted asking for advice, we gave him advice, he chose to ignore it, then came back later to say we had been right and he should have followed our advice. I simply responded thanking him for coming back and saying that people usually sincerely tried to help and give good advice. I got an infraction for "flaming" and was told I had no right to chastise him for not taking my advice. Say what? HE said he should have taken our advice! And the mods did not allow you to respond to any infractions. I left that forum permanently.


    At least here we are allowed to give actual advice. Even if we don't always succeed at telling some people what they wanted to hear lol.

  15. Just today I have counted eight one hit wonders. Yes it annoys me, lol. Gah.


    We must not have told them what they wanted to hear. Which I never understand. Do what you want! You don't need a bunch of online strangers to approve your life for you! If you already know what you want to do then just do it!

  16. My other cousin who was a die-hard supporter of a certain national leader has flip flopped. She is now posting about how Covid affects those with autoimmune disorders and how she hopes people are mindful about potentially exposing someone who has less ability to fight the virus. I guess she isn't buying the "hoax" theory and doesn't seem to subscribe to the belief that the worst is over and our country's highest leaders have handled the pandemic crisis admirably.


    It's a shame people only believe it when it affects them directly.


    Also, am I supposed to "like" those Facebook posts that show my friends and some family members taking their elderly relatives out to dine at restaurants or taking their toddler grandchildren to the McDonald's play area and letting them run around and play? Because I won't. I think it's terribly irresponsible.


    Ugh, we can defeat this pandemic but we all need to fight it. But too many people would rather pretend everything's back to "normal", or they want to politicize mask wearing and business regulations. We keep up like this and we will lose half the population. I feel for the poor health care workers in hospitals. I can't even imagine.

  17. I can't decide if I should go for a drive tomorrow or just walk my neighborhood. I'm leaning toward a drive because I would love to see my old stomping grounds (beautiful scenery overlooking the ocean) and I'm also searching for a drive through car wash. I had a garage at my old house but here it's only street parking. My poor car is filthy :( I found a drive through car wash yesterday but they had a guy sitting there who you had to roll down your window and pay. Hello, social distancing! I want the kind where you use your debit card to pay and then just drive through. My old city (where my kids were born and raised) has them.


    I risk losing my parking space but that's OK for now.


    Side note: I am watching old episodes of Property Brothers. I love home décor and looking at houses. But why, why, why??!!! do these people wear their filthy, disgusting street shoes inside their homes?? And then at the end when they have people over they are all also wearing their gross street shoes inside. I tell people to remove their shoes before they come in and no one minds. Ick!!!

  18. I was in my fav boutique today the owner said I have lost weight. I bought a top that I modelled in her last fashion show. The exact size that I modelled is now a little too big. Would be all the walking I’m doing though. My scale doesn’t say I lost weight but I could be losing inches.


    I'm sure you are getting more fit. Although weight may remain the same (or even increase), you have reduced inches.

  19. I don't mean that are blindly following the government. It's more like an excuse...well, if the government says it's safe then I can go out as much as I want! And if the government only "recommends" masks I don't have to.wear one!


    Have you all seen the fake "ADA exemption" cards people are making at home? The template going around has a misspelled word on it, plus the website listed is fake. These people think it will get them out of having to wear a facial covering. They are going to a lot of trouble to be able to possibly infect others.

  20. Interestingly, the cousin who had been posting all of the "Coronavirus is a liberal media hoax! Hospitals are empty but are pretending to be full because they get money for every Coronavirus case they report!!" suddenly stopped. She lives in Texas. Hm, wonder why the posts suddenly stopped.


    I hate for people to have to learn hard way, especially when it's someone I legitimately care about.

  21. We are required to wear masks inside retail and food establishments and grocery stores and service establishments (banks, etc.). Also required outside if we are near others. Outdoor exercise is exempt unless you are walking in a group of people who are not part of your own household.


    I wear mine when I walk because I do not go at sunrise (I'm usually still trying to sleep!) because my neighborhood is a popular walking neighborhood and I can't always get away from other people out walking. I do move into the street if someone is coming toward me on the sidewalk. And I move away from others. Even when I walk with my son or my son and his spouse we wear masks. We're all working (well, I will be working onsite soon) and we have all had Covid cases at our workplaces so we are trying to protect one another.


    I'm willing to wear one and not complain because I wouldn't want to unknowingly infect anyone. But yes, there are definitely times where it isn't necessary. I see people wearing them inside their cars while driving. I don't do that.

  22. Here we are at 111 for the entire province so I feel more safe.


    That's terrific. I hope your province continues to remain safe.


    I lost another pound. Sad face. Today I had an early dinner consisting of two hot dogs on buns with mayo, mustard and pickles, along with barbecue beans. I know that is all unhealthy but I need to gain weight.

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