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Posts posted by may222

  1. my bf has been confusing one minute he tells me he loves me the next he tells me that he thinks that i will leave him and that we will never make it last b/c we might like other ppl. He is always asking me to send pics of my gf so he can see them....everytime I ask him what he wants with the pics he says u dont trust me or anything he says that he wants to know who my friends are and stuff...he wants to know who i hang out with...I love him so much but i want to know if he is playing mind games with me and stuff he tells me he loves me but what......anybody help me please....



  2. hey it could be wrong but he has to trust you b/c trust is important i have a bf and i have tons of guy friends same with him he has tons of girl friends and i sometimes get jelouse and stuff but if u tell him that they are just friends I share everything with my guy friends but nothing that i share that is special with my bf that is the different its about trust which is important and u were sleeping he should understand, also he should talk to u in person and not over the phone b/c he could see ur face reaction and u know what if he acts like that again tell him who the hell he thinks he is there are alot of other men out there........trust me



  3. hey she likes u........its very obvious that she does she could be going out with this guy but has feelings for you.......play with time be the sweet guy u are and she would be coming to u like there is not tommorrw.



  4. Hey to all I am 19 years of age female and I want some sex advice I am still a virigin and I have been with my bf for 7 months now and we have been fooling around and stuff...but i think that it is time for me to have sex with him...I am so worried and everything before I was thinking about having sex with him I was looking at everything....like if i love him enough and what type of guy he is he is an amazing guy I go to university right now and he was telling me that he will wait for me until I am done university to have sex with me.....but he means everything to me I was wondering what do I do how do i show him while we have sex how much I care for him, how do I start do we start by kissing then having oral sex then having sex how do I make him happy and how do i stop myself from bleeding after or crying.......


    can anybody help thanks


  5. hEY YOU KNOW THAT CHILD COULD BE THE BEST THING THAT EVERY HAPPENED TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. This had happened to my bro and you know what my parents were the same as your parents. My brother had a worser situation he never even went to university. My parents learned that the son he had was the best thing that had happened to him because he live was hard and everything he faced was a challenge. Him and the mother of his child live in different cities and they are not together my parents till him that he should go with her but they have thier differences he at least sees his baby and i get to see my nefew. When you think that things are bad they get better.

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